Help!! Need ideas for a wizard killer


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I found several poisons on page 297 of the DMG that could be useful. The first is Id Moss which deals intelligence damage. Then theres Sasson leaf residue that deals 2d12 damage. You could also use poison to drain the wizard's CON so as to lower their saves against future poisons. A bow with the Flaming, Shocking Burst, Wounding and Bane abilities used in conjunction with a Greater Arrow of Slaying that has a combination of Id Moss and Sasson Leaf Residue on it would be extremley dangerous to a wizard. Get the Improved Critical (Longbow) feat so that you can take greater advantage of the longbow's x3 damage and the shocking burst's additional 2d10 points of damage on a critical. Also get the Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Many Shot and Shot on the Run.
There are also several useful magical items, such as a Necklace of Fireballs Type VII, a Rod of Absorbtion and Wings of Flying.
Could Ungent of Timelessness counteract or reduce the effects of Time Stop?

Fatespinner wrote:
Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
As for the bow, consider the merciful enhancement instead of flaming, frost, or shock. It gets by all energy resistance, and him falling unconscious is pretty much the same as him dying.
Can't get merciful in the Core 3, unfortunately. It seems to me that choosing Core 3 is going to hamper both sides pretty heavily, but I think it actually hurts the fighter MORE.

Actually, merciful IS in the DMG. It wasn't in 3.0 I believe.

I agree with the silence/poison combo. That may be your best bet (assuming you win initiative... at least you're looking at having a good Dexterity!).

Arctaris wrote:
Could Ungent of Timelessness counteract or reduce the effects of Time Stop?

In a word... no. A 150 gp elixir can't do anything against a 9th-level spell.

buy ring of 3 wishes, it falls under your 33% cap, use first wish to cast Anti Magic field on yourself, Buy a heavy warhorse, take mounted combat feats and archery feats and mounted archery feats ride around and kill him.

Ashe wrote:
buy ring of 3 wishes, it falls under your 33% cap, use first wish to cast Anti Magic field on yourself, Buy a heavy warhorse, take mounted combat feats and archery feats and mounted archery feats ride around and kill him.

This might work in conjunction with a poison like dragon bile. I wouldn't have the first wish be anti-magic field though... I'd say that the first wish should be dimensional anchor, followed by glitterdust... and then anti-magic field. That may take 2 more rounds than you have, though.

Get quick draw and several weaker weapons that are meant for one-shot jobs. Combo a spell-storing weapon with silence and a poison to get through, then switch (even mid attack routine, since it's a free action!) to your heavy hitter, with all kinds of nastiness on it.

By the way, if the wizard has +2 Con and a normal cap of ~75 hp, and you hit him with dragon bile and do ~60 points of damage in a single round (with many shot, perhaps), then lowering his saves won't matter, because he'll be dead. The Con poison may well lower his max hp below the damage you've already done. If the numbers above are lower, so much the better, because it's easier to do.

Wow, good work all. Several questions about the above mentioned combos:
1. Spell storing- Isn't this fairly cheesy? The FTR can't cast teh spell after all. Not saying this duel won't be cheese build city, just sayin...
2. Damage/Con checks- Massive damage is based on ONE attack, so yeah, I’m SOL there. Con checks are total damage taken while trying to cast a spell. If I ready Manyshot in the first round, I should be able to hit him with 4 x (1d8+9+1d6 (and maybe an extra 2d6)). So minimum damage, if I miss ½, is 32-36, so even with a 21 CON check, it’ll be 50/50, which is fine. Anytime you make someone roll in combat, it’s a good thing. With Haste from boots of speed, I should be able to get in an extra attack in the second round, esp if I ready and stop him casting in first round.
3. Poison- How do I put poison on the arrows before I draw them? Kinda silly to use an action to apply in the middle of the fight.
4. Silence arrows? Sorta like the spell storing question. Do I just price Arrows with the silence effect on them per DMG? And if they hit the wizzy, can I assume the spell effect follows him?

What has me rattled right now is Contingency. I asked for the triggering situation to be written down and given to the DM before hand. Mounted was considered, but with SOTR and boots of speed, I’m ok on mobility, and prefer to be able to hide when necessary. Also, even one fireball, and my PHB warhorse is toast. There go those feats… With all the mobility issues, I prefer ranged for this one. Even if he flies, I have 550ft, possibly 700+ft of range, which competes with fireballs, etc. The big bad nasty spells are all short or medium range, which is good for me, I do the same damage regardless of range.

Ok, so new rules:
1. Going for 2:3 fights
2. Terrain- We’re using a big battlemat with x and y axes marked. Starting placement will be random (die roll). Random roll to see if there is any terrain (50/50) If there is, terrain (jenga blocks) is 2d12 pieces, randomly placed as above. Dunno if there is a max altitude.

Keep em coming guys. Ok, lets say he gets the initiative. I see he’s got 3 options
1. Attack- Need to keep saves high and items ready
2. Buff- What would you cast on yourself given one round? Three?
3. Reposition- Try to get LoS, or far, far away. How would you do it?

And yes, a detailed fight journal will be posted :)

If you get a Repeating Hvy Crossbow, Take the Improved Critical (Hvy Crossbow) feat as well as Rapid Reload and then put spellstoring (silence) as well as Flaming, Wounding, Shocking Burst, Distance, and Bane and then put Id Moss and Sassone Leaf Residue on a greater bolt of slaying you should be okay. One other thing to watch out for is the wizard's familiar. If used well it could provide a major tactical advantage. Your Dexterity needs to incredibly high, as it affects Touch AC, Reflex saves and your initiative.

Hvy cross bow is meh. the familiar issue is a good point. Maybe I should freak him out and kill the familiar in the first round? Knock him down a level, if nothing else :)

Dark Archive

Ender_rpm wrote:

Wow, good work all. Several questions about the above mentioned combos:

1. Spell storing- Isn't this fairly cheesy? The FTR can't cast teh spell after all. Not saying this duel won't be cheese build city, just sayin...
2. Damage/Con checks- Massive damage is based on ONE attack, so yeah, I’m SOL there. Con checks are total damage taken while trying to cast a spell. If I ready Manyshot in the first round, I should be able to hit him with 4 x (1d8+9+1d6 (and maybe an extra 2d6)). So minimum damage, if I miss ½, is 32-36, so even with a 21 CON check, it’ll be 50/50, which is fine. Anytime you make someone roll in combat, it’s a good thing. With Haste from boots of speed, I should be able to get in an extra attack in the second round, esp if I ready and stop him casting in first round.
3. Poison- How do I put poison on the arrows before I draw them? Kinda silly to use an action to apply in the middle of the fight.
4. Silence arrows? Sorta like the spell storing question. Do I just price Arrows with the silence effect on them per DMG? And if they hit the wizzy, can I assume the spell effect follows him?

What has me rattled right now is Contingency. I asked for the triggering situation to be written down and given to the DM before hand. Mounted was considered, but with SOTR and boots of speed, I’m ok on mobility, and prefer to be able to hide when necessary. Also, even one fireball, and my PHB warhorse is toast. There go those feats… With all the mobility issues, I prefer ranged for this one. Even if he flies, I have 550ft, possibly 700+ft of range, which competes with fireballs, etc. The big bad nasty spells are all short or medium range, which is good for me, I do the same damage regardless of range.

Ok, so new rules:
1. Going for 2:3 fights
2. Terrain- We’re using a big battlemat with x and y axes marked. Starting placement will be random (die roll). Random roll to see if there is any terrain (50/50) If there is, terrain (jenga blocks) is 2d12 pieces, randomly placed as above. Dunno if there is a...

If I were the wizard and had the chance to go first, Time Stop is my first spell in order to get 3 rounds or so of buffing magic up. The obvious choices for what to cast as far as buffs go if I know I am only fighting a single fighter would be Stoneskin or Iron Body, Prismatic Sphere, and probably a Gate Spell to bring in a powerful creature like a Solar to aid in the battle. Another favorite tactic is to Time Stop and then drop Delayed Blast Fireballs on you. It isn't inconceivable that you could face as many as 2-3 Delayed Blast Fireballs instantly if he wins initiative and gets his Time Stop off. That forces you to face something like 36d6 or 54d6 damage right off the bat. You have to remember that he can spend gold on scrolls, so even if he can only cast 1 9th level spell, if it is time stop, he can use scrolls to cast as many more 9th level spells during the time stop as he has time for.

I have said this before, but you really can't afford to lose initiative. If you can't find a way to force the wizard to either cast spells to react to what you are doing to him, or to disrupt his spells altogether you may have at most 2 rounds before he will get enough magic off to kill or incapacitate you. It is in many ways going to come down to luck, but all the things mentioned in this thread will help you maximize the odds in your favor. A ring of wishes to generate an Antimagic field is a smart way to go as well to at least force him to take a round to figure out how to get around it. Even better, if you can use some of your gold to pay somone to cast a contingent spell on you to generate an Antimagic field on you the first time an opponent casts a spell you can really negate a lot of his advantage. He will likely think that if he wins initiative, that he will toast you with his time stop combos, but if you have a contingent anti-magic field cast on you by paying a spellcaster to do it you will laugh as his 3 Delayed Blast Fireballs go off without effect. Then you can set up your readied action to disrupt spellcasting routine.

I don't know off hand if there is an item in the DMG that will do it, but if you can find something that generates an antimagic field that would probably be easier, but the cost of spellcasting services is listed in the DMG, so you have a justification to pay for it. That way you insure that pretty much no matter what he does with his time stop if he wins initiative, you will survive to the next round and can set up your readied action/spellcasting disruption routine.

Dark Archive

Arctaris wrote:
If you get a Repeating Hvy Crossbow, Take the Improved Critical (Hvy Crossbow) feat as well as Rapid Reload and then put spellstoring (silence) as well as Flaming, Wounding, Shocking Burst, Distance, and Bane and then put Id Moss and Sassone Leaf Residue on a greater bolt of slaying you should be okay. One other thing to watch out for is the wizard's familiar. If used well it could provide a major tactical advantage. Your Dexterity needs to incredibly high, as it affects Touch AC, Reflex saves and your initiative.

Good point, he could invest in a Manual of Quickness of Action for 110,000 and it would give him another +4 to Dex if he used it before the fight started. Although that may not be in the spirit of the rules of the fight. Dex Dex Dex. For the fighter it is critical that his Dex be as high as he can get it. I totally agree with that.

I have +6 gloves of dex, and am pondering a slightly weaker weapon in favour of one of the tomes. 440K GP only goes so far :) Hell, even PW: Blind would gank me pretty badly (7th level spell). WHY is SR so damn expensive!!!

I'm not perfect on this; but here's what I'd try:

First off; DON'T play passive. Don't ready actions.

Pick up some Boots of Speed; Haste yourself immediatelly, buy an object with a Silence spell on it, charge into the fray and don't forget to take Improved Grapple so you can end your charge with a Grapple check. Unless you're more then 120ft apart (how much advantage do you want to give the ultimate artillery platform against the melee-machine?) you can reach and grapple him easily.

This limits your wizard to spells that have:
No verbal components (Silence)
No somatic components (Grapple)
No material components (Also grapple)

There are very few of those.

Of course, you will still have to win initiative.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

I reiterate: SR will not save you, save your money. An 18th level wizard bypasses SR 20 on a roll of 2 or better. If he takes ANY spell penetration feats at all, he will only fail on a 1. Unless you can figure out a way to get more than SR 25 or so, don't bother. If you played a Drow (you mentioned earlier) you could have SR 29, which would be helpful since the wizard would need an 11 to get through. This is, of course, not allowing for the level adjustment factor and giving you a "free" LA +2 race. If you are taking that into consideration, you would be level 16 with SR 27. Still useful, but now the wizard's chances are better than 50/50.

If I remember correctly, arrows and crossbow bolts cannot have poison applied to them because the poison would be removed in-flight. I'm pretty sure I saw that somewhere and thus only melee weapons can be poisoned effectively. I would check to make sure before you start developing a strategy based on poisoned arrows.

The silence ideas will probably be useful, but I think that coming into play with active spell effects running goes against the idea of the competition. After all, if you can come in with silence cast on a few arrows, why can't HE come in with prismatic sphere and stoneskin already running?

RE: spell effects- Thats pretty much what I was thinking, cheese. The spell storing idea may have to be revisited though. have a +1 spell storing bow w/ silence on it, drop the arrow near him, and then drop the bow, quick draw another, stronger bow, and wail on him. But contingency still has me stumped. CAn he really teleport as soon as he starts to take damage? I mean, in this case, it would make the most sense to thunderstone or tangle foot him, and use dust of disappearance on myself in the first round. Animated Rope may be a fun itme to keep handy too.

EDIt: SRD has nothing stating poison can't be used on a ranged weapon. But I'd prolly still have to use an action to apply it, and I need all the actions I can get.

Why not just have the poison applied to the arrows ahead of time?

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Arctaris wrote:
Why not just have the poison applied to the arrows ahead of time?

Or fill the bottom of the quiver with it so it coats ALL the arrows?

Fatespinner wrote:
Arctaris wrote:
Why not just have the poison applied to the arrows ahead of time?
Or fill the bottom of the quiver with it so it coats ALL the arrows?

You just don't want to get pushed onto your back with a quiver full of poison. Handstands are probably a bad idea as well.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

The Nephrite wrote:
Fatespinner wrote:
Arctaris wrote:
Why not just have the poison applied to the arrows ahead of time?
Or fill the bottom of the quiver with it so it coats ALL the arrows?
You just don't want to get pushed onto your back with a quiver full of poison. Handstands are probably a bad idea as well.

Heh, well, you would probably be using an Injury poison instead of a Contact poison in such a case, so it might not be an issue (other than possibly being a little messy).

Fetch a magic item with a permanent Silence area on it? I don't see anything really wrong with that.

Also; using poison arrows is a fairly commonly used form of attacks, so I don't see why it wouldn't be allowed in D&D. Stating that; why not go for Black Lotus Extract? 3d6 con damage on your Wizard might drop him instantly.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Ender_rpm wrote:
EDIt: SRD has nothing stating poison can't be used on a ranged weapon. But I'd prolly still have to use an action to apply it, and I need all the actions I can get.

You're right. My knowledge of numerous game systems is what's hurting me here.

I'm thinking of the Assamite's clan Discipline "Quietus" from Vampire here. There's a power which lets you secrete a poison and smear it onto a weapon, but it specifically states that a thrown weapon or arrow will lose the poison in flight and thus can only be employed in melee.

Ugh... brain.

For these ideas to work, I would need 20 doses of poison, or however many arrows I plan on having in it. Impractical at best. As a DM, I'd adjudicate it like oil of silversheen or keen edge, which is a Standard action. Lose a round of attacks. May be necessary at some point, so maybe I'll keep a vial stashed...

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Just grapple the wizard.

Get some boots to enhance your speed, win initiative and charge him.
Strangle him to death!

For the wizard:

He is going to cast time stop, during the timestop he'll gate something nasty, cast improved invisibility and watch you being torn apart by the nastiness he'll summon.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Oh, I just remembered one of the problems you will likely face:


Specifically, wands of hold monster and dispel magic. These will work just fine in an area of magical silence since they don't require speech. If you silence him, he will use the dispel wand to dispel the effect. In a pinch, he will use the hold wand to buy himself some time.

A rod of negation is basically like a supercharged wand of dispel magic. He might very well get one of those too. I would recommend getting one yourself to provide some way of ripping through his magical defenses.

Seems like archer and grappler are the most popular ideas here, with melee weapon in a distant third. My main concern with grappler is that he will pretty much always be ,ore maneuverable than me.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Fatespinner wrote:
Darkjoy wrote:

Just grapple the wizard.

Get some boots to enhance your speed, win initiative and charge him.
Strangle him to death!

Beware the ring of freedom. If your wizard pal chooses this for an item, all hope of grappling, pinning, or entangling is lost.

Good point, well you are dead then.

You could go rogue on him, take some cross-class ranks in hide, invest in shadow armor and sneak up on him and power attack him. While you are hiding his buffs will wear off. Still have to deal with those nasty summoned creatures though.

1. Why is a spell storing bow any cheesier than a +5 bow? The fighter couldn't make one of those, either.

2. The wizard gets to prepare spells before the battle. Why shouldn't the fighter get to prepare his arrows (with poison)?

3. I always thought the suggestion to use silence was part of the spell storing idea. If not.. WTF? Yes, the spell stored should be silence. Further, don't shoot the arrow near the wizard and hope he stays in the field. Shoot it into the wizard.

4. You will not need 20 arrows poisoned with Con damage to take down this mo-fo. Try two; buy six just in case you have sucky rolls.

5. Oooo, ya, grappling would totally screw the mage if you can pull it off! That's unlikely, though.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Ender_rpm wrote:
Seems like archer and grappler are the most popular ideas here, with melee weapon in a distant third. My main concern with grappler is that he will pretty much always be ,ore maneuverable than me.

Again, the other problem with grappler is that a simple freedom of movement effect will utterly negate your entire concept.

Arrow(s) of venom? If it works for a dagger, why not an arrow or 4? Also, if you go for the spell storing arrows, try adding something like web.

You do need to make the choice right now. Ranged or close up. That determines everything.


Unless I didn't catch the post which mentions what the terrain will be like.
The mage only needs to win initiative, Casts wall of force around you, cloud kill on top and waits. even if you make the saving throws your con will be gone.
I'm not too hot on magic items so unless there is one which protects your con, you're toast.
Fireballs and target spells are okay in certain situations but they are easy to avoid esp if you have the right feats and a decent dex. who needs magic items?

As to the fighter side, If you allow it, be a Ranger, hide in plain sight at 17th. If he can't see you, he can't hit you. get in close and use improved trip. 4 attacks (great sword + power attack) as he is falling, plus a freeby if he tries to cast a spell.

It still all depends though on who goes first.
Rip this post apart if I missed anything;-)

Only missed one important thing, I gotta be a fighter. The wall of force/ cloudkill thing... great, more nightmares.... :)

Dark Archive

Having a spell storing arrow is no different from having a seeking arrow or whatever. I am saying put a silence spell in a handful of spell storing arrows and he has to spend at least a round dealing with the silence effect. If you have several you keep hitting them and he keeps dealing with them. If he is dealing with a silence effect every round he won't be hurting you much in those rounds. Poison on top of the spell storing arrow is also a good idea. I don't see why it is the Fighter has to buy gear like he doesn't know what he will be facing. I guarantee you the Wizard's spell and item choices are all going to be geared to take down a fighter. Your item choices should be geared towards taking down a wizard. That is the point. Getting arrows that store silence isn't cheesy. It's sound tactical thinking.

The problem with a grapple build is that the Wizard only has to succeed on a DC 20 concentration check to cast anyway. If he is smart he will have a stilled teleport ready just for this specific circumstance. Once he gets away from you, the grapple build has no hope of even touching him. To some extent that is true with the ranged fighter too, but at least you can still shoot at him to ranges in the hundreds of feet. A grappler loses the instant the Wizard can get outside his charging range, even if it is just to levitate straight up into the air.

Dark Archive

evil-postman wrote:


Unless I didn't catch the post which mentions what the terrain will be like.
The mage only needs to win initiative, Casts wall of force around you, cloud kill on top and waits. even if you make the saving throws your con will be gone.
I'm not too hot on magic items so unless there is one which protects your con, you're toast.
Fireballs and target spells are okay in certain situations but they are easy to avoid esp if you have the right feats and a decent dex. who needs magic items?

As to the fighter side, If you allow it, be a Ranger, hide in plain sight at 17th. If he can't see you, he can't hit you. get in close and use improved trip. 4 attacks (great sword + power attack) as he is falling, plus a freeby if he tries to cast a spell.

It still all depends though on who goes first.
Rip this post apart if I missed anything;-)

A helm of teleportation addresses this, which is one of the items I recommended in the original post, specifically for this sort of scenario. If he wins initiative and pins the fighter down, the fighter loses. Of course, for the most part, if he wins initiative the fighter loses no matter what he does. That is why I have been so adamant about doing anything he can to get as high an initiative bonus as possible.

Grand Lodge

I am relatively new as this kind of thing, so excuse me if I am missing a huge rule, but consider an intelligent magic item in your arsenal. It can perform its own action on your turn even if you use a full attack. Plus, some of the powers available may be something he won't be buffed against, like a 10d6 lightning bolt (stonskin won't help him there). Also, surprisingly, they fit into your cost structure if done right. Admittedly, this goes against the spirit of fighter vs. wizard, but so does using gate to bring in a solar that goes toe to toe melee with you. Use the Slaying Arcane Spellcasters Special Purpose, maybe with Greater Shout if you can afford it. (the special purpose from page 270 of the DMG, not from the movie'The Jerk').

Ender_rpm wrote:
Only missed one important thing, I gotta be a fighter. The wall of force/ cloudkill thing... great, more nightmares.... :)

Whoops. Sorry.

Can I have your items when he kills you? ;-)
Are there any items out there which can Teleport you (safely) next to him?
Your major problem will be getting to him. what distance's are you looking at? or will you be in a dungeon/temple/forest? Speed is your only help, forget heavy armour. use the imp trip/power attack routine. get any item which will improve your strength.

@ B- I guess I have to get past my "dm hat" and put on my "cheesebuilder" hat. Hard to go back to p[laying when you have had ultimate cosmic power for a while :)

@M- I was thinking about that, actually. Overcomes my issue with putting bane on the bow (ie what if he is in fact NOT human?).

@ EP- Ha, no prob. Right now, I have NO armor, of any sort. Its really pretty useless if I know he will have either AoE, SoD, or touch spells, and it slows me down. Its odd playing a "naked" fighter. Except that he currently has about a dozen magic items. Oi. Good thing they're light weight.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Oh, something else I thought about to discourage the grappler concept....

Power Word spells are Verbal components only, IIRC. PW: Blind can affect up to 201 hp, PW: Stun up to 151, and PW: Kill up to 101. Keep these thresholds in mind, especially if he puts a fire shield on himself and you're taking damage every round you grapple.

Which is why I suggested an item with a permanent Silence on it in the grapple. Permanent antimagic-field would of course be even better; although expensive and you have to be a tad closer since the boots won't work then.

Unless you are of course limited to the magic items as stated in the DMG, which would be somewhat lame. The Wizard can try any combo he can think up, and the Fighter is limited to the examples of items?

Also; anything thought about the Reflecting Shield yet? Since it only activates on 'target: you' spells. It's a nice one to counter every Power Word, pretty damn good chance the Wizards gonna kill himself on his final round; I doubt he has enough HP to stand a Powerword: KILL that backfires on him.


Here's what I would try.

1. Buy the ring of 3 wishes.
2. Win initiative (if you lose initiative it's over).
3. Round one, wish for a maze spell on him. (it's unlikely he'll have a spell turning item, but if he does you lose). and then move up to wherever he was (run if necessary).
4. It takes a full round action to get out of a maze, and even if he has 30 int, it's still only a 50/50 chance. If he makes it out on round one (either by taking the 50/50 or casting gate), use your 2nd wish to maze him again.
5. Hopefully he'll have to spend at least 1 round in the maze, the second time, use your 3rd wish to cast antimagic field on yourself and grapple him when he comes out of the maze. The antimagic should ruin any rings of freedom and prevent him from casting spells to escape. Hopefully, if you can manage to grapple him while in an antimagic field you will win.

You could also try Power Word Stun instead of maze if you think he’ll have fewer than 150 hps. You need to roll a 2 on your d4, but if you roll a 1 you can do it again next round.

Liberty's Edge

Jeremy Walker wrote:

Here's what I would try.

So basically for the fighter to beat the wizard he essentially needs to be a wizard?

Hmm, yeah, much respect to the wish/maze idea, but I do have to fight like a fighter. But Maze is the other spell thats got me worried. I've been looking up the no saves spells, and some of them are pretty scary. How hard do you think it would be to whack a wiz 18s familiar, and is it a common powergaming path to heavily use said beastie? Cuz I KNOW the familiar will be a magical beast (for slaying arrow purposes) and the XP loss could gain me a spell slot loss or 2. Thoughts?

If I shoot an arrow from a magic bow from inside an antimagic field, does the magic return when it leaves the AMS? And If I get hit with the wall of force/cloudkill combo, but he "leaves the top off" I can fly/climb out, yeah?

Definitley take down the familiar. It won't have more then 40 HPs so even if it succeeds the Greater Slaying Arrow's death attack it probably couldn't survive Sassone Leaf Residue (2d12), Flaming (1d6), Shocking Burst (1d6, 2d10 on a critical), Bane (2d6, on arrow) adn the heavy crossbow's regular 1d10 damage and 19-20/x2 (17-20/x2 with Imprv Crit) critical.
I beleive that all spells and spell effects that are surpressed i an AMF return when they leave the AMF's radius.

Arctaris wrote:

Definitley take down the familiar. It won't have more then 40 HPs so even if it succeeds the Greater Slaying Arrow's death attack it probably couldn't survive Sassone Leaf Residue (2d12), Flaming (1d6), Shocking Burst (1d6, 2d10 on a critical), Bane (2d6, on arrow) adn the heavy crossbow's regular 1d10 damage and 19-20/x2 (17-20/x2 with Imprv Crit) critical.

I beleive that all spells and spell effects that are surpressed i an AMF return when they leave the AMF's radius.

Y'know, i dissmissed the hvy cross bow suggestion earlier, but I see why a light cross bow may make more sense. The threat range. I lose rapidshot/manyshot, but with rapid reload I can still keep up a full volley. But I lose the manyshot ability to do 4 atacks at -8 while moving form cover to cover (shot on run). Hmmm....

Unless you are aiming to prolong the encounter,why are you going for the familiar?
If you are facing each other with an unknown gap between you, the familiar should start with him.
While you are shooting it, he will have an extra round on you.
Okay he looses the 9th level spells, but he will still pound you with the 8th.
What alignment is he playing?

You can't climb a wall of force or forecage. They're perfectly sheer.

Did you say you don't know what the wizard's race will be? Then I wouldn't even bother with a bane bow. Now, if you can figure this out, go for it!

I'm not totally sure that attacking the familiar is a valuable use of time. Certainly, such a creature can be used to deliver touch spells, but that makes it vulnerable. The wizard may not even think to use the familiar, or may not have even bothered calling one.

On the other hand, killing the bugger would net 3,600 XP lost to the wizard (1,800 on a succesful DC 15 Fort save), which could be a major factor if you are assuming XP totals are exatcly at 18th level, so even 1 XP loss would drop him to a lower level. Then again, this may be the very reason the wizard doesn't call a familiar. I know I wouldn't.

In the end, I'd just worry about the wizard. If he has a birdy and you get a clear shot to blast him, ya, go for it, but don't plan on that event.

Hmmm, board ate my last post. to sum up- does extended threat range of lt crossbow/rapid reload with imp crit make up for not being able to use manyshot/shot on the run? Prolly not....

@ S- MOre of a desperation tactic really :) I know I can't climb the walls directly, i guess i should have said can I chuck a rope and grapple over the top and climb out? Or would that take too long? Maybe I do need the flying shield...

Alignment and race of opponenet unknown. I am assuming human (for the feat), and prolly TN (to avoid weapon goodness). Though he has a penchant for playing CN...

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Don't worry about the familiar. I wouldn't even bother with HAVING one for an encounter like this.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Fatespinner wrote:
Don't worry about the familiar. I wouldn't even bother with HAVING one for an encounter like this.

I agree. Not only that, but very few DM's enforce familiar rules at the table, so the scenario is likely to go like this:

Fighter "I shoot your familiar with an arrow"

Wizard "No, he's a toad and he's in my backpack"

Fighter "...but...I should be able to shoot him"

Wizard "Why? No one else ever is? I've been at ground zero of over 35 fireballs, fallen 100', and been dropped into a pit of acid and my familiar has never ever been hurt in the process."

Edit: If the plan is to target his familiar, I'd recommend exploring other craptacular rules backwaters. Maybe you could begin the first round of combat by declaring "What's your strength? Are you carrying your spellbook? Ha! You have medium encumbrance!!!" Then try loading him up with weighted vests until he collapses and is unable to move.

Having avidly kept up with this thread, last night actually I dreamt myself into this contest.

I was an high level fighter and there was an high level female evoker blasting away at me from far far away in a many acred rectangular field of multiple terrain types, boxed in by temple facades carved into the cliffs on either side and fenced at each end of the grassland between. Everything I did was evasive. I wasn't given even a chance to take my shot. I found my way inside a temple entrance and escaped the firestorm.

The one thing I felt certain was that if I kept running past this arcane mortar fire, she couldn't touch me. Didn't make much of an account of myself but it was all quite exhilirating.

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