Nicolas Logue Contributor |

Only on special days when my gaming group comes over to the basement to play! Man, is it fun! I love living at home!
I live in a roach infested (but otherwise very nice, every apartment in Hawai'i is roach infested for the most part) on Oahu. Haven't lived at home in 10 years or so.
Not that there is anything wrong with living at home! Most of my friends on the island here do. Real Estate is so expensive not many families can afford for their kids to move out. I know plenty of guys and girls (gamer and non) in their late 20's, 30's and 40's who still live at home with their folks. Just a financial fact of life.

Sir Kaikillah |

I would be scared to live in a place, even the cockroaches avoid. I have plenty of friends and family living with thier parents. My aunty actually moved in with my cousins family just recently. I lived on O'ahu for a number of years after college. Parking could cost you over $100 a month in Honolulu. I'm lucky to have a house I rent with two cousins on Maui.

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I live in a roach infested (but otherwise very nice, every apartment in Hawai'i is roach infested for the most part)
Sounds like Sydney...
Real Estate is so expensive not many families can afford for their kids to move out. I know plenty of guys and girls (gamer and non) in their late 20's, 30's and 40's who still live at home with their folks.
Again, sounds like Sydney

Nicolas Logue Contributor |

I would be scared to live in a place, even the cockroaches avoid. I have plenty of friends and family living with thier parents. My aunty actually moved in with my cousins family just recently. I lived on O'ahu for a number of years after college. Parking could cost you over $100 a month in Honolulu. I'm lucky to have a house I rent with two cousins on Maui.
Yeah...that's why I am moving off the island...I can't really afford it here. Maui is dreamy though my man! Good-o for you Kaikillah! If Lilith comes out to visit, I'll island hop and play with you guys...as long as its before my move East. I'll miss Hawai'i a lot, but what can ya do.

Nicolas Logue Contributor |

Nicolas Logue wrote:I live in a roach infested (but otherwise very nice, every apartment in Hawai'i is roach infested for the most part)
Sounds like Sydney...
Nicolas Logue wrote:Again, sounds like Sydney
Real Estate is so expensive not many families can afford for their kids to move out. I know plenty of guys and girls (gamer and non) in their late 20's, 30's and 40's who still live at home with their folks.
Awesome! I've never been, but my favorite prof in my grad school is from there!

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Awesome! I've never been, but my favorite prof in my grad school is from there!
Actually I met some guys in Hong Kong a few years back who were from Hawaii via an extended holiday in Australia. They reckoned that Sydney reminded them a fair bit of Hawai'i, I think as far as the people especially.
Sorry, can't remember where in Hawaii they were from (I was less interested in the guys I met on that trip than ... other things. By which I mean sight-seeing of course...)

Stebehil |

I know plenty of guys and girls (gamer and non) in their late 20's, 30's and 40's who still live at home with their folks. Just a financial fact of life.
Is it just me, or do other people think that something is very wrong that folks from 25 to 40 (at least some of them will have a regular job, I assume) simply cannot afford their own home, even if it is just a small rented apartment? What the hell is happening to the economy if this is considered normal in some places? I can understand that great metropolises have outrageous costs of housing, like Tokyo, London and the like, but if this trend is seen in places like Barcelona, Oslo, Sydney (surely big cities, but not of that outstanding global importance) and on Oahu, I cannot help but wonder what is happening.
If you got a decent job, you should be able to afford decent housing, I think. If this is not the case, something is wrong. What do you think?Stefan

Valegrim |

ok; 28 not living the stereotype
2 living the stereotypical nerd at home loser profile heh for shame contributing to all of us being lumped in that catergory with you hehe (said in a nice and laughing manner so lighten up; is not a judgement on your life choices) I am not saying there is something wrong with you living at home; only that mainstream culture percieves us in a stereotype that is untrue.
ok; am having a bit of trouble so, I dont mind all the crosstalk at all; feel free; but please start your post with NC for no count because if you have posted here already I have your input and am having trouble reading through looking for new data as I am reading every post with a scientific scratchpad and pen looking for new information for the summary.
oh; and am not counting the cockroaches because I dont think they are gamers and adding a few million would alter the results.
Am thinking that for arguement sake this poll is showing so far that rpg pen and paper gamers are not the "losers" that we are precieved to be and it is only a small part of our population that contributes to the "loser" profilel; I bet video gamers who like their xbox or whatever probably have a similar count profile; but we dont really know that; they might just be the biggest, no count, sad, pathetic, "losers" on the planet. Hehe do we need a new word; we have crossdressers so now we need crossgamers or something which would really confuse the poll, but still; the stats will probably trend in the same way; you need money to be a gamer; with money comes the desire for your own place. The "loser" in my book are those people who go to bars, get drunk, sleep around, get busted for acting irresponsibly, and such.

Sir Kaikillah |

Sir Kaikillah wrote:I would be scared to live in a place, even the cockroaches avoid. I have plenty of friends and family living with thier parents. My aunty actually moved in with my cousins family just recently. I lived on O'ahu for a number of years after college. Parking could cost you over $100 a month in Honolulu. I'm lucky to have a house I rent with two cousins on Maui.Yeah...that's why I am moving off the island...I can't really afford it here. Maui is dreamy though my man! Good-o for you Kaikillah! If Lilith comes out to visit, I'll island hop and play with you guys...as long as its before my move East. I'll miss Hawai'i a lot, but what can ya do.
Let me know if you head to Maui, I'll give my contact info. Even if it isn't for gaming.
Aloha to larger than life Nicolas Logue

Kuthax |

Well, I don't know where I fit into the stereotype. I'm 27 orginally moved out of my parents house shortly after graduating high shcool at age 19. When I say shortly I think it was 2 months to the day. Started going back to college this semester. And as of a 1 week 4 days ago due to going through a divorce had to move back in with my parents untill I can get back up on my feet. The real wierdness factor for the stereotypes is that both of them also game. In fact it was my dad that got me started when I was in 5th or 6th grade.

LittleBlueberry |

I haven't lived with my parents since I left at 18 to go to university. Well, technically I lived with them for 6 weeks when we were relocating, but that was just so the kids could finish the school year. Now we're living in our own house with 3+ kids. The kids, OTOH, are all really keen to get into gaming, so I guess they all fit into the stereotype, but since the oldest is 15 I don't think it counts. ;)

Kirth Gersen |

[Yeah...that's why I am moving off the island...I can't really afford it here. Maui is dreamy though my man!
Hmmm... teaching high school on Maui... you don't happen to know my good friend Bryan Smith, do you? Long hair, crazy blue eyes, talks like an episode of Kung Fu, only better? History teacher. He's been a great inspiration to many folks.

Paul McCarthy |

I joined the Canadian Armed Forces at 18, moved to Ottawa, and banged around with them for 5 years. Got out with no real skills except learning how to kill people and listened to my brother's adventures as he became a Nautical Science student one summer. I figured I would go one better and become a Marine Engineer so I got my diploma 3 years later.
Got a chance to see the world as a sailor, pretty well been in every major port (My fav is still Bridgetown, Barbados). Because of my techinical background, I scored a job in the shipyard in Brownsville, Texas working as a weld mapper in the design field. Found my real calling, so I am going back to school to do Marine Systems design in September. I am currently working in the Gulf of Mexico on an oil rig through an offshore company here in St. John's, Newfoundland. Great money with my third class engineering ticket. Recently back from a one and a half year stint in the oilfields of Red Deer, Alberta as a drilling engineer with Schlumberger.
Because I am so loveable, my parents after they retired moved into the city from rural Newfoundland and live just twenty houses down on my street. Between my travels and comings and goings, I appreciate the time I spend with them during their twilight years I never had in my twenties and early thirties.

Ring of Five |

I'm the DM in our group, and haven't lived with my folks since going away to university at 18... in 1984. (Not counting six months when I came back from my post-college East European Tour with a newlywed bride ...long story but neither side was ready for that experience...)
However, at one point not long ago (in 2000) I had four players and they all lived with their parents-(One had lived in a basement-another in his parents' attic). They were all in their early 30s. Today, I still have three of those four players (One guy moved to Canada),and two of the three live with their parents. They both work and one has a nice new 2006 Camry, so it seems as much a matter of choice as anything else-although here in NYC rents are astronomical.

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I plan on moving out of my parents home, but theres a few things that I need to resolve before I can afford my own place.
First, I need to finish my plate mail armor I will need to become a knight in the SCA regional group. Without the armor, I only rank as a squire.
Occasionaly our Star Trek chapter meets for various functions. I am a currently an ensign, but will one day make the rank of general. To be a general, you must possess knowledge of Star Trek trivia that would make Gene Rodenberry blush.
Also, our weekly Vampire LARP games take up much of my night hours between actual game time, networking, archiving, prop creation, and plot hooks.
All of these activities prevent me from working or going to school. I have a license, so usually my parents let me borrow the car, or sometimes I just call them to pick me up when my friends cant give me a ride. Also, these many cool things make hard to find a girlfriend outside of our gaming groups. But I'm working on some leads....
Absolutely hilarious. You rule!