Grimmbold Manor


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The kobold's apparent leader struggles to escape from benethe Corvin. He speaks a single word in rough Common, "Stand.". His voice is laden with authority and Corvin feels compelled to obey, to stand up as the creature asked.
Corvin, please make a DC 14 Will save to resist standing, as the Command spell.
Dohrlok 16
Kobold Leader 15
Tentacles 15
Corvin 13
Robed Kobolds 10
Anarath 6
Arodwumm 5
Tsillmas 5

Corvin's turn

To get this moving, Corvin is delaying his actions until 10 Init. this round. Dohrlok's up.

Dohrlok gets a good grip on the tendril, and begins to climb up toward the main body.

I rolled a 15, plus whatever modifiers you get to climb an opponent. Dohrlok has +2 Strength modifier, and 2 ranks in climb, if they apply.

One of the kobolds speaks a word in their harsh language and a small spike explodes from his hand, striking unerringly at the fleeing dwarf.
3 pts damage to Arodwumm.
The other robed kobold watches as Dohrlok begins to scale one of the slimy, scaled tentacles. He unleashes a ray of utterly black energy that misses Dohrlok and is absorbed harmlessly into the wall of te chamber.
Dohrlok has made just under 10ft of progress up the tentacle, meaning that he's about halfway to the central mass.
Anarath's turn

Anarath fires his bow at one of the kobolds (not the one he enfeebled last round): Attack:14+4 = 18, damage: 8

The kobold who cast a spell on Arodwumm falls, gasping pitifully as it's life fades.
Arodwumm's turn.

Dwarf Rogue 1

Arodwumm pushes open the doorway to see what is beyond.

"Masters, we can flee the tentacles in here." The dwarf has a quick look inside the next chamber for his things.

He continues to wave the dagger menacingly at the kobolds, ignoring his wound.

Full defense, move and quick look.

The room Arodwumm enters is small, maybe 10ft in diameter. Piles of things, junk, unidentifiable things, and some more valuable things litter the floor in haphazard piles. One pile consists of assorted scrolls and wands, which Arodwumm recognizes as his own.
Except for your bag of cheese and bread, all of your equipment is there.
Tsillmas follows Arodwumm into the room, firing a hastily aimed shot at one of the tentacles.

When it's Dohrlok's turn, he continues to climb the tendril. Rolled another 15+mods. My luck will turn soon. Disastrously, I'm sure.

Please let me know when (and if) Dohrlok reaches within kicking distance of the main body.

Dohrlok continues his risky ascent of the tentacle. The other three writhe and strike but miracoulsly miss the dwarf. He is now mere feet from the central mass. Now that he's closer he can see a spidery network of veins spread out across the outre membrane. The sac seems to be filled with somekind of liquid. A sallow, dead-looking figure peers balefully out at you.
You are now in melee range.
Corvin's turn, and I still need a Will save from him.

Male Human Fighter 3

Will: 13 - 1 = 12
In other words:
"DINDIL! Resist the urges!"

The target of Corvin's agression raises itself up on an elbow, hissing "There'ss a goood hueman." as a cloud of crackling darkness shrouds it's left hand.
The Command spell was from last turn, so he can make a standard action this turn. He also gets an AoO since it cast a spell.

First off - Zogonia quote - nice.

Second, things are hectic for me over the next few weeks, so I'll post when I can.

So, when it's Dohrlok's turn:

Dohrlok retains his grip on the tendril, meeting the creepy creature's gaze with a grim smile. He shifts his weight, swings a bit, and kicks the overseer in the sac.

I've been playing this game a long time, and I've never had a character do that before. First time for everything.

Anyway - rolled a 14+3=17 to hit, 3+2=5 damage. Lets see what gets thrown at me now.

PbemDM wrote:
First off - Zogonia quote - nice.

If he got XP for every time he's quoted something...

PbemDM wrote:

Second, things are hectic for me over the next few weeks, so I'll post when I can.

No problem

Seeing its brother fall, the remaining kobold wizard spins and launches a black spike from its hand, which strikes a weak blow to Anarath.
1 pt damage.
Corvin is delaying.
Anarath's turn.

Anarath growls, and returns the favour.

Fires bow, 17+4 = 21, Damage: 6

Anarath's arrow embeds itself into the kobold's chest with a dull thud and he falls to the floor.
Arodwumm's turn.
The only remaining kobold is the one that Corvin is facing off against in the eastern corridor.

Dwarf Rogue 1

Arodwumm disappears out the door.

He returns holding a quarterstaff.


Also grabs his wand of mage armour, if there is time.

Male Human Fighter 3
DM Arctaris wrote:
PbemDM wrote:
First off - Zogonia quote - nice.
If he got XP for every time he's quoted something...

"If wishes was horses, we'd all be eatin' steak."

Male Human Fighter 3
DM Arctaris wrote:

Anarath's arrow embeds itself into the kobold's chest with a dull thud and he falls to the floor.

Arodwumm's turn.
The only remaining kobold is the one that Corvin is facing off against in the eastern corridor.

Would that be the half-dead kobold that just cast a spell on me; a spell which you haven't told me the effect of yet?

Corvin Killgannon wrote:
DM Arctaris wrote:

Anarath's arrow embeds itself into the kobold's chest with a dull thud and he falls to the floor.

Arodwumm's turn.
The only remaining kobold is the one that Corvin is facing off against in the eastern corridor.
Would that be the half-dead kobold that just cast a spell on me; a spell which you haven't told me the effect of yet?

Yes, and there was no apparent effect from the spell.

Male Human Fighter 3
DM Arctaris wrote:
Corvin Killgannon wrote:
DM Arctaris wrote:

Anarath's arrow embeds itself into the kobold's chest with a dull thud and he falls to the floor.

Arodwumm's turn.
The only remaining kobold is the one that Corvin is facing off against in the eastern corridor.
Would that be the half-dead kobold that just cast a spell on me; a spell which you haven't told me the effect of yet?
Yes, and there was no apparent effect from the spell.

Oh, one of those bastiges.

Out of the corner of his eye, Corvin sees the kobold hissing and spitting, as if casting a spell.

"Witch on me, will ya!?"

Corvin strides toward the small creature. Bending down, he grasps it by the scruff of its neck and its ratlike tail. With a mighty heave, he lifts the small reptile and pounds it into the wall of the tower with bone-crushing force.

Coup de grace on kobold. The question is, how much damage does being hit by a wall inflict?

As Corvin grabs the kobold, a wave of black energy spreads from its hand and dances across his armor, accompanied by a terrible, spreading chill. Despite the pain, Corvin's attack is still efective; there's a sickening crunch as the back of the kobold's skull contacts the tower wall and it collapses lifeless in his arms.
We'll say its enough to kill him. 9pts negative energy damage. DC 14 Will save for 4pts.
Dohrlok's foot encounters brief resistance from the Overseer's rubbery skin, and then it breaks through. He feels a powerful force trying to pull him from the tentacle (which tries to unsuccesfully shake him off) and into the Overseer's central mass.

Pretty much out of spells and with no usable scrolls, Anarath will keep using his bow – firing at the Overseer: 14+4 = 18. Damage: 3.
I assume it is big enough that there is no penalty for ‘firing into combat’. If this is incorrect, Anarath takes the –4 penalty to avoid hitting Dohrlok.

Male Human Fighter 3

Will save: 9 - 1 = 8. That drops him down to... seven, maybe? It's below zero, I know that.

As the necromantic wave rolls over Corvin, he makes no outward show of pain, only a slight shudder. Dropping the kobold's bloody remains, he turns, takes two steps toward Anarath, then pauses.

"What now?"

Before the elf can answer, Corvin topples to the ground like a suit of empty armor. A thin ribbon of blood trickles from the corner of his mouth.

I don't know either, so lets say you're currently at -4 hp.
Anarath's arrow pierces the leathery outre membrance of the Overseer and vanishes into the ameobic liquid within. A thin dribble of clear liquid spatters onto the floor.

Dwarf Rogue 1

The dwarf screams, "Master! I'm coming."

He runs over ignoring everything but the fallen Corvin.

Then he calls on the healing he possesses one more time.


Male Human Fighter 3

Back to 7 HP

Corvin jerks upright as the dwarf's healing energy repairs the damage caused by the kobold's necromantic spell. Kneeling, he uses Arodwumm for support as he stands. Without a backward glance, the fighter strides unsteadily towards the hanging Overseer.

"You know who ye're messin' with? Do ya?"

He pounds his chest with an armored fist.


Dohrlok makes the attempt to yank his foot free from the sac. (16+2 STR = 18). If he gets his foot free, and the hole he made seems to stay open and drain fluid (caused damage), he'll make another attack the same way, trying to widen the hole/make another one (10+3=13 to hit with the kick, 4+2 damage if it hits).

Alternatively, if he gets his foot free, and the hole just seals up, or if he can't get his foot free, he'll attempt to do grappling damage to the tentacle, yanking and tearing at it, trying to rip it free from its connection to the Overseer (10+7 grappling attack=17, 4+2=6 damage if it hits).

He stares at the creature floating in the sac fluid the entire time, a determined look on his face.

Dohrlok rips his foot free from the Overseer, barely holding onto the tentacle as it tries to shake him off. Some of the foul liquid sloshes out, and the edges of the rend in it's flesh begin to slowly knit back together. Again Dohrlok kicks, opening the hole further so that more fo the liquid falls to the floor.

Corvin Killgannon wrote:

As Corvin shouts, two of the tentacles whip around towards him. One of the tentacles slams into his chest with crushing force, driving him back.

Make a strength check to avoid a bull rush, Corvin.

The fourth tentacle struggles to try to reach out to Arodwumm, who is just barely out of reach.
Corvin's turn

Male Human Fighter 3
DM Arctaris wrote:
Corvin Killgannon wrote:

As Corvin shouts, two of the tentacles whip around towards him. One of the tentacles slams into his chest with crushing force, driving him back.

Make a strength check to avoid a bull rush, Corvin.

The fourth tentacle struggles to try to reach out to Arodwumm, who is just barely out of reach.
Corvin's turn

Strength check: 19 + 3 = 22. I'd say that makes it.

Corvin, all bile and vinegar, catches the tentacle with his spined gauntlets, and begins to heave with all his might.


Grapple: 12 + 5 = 17

Corvin resists the things incredible strength, holding his ground and barely getting a grip on the tentacle.
And in my last post I forgot to tell you, you take 4pts damage from the tentacle.
Anarath's turn

Apart from the fact that it is healing fast, did Anarath’s bow shot actually seem to do any damage to it as far as he could tell? Does it appear to have any particularly vulnerable spots?

Anarath Coldblood wrote:
Apart from the fact that it is healing fast, did Anarath’s bow shot actually seem to do any damage to it as far as he could tell? Does it appear to have any particularly vulnerable spots?

As far as you cna tell, your arrow just punctured the outer membrane and is floating in the Overseer's 'body'. There are no readily apparent weak points, although a Knowledge (Arcana) check might tell you more

Knowledge arcana: 4+8 = 12 – probably not!
Either way, Anarath casts an Acid Splash cantrip at it this turn, and moves into the store room behind Arrodwum.
Ranged Touch:17+3 = 20. Damage:3

Male Human Fighter 3
DM Arctaris wrote:
Corvin resists the things incredible strength, holding his ground and barely getting a grip on the tentacle.

Spiked armor damage: 1d6 + 3 = 7

[ooc: Checking in from Qatar. I'm almost home!]

Satisfied that he's making headway, albiet slowly, Dohrlok contiues to kick and thrash at the opening, trying to tear the entire thing asunder. He redoubles his focused stare at the thing in the sac and says, "I'm right here, sac-man, come and get me."

[12+3=15 for the unarmed strike, 1+2=3 for the damage]

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5
PbemDM wrote:

[ooc: Checking in from Qatar. I'm almost home!]

Good stuff! Hope you're there before too much longer.

PbemDM wrote:

[ooc: Checking in from Qatar. I'm almost home!]

Nice! Hope you get wherever home is soon.

PbemDM wrote:

Satisfied that he's making headway, albiet slowly, Dohrlok contiues to kick and thrash at the opening, trying to tear the entire thing asunder. He redoubles his focused stare at the thing in the sac and says, "I'm right here, sac-man, come and get me."

[12+3=15 for the unarmed strike, 1+2=3 for the damage]

Again Dohrlok breaks the Overseer's skin and again it slowly heals itself, reknitting the ruptured skin. As he taunts the floating figure, a warm liquid, almost like tree sap, begins oozing out of the tentacle's pores and onto Dohrlok. A voice echos around the chamber "Why, Dohrlok Stonefist? You'll come to me."

Arodwumm, then Corvin.

Does the acid damage appear to be regenerating? Can Anarath see the figure within the sac, or just Dhorlok?

Dwarf Rogue 1

Arodwumm realising he needs a few more bits, runs back to his stash and returns a few moments later to Anarath.

"Master, use this wand, it will make Corvin bigger and stronger, the command is Drakkiss Mondum."

Sorts through and hands him a wand of enlarge person.

The dwarf has some other scrolls and wands in his hands.

Anarath Coldblood wrote:
Does the acid damage appear to be regenerating? Can Anarath see the figure within the sac, or just Dhorlok?

Damn, somehow I missed that post. Sorry about that. Anarath could see the dim outline of a igure, but no details.

Anarath's orb of acid eats through the thing's skin easily and a stream of it's 'blood' pours out onto the floor.
Dohrlok's kick is the final blow, and the sac bursts. The figure in the sac falls with a wet thump and a splash in the pool of ichor. As it falls thousands upon thousands of tiny threads attached to the man and to the Overseer's body snap. As the silky strands break, the tentacles go limp, flopping lifelessly to the floor and occasionally twitching feebly.
The figure stands, and its features become more apparent. It is a tall, muscular man with dark hair and a long, thin face. He appears quite alive at first glance but on closer inspection his skin is a sickly yellow and his eye sockets are empty, as if scooped clean. The skin along his spin has been flayed away to reveal the bone and tissue beneathe, and thousands of the strands that once connected him to the Overseer trail from the wound.

Thanks for the kind words, gentlemen. I should be in DC by 05 May.

Dohrlok exhibits the barest hint of a smile. "The undead abomination living in a sac of pus knows of the Stone Fist. Most gratifying." The stocky monk releases the tentacle, using its proximity to slow his fall and using the momentum to drop an elbow into the center of his opponent's skull.

8+3=11, swing and a miss!

Dohrlok enter his Stone Fist fighting stance, preparing for the counterattack and trying not to let the disappointment show on his face.

PbemDM wrote:

Thanks for the kind words, gentlemen. I should be in DC by 05 May.

Dohrlok exhibits the barest hint of a smile. "The undead abomination living in a sac of pus knows of the Stone Fist. Most gratifying." The stocky monk releases the tentacle, using its proximity to slow his fall and using the momentum to drop an elbow into the center of his opponent's skull.

8+3=11, swing and a miss!

Dohrlok enter his Stone Fist fighting stance, preparing for the counterattack and trying not to let the disappointment show on his face.

"I know of all of you." the thing states calmly as Dohrlok lands near it. He meets Dohrlok's eyes with his own blasted, empty sockets. Dohrlok's world seems to fall away, leaving him in isolation. Nothing else exists for him but a hazy greyness. The only sensation he has is of a peculiar and painful burning sensation on his hands and arms.

DC 13 Will save; failure indicates that you stand and do nothing.
Also, a Fortitude save (DC 12) to avoid 1d4 Str damage.

Corvin's go.

Male Human Fighter 3


Corvin runs directly at the eyeless figure, leaping at him like some sort of armored predator.

Attempt to bull rush and grapple - 16 + 5 = 21 (grapple); 12 + 3 = 15 (str)

Corvin slams into the man, pushing him to the ground and trying to hold him fast. Despite Corvin's best efforts, the man wriggles from his grasp, bending and contorting himself in seemingly impossible ways.
Bull rush successful, the grapple failed.
Anarath's go.

Anarath’s eye’s widen in surprise at the dwarf’s stash of scrolls and wands, but he nods in curt thanks and takes the proffered instrument, a moment before the figure in the sac falls to the ground.

“Wait, Corvin-” he begins, but the warrior has already charged. Shaking his head, Anarath waits for a moment, then, as the man struggles with the abomination, calls out “Corvin – would you like to be bigger?”

Casts Enlarge person on Corvin, who gets a fort save to negate if he wishes. Otherwise, he becomes large sized, gains a +2 size bonus to Strength, a -2 size penalty to Dexterity and a -1 penalty on attack rolls and AC.

Now that he has finally got a clear look at the creature within the sac, Anarath tries to identify it. Knowledge religion (? Assuming its undead): 13+6 = 19

Dwarf Rogue 1

Arodwumm fetches his crossbow in the next room and loads it.

Male Human Fighter 3

Corvin laughs as Anarath's spell infuses his body with strength. the spectacle is quite grotesque.

The fighter's hands and arms grow first, becoming swollen with muscle. His shoulders expand, engulfing his spiked pauldrons, and his neck grows tree trunk-like, veins popping like purple vines. Corvin's spine splits his leather jerkin like a fruit rind, vertebrae distorting into bony plates. His torso elongates, ribs punching through skin and armor, wounds instantly healing. Corvin's legs grow equally quickly, sprouting bony nodules at the knees.

However, Corvin's head stays the same size, perched like a pumpkin on a stump and grinning madly as the fighter prepares to crush the abomination's head into the ground with one of his metal-and-bone-plated fists.


I like making spells look cooler than their PHB descriptions. I hope you don't mind.

Dwarf Rogue 1

I choose this wand with you in mind.

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