Morale Checks when the chips are down

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I don't know if I am blind but I can't seem to locate anything written on when a morale check is made and what is or isn't a good check. I had a band of thieves jump a solo character and he opened the can on them. There was only one remaining bandit after the second round....I wanted to role morale for him but I couldn't find a ruling anywhere. I decided that since he was drunk and mad the booze gave him the liquid courage to stand and fight. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks


Morale checks no longer exist in 3rd editions incarnations; they are a mental holdover from 2nd edition.

That being said, I have found that making a DC 10 charisma check when "the chips are down" is a good way to judge morale. But remember this: morale isn't just running and staying. Morale is confidence and discipline. Here are some possibilities of a "made" morale check.

Enemy keeps fighting, if they think they have a chance.
Enemy retreats, if victory is impossible, but plans to regroup.
Enemy surrenders, if escape is impossible, but plans to escape.

On a failed check:

Enemy fights to the death if escape seems impossible.
Enemy routs and flees, provoking attacks of opportunity.
Enemy surrenders.

I consider a "made" check to represent that the enemy, despite setbacks, is still in control of itself. A "failed" check means the enemy has lost its resolve and dedication to its task, and will take the easiest instinctual behavior offered (surrender, flee, fight, etc.). I would consider things like "if we retreat, the boss will kill us" to provide a bonus to the check, rather than modify the result.

2nd edition did have a good list of morale modifiers and other associated penalties and bonuses, these can be used for +2 and -2 circumstance modifiers in 3rd edition.

Perfect Black Bard..
That is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks alot!


LepusLanthor wrote:

Perfect Black Bard..

That is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks alot!


Sorry I meant Bard

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