
LepusLanthor's page

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Robert Brambley wrote:

This is partially true: while it is true that you need to make a grapple check each time you attempt to "do something" you also need to make a grapple check each round that you want to "continue grappling" on the turn of the person who intiated the grapple.

On the other hand, if one opponent decided (for whatever reason) to merely give up and quit fighting back, then no grapple check is needed.

A suggestion I have for any who have confusion with the grappling rules: go to and go to Rules of the Game and read ALL ABOUT GRAPPLING.

Its a very detailed document about grappling.


Necron99 wrote:

It's my understanding that a grapple check is only needed if you do something that requires it - like attack, cast a spell, or break the grapple. If you don't try to break the grapple on your turn, you are still in it automatically. After all, both parties might WANT to grapple.

I don't know if it is something specific to the Knifefighter feat, but IIRC your dex bonus still applies to the person you are grappling with - it is denied for anyone outside the grapple...Like a guy standing over you, poking you with a sword.

I also seem to remember that unless someone is deliberately thrown to the ground (which requires a check), a grapple is done standing, even a pin. A standing pin would be like having your opponent in a half-nelson with your other hand over their mouth.

OK I read the rules of the game from Wizards and it answered all my questions..thanks Robert

LepusLanthor wrote:

I have a quick one regarding grapple. I have a rogue in my group who has managed to convince the whole party that if the opponent is too big to kill outright then grapple (thats how they took down Kazmojen) which they managed to return topside for trial and public execution. My question is this....Once the initial grapple checks are made, does the winner keep his roll for following rounds or do they both roll each and every round. My guess is they both roll every round to simulate the effect of constantly shifting combantants trying to get the advantage. I grow weary of arguing about it every game...opions??


Wow, I really appreciate the feedback and I can see all sides of the argument but let me get more specific:

Kazmojen and Rogue are toe to toe, Rogue is getting ready to die. He performs a last ditch effort to wrap up Kaz and grapples...Kaz's AOO fails and grappling commences. Rogue rolls a 24 and Kaz rolls 18. Kaz is grappled. Later on in the same round on Kaz's initiative he would like to break grapple. Does he roll against the original 24 or does the rogue have to roll again. New round starts and both grapples go again....I know in the PMG it states "make an opposed grapple check" but does that mean both parties. Sorry for the confusion. Normally I would make a judgment call for the occasion but these guys do it all the time and I just want to get it right...


I have a quick one regarding grapple. I have a rogue in my group who has managed to convince the whole party that if the opponent is too big to kill outright then grapple (thats how they took down Kazmojen) which they managed to return topside for trial and public execution. My question is this....Once the initial grapple checks are made, does the winner keep his roll for following rounds or do they both roll each and every round. My guess is they both roll every round to simulate the effect of constantly shifting combantants trying to get the advantage. I grow weary of arguing about it every game...opions??


LepusLanthor wrote:

Perfect Black Bard..

That is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks alot!


Sorry I meant Bard

Perfect Black Bard..
That is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks alot!


I don't know if I am blind but I can't seem to locate anything written on when a morale check is made and what is or isn't a good check. I had a band of thieves jump a solo character and he opened the can on them. There was only one remaining bandit after the second round....I wanted to role morale for him but I couldn't find a ruling anywhere. I decided that since he was drunk and mad the booze gave him the liquid courage to stand and fight. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks


I appreciate all of you who posted to my comments. I was pretty sure that it was the iceberg effect...only a small percentage were having the occasional problems. Once again thanks for the comments....SOLD!!!


I would like to order a subscription to both mags but seeing all these posts on missing magazines have put the fear in me. I really can't stand paying newsstand prices but would it be a better bet as far as reliablity is concerned? I was a subscriber to Undefeated (great mag btw) when I lived in Europe and never missed an ish. Has it gone down hill from there?

Trying to stay loyal customer

The way my party has been going they have managed to make level 3 before even finding the elevator. They should hit the lift by next session but after reading all of your posts..I am in no hurry. They will get there when they get there. Thanks for all the comments and insights. Those of you who have introduced the Striders....have you revealed to the party what the Striders are all about?

Wow..some really great input.
In response to AA: I wasnt aware that the Elves could roll every single time they pass a secret doorway. I was under the assumption that if they miss it once then they don't know its there. I'm glad you brought that up...

We just finished up our session..I had planned for 4hrs but we went 7. Still havn't found the elevator but the party seems to be VERY unwilling to use the tunnels that are dug. When they finally reached the Great Factory, all but one took off through a door, found the secret door and got stuck in the traped (spear) hallway. The other was keeping watch on in the main room and almost met an unfortunate demise at the hands of the Grell. Fario and Fellian had to show up in the nick of time. I thought FOR SURE they would make it

Thanks for the inputs....I am a very patient DM but I guess I was getting a little frustrated knowing that there is a secret entrance to the elevator right at the begining and they missed it. As far as Jenya and the church is concerned, you hit it dead on. The PCs have made far more progress then anyone and these incidents HAVE been going on for sometime. Once again thanks for the inputs.
Shoot last question. .. Who do you have do the rezez in town? As of right now I dont have any clerics high enough around to actually do it.

I was just trying to get a general consensus on how long it took your groups to complete Lifes Bazaar. I am running a group through it and we are on our 3rd session as of today (about 16hrs). I don't really mind because it has given Cauldron a chance to develop in game (they spend a lot of time roleplaying in city). I was thinking about having Jenya start to complain on the length of time it is taking to find the children and threaten to hire the Stormblades...any thoughts or comments...

My 2 cents......I let my players roll almost everything. ...I just don't tell them the DC they are rolling against. So for example if they are moving silently or disguised and they roll a 14, they may feel safe and secure behind it. Little do they know the guards can see right through their attempts.