Elmshire Information

Age of Worms Adventure Path

Dark Archive

Can anyone direct me to some info about Elmshire? I'm having a hard time finding anything about it.


Dark Archive

I guess there's not too much out there, eh?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Dragon #262, p.36
Elmshire, by Roger E. Moore
The history and people of a halfling village near the City of Greyhawk

Elmshire is a large halfling community. There are a few details in the "Greyhawk: Adventure Begins" sourcebook, but not much.

Liberty's Edge

miph-not-melf wrote:

Dragon #262, p.36

Elmshire, by Roger E. Moore
The history and people of a halfling village near the City of Greyhawk

Yes, this is an outstanding write-up on Elmshire. I didn't realize it was published that long ago as I don't have it in the house (only 3E mags to conserve space).

There's a small write-up in Greyhawk, The Adventure Begins, along with a rudimentary map. This 2E PDF download is well worth $4 if you're running AoW in Greyhawk.

Dark Archive

Thanks to everyone for the info. I had completely skipped reading this issue of Dragon--had no idea that it had anything related in it. Unfortunately, that's what happens when you have to work too many hours in a week and don't have a lot of free time to read.

Grand Lodge

I didn't even have that much so I made it a huge farming and sheparding community that supplies food to the Free City, etc. I mean, all those city folk gotta eat! As luck would have it (or maybe just the "shire" in Elmshire) I made it a halfling community.

-W. E. Ray

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