terrainmonkey |

well, all i can say to the CE=NPC thing i have is that it is how i've always played. this is supposed to be a "heroic" campaign, and i somehow don't see killing someone because of hatred a "heroic" act. thus, my heavyhandedness. this is the way some people run thier campaigns, period. you do it differently, and i do as well. and never the twain shall meet.
i've been DMing this game well into 3 decades. i think i know how to run things, and this policy has always worked for me. unless i run a game where i allow evil alignments, in most normal games i don't allow any evil at all. this game has always been, for me anyway, a quest of good versus evil. to give you a hint, most of my PCs are lawful good clerics, fighters, or paladins. so when someone in my game decides to murder someone because of hatred, i think that kinda seems evil. now, i don't want to get into an alignment debate, so please don't hijack the thread.
i think we've settled some things, so i guess we'll see how it goes thursday night.

![]() |

well, all i can say to the CE=NPC thing i have is that it is how i've always played. this is supposed to be a "heroic" campaign, and i somehow don't see killing someone because of hatred a "heroic" act. thus, my heavyhandedness. this is the way some people run thier campaigns, period. you do it differently, and i do as well. and never the twain shall meet.
i've been DMing this game well into 3 decades. i think i know how to run things, and this policy has always worked for me. unless i run a game where i allow evil alignments, in most normal games i don't allow any evil at all. this game has always been, for me anyway, a quest of good versus evil. to give you a hint, most of my PCs are lawful good clerics, fighters, or paladins. so when someone in my game decides to murder someone because of hatred, i think that kinda seems evil. now, i don't want to get into an alignment debate, so please don't hijack the thread.
i think we've settled some things, so i guess we'll see how it goes thursday night.
Do you have a Paladin in the party? If you do, go ahead and let him assasinate Avner. Turn him Evil and let the Paladin have some fun. The first time he senses for evil could be very interesting.

Zaruthustran |

What is this ENWorld story hour/Campaign Journal you speak of?
It's here: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=181237&page=1&pp=40
It's a party of non-Good characters going through the Savage Tide. The group is led (and slowly corrupted) by an Evil bard named Anwar.
Great dialog, great characters.