Summoning up Corrage (Inactive)

Game Master Johnny_Panic

All Summoner game set in the freedom army of Irmathas "Long Live Nirmathas!!" and "Viva la Revolution" etc.. A small group of Summoner's face dangers in the endless woods fighting of thows that would end the Revolution and Nirmathas Independence.

Human being Game Master and all round good egg

GM Spugly here, this is Camp [Camp Mirog or as its know Camp 'Bloody lost'] where you can chat and talk as you like, Game thread will be for PC to PC events and doing stuff, all Qs about games rules and stuff come here. I am of course you Commanding officer.
The your new officer Sir Mirock Nobb, a clueless chinless wounder who spends most of my time down the officer mess (if you can call a tent that) drinking and/or playing cards badly, do not expect pay this mouth. From time to time I will send you off simple no risk at all to your life jobs, simple in simple out kind of thing, in the woods full of evil things with sharp teeth, Enemy agents and bandits as well as other nameless things. So no worry's there then.

See you soon.

Male Eidolon: Hanothere Aasimar Summoner 3
HP33/33|AC/T/F 16/13/13|F +3/R +4/W +5|Init +5|Percp +6

Reporting to duty commander

Female Human, Eidolon: Sperril Summoner 1
HP 9/9 AC/T/FF 13/13/10 F +1 R +3 W +1 Init +3 Perc +0

Happy to be here. Ready to go, and so is Sperril here.

Male Eidolon Jensida Kayel's 1 HD
HP 9/9 AC/T/FF 14/12/12 F +3 R +4 W+0 Init +2 Percep +4

Sperril's low voice growl's his agreement as well.

Human being Game Master and all round good egg

Cool guys, Sheazeer coul you post with you PC, everyone (who has not done so, Post with your Eidolon and add in your PC name like this (Jensida Kayel) after there name + Race + PC name (Jensida Kayel) in this case

In this way I can at a glance see see whos Eidolon it is, thanks.

HP 116/90 | AC 36 (T 18, FF 36) | CMD 26 | F +13 | R +11 | W +16 | Init +7 | Per +16
Ki Spent:7/9 Hero Points:3/3 1st:5/6 2nd:3/5 3rd:1/4 HP 116/90

Reporting for duty Sir. I'm going to be bonded with my eidolon whenever I'm not sleeping. Do I need a seperate alias? All my stats are listed with both normal form and eidolon form. The ones of the left of the "/" are unbonded, right side is with Eidolon.

Dark Archive

AC16/T12/FF14/CMD15|HP22[22]F:+4;R:+3;W:+4 (+2 vs death and neg energy)|Init;+2|Perc.+7 Samsaran 3

Prreep, Shazeer Eidolon

Male Human (Astoran) Knight | Parry 7, Toughness 9 | 1 Wounds | 2 Bennies

A halfling rides over on what looks to be a large, winged cat. "Well, hello, everyone!" he says cheerily. "I'm Kearan, and this here's Apedemak. Glad to be serving with you, though truth be told, I'd rather be at home by a nice fire!"

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

The cat takes in the various soldiers and their eidolons, its tail flicking.

Summoner HP 29/29 | AC 18/16| F +5 | R +3 | W +4 | Init +2 | Per +1

The half-orc, pale skin just grunts, nodding. I'm here.

Eidolon(Thran's) HP 29/29 | AC 19/13| F +4 | R +5 | W +1 | Init +2 | Per +6

The black coated canine, eyes yellow glancing at everyone, though a grin on his muzzle, his tail wagging behind him. "I'm here as well. Good to meet you all!"

Male Eidolon Jensida Kayel's 1 HD
HP 9/9 AC/T/FF 14/12/12 F +3 R +4 W+0 Init +2 Percep +4

I've been marked now as Jensida's. Everything else look good?

Human being Game Master and all round good egg

Ok once you have both done, head over to Game play, read the posts then, start, 1st post is 1st in.


Summoner - Ranger role HP 20/20 | AC 19, t 14, ff 16 | F +2 | R +5 | W +3 | Init +3 | Per +1

Present and accounted for.

Eidolon of Edgerton T. Bodger; HP 13/13 | AC 17, t 13, ff 14 | F +2 | R +5 | W +3 | Init +2 | Per +4

Trots up next to Edge. "Me here too."

Human being Game Master and all round good egg

Edgerton T. Bodger head over to game play if you have not all ready

Dark Archive

I work 12 hour shifts on the weekend, so not much time to post then. I'll be most active during the week, unless I get called in to cover a shift.

Human being Game Master and all round good egg

OK no worrys, I am looking to get a round of combat it a day, If its ok with every one I will Bot any ones PC whos not posting or who has told me they can not post. I am not going to guarantee your PC will not Die in this bot time, but thats life.

Also Ill be rolling you Perception rolls off screen guys to speed things up.

HP 116/90 | AC 36 (T 18, FF 36) | CMD 26 | F +13 | R +11 | W +16 | Init +7 | Per +16
Ki Spent:7/9 Hero Points:3/3 1st:5/6 2nd:3/5 3rd:1/4 HP 116/90

I have a question, is literally everyone in the army a summoner of some kind? What about other people, are they also all summoners? If so, this is totally like Pokemon awesome version. :)

Human being Game Master and all round good egg

Yes every one has at least 1 level of summoner

HP 116/90 | AC 36 (T 18, FF 36) | CMD 26 | F +13 | R +11 | W +16 | Init +7 | Per +16
Ki Spent:7/9 Hero Points:3/3 1st:5/6 2nd:3/5 3rd:1/4 HP 116/90

I have a question. I took Shadow Form, so that I would always have concealment to be able to roll stealth checks from. Obviously attacking breaks it, and I can only move half speed while stealthed. Each move action requires a new stealth roll. So rules as written I can basically be constantly 'invisible' to anything that can't beat my stealth roll (unless they have blindsight/tremor sense). Are we on the same page there?

Stealth rules wrote:

Your Stealth check is opposed by the Perception check of anyone who might notice you. You can move up to half your normal speed and use Stealth at no penalty. When moving at a speed greater than half but less than your normal speed, you take a –5 penalty. It's impossible to use Stealth while attacking, running, or charging.

A creature larger or smaller than Medium takes a size bonus or penalty on Stealth checks depending on its size category:

Fine +16, Diminutive +12, Tiny +8, Small +4, Large –4, Huge –8, Gargantuan –12, Colossal –16.

If people are observing you using any of their senses (but typically sight), you can't use Stealth. Against most creatures, finding cover or concealment allows you to use Stealth. If your observers are momentarily distracted (such as by a Bluff check), you can attempt to use Stealth. While the others turn their attention from you, you can attempt a Stealth check if you can get to an unobserved place of some kind. This check, however, is made at a –10 penalty because you have to move fast.

Shadow Form Evolution wrote:

Shadow Form (Su)*

The eidolon's body becomes shadowy and more indistinct. This shadow form grants the eidolon constant concealment (20% miss chance), and its melee attacks affect incorporeal creatures as if it had the ghost touch weapon property. The eidolon's melee attacks deal only half damage to corporeal creatures.

Because if that's not the case, then I probably want to change the evolution. I'm giving up half my damage against almost everything in the game so it should balance out. Damage wasn't that high to begin with :/ If it can't be used for stealth then I'd much rather use those two evolution points to up my bite attack.

Human being Game Master and all round good egg

Im having a long hard think about this one, Angelo
If and If I let this in the bag guys will have it as well, Mr Black for one so, I need to make that clear. But as of now I can see no rules broken so it but the book should stans and I did ask for rolls so nurfing you sneak roll i not going to happen. So it stands.

Human being Game Master and all round good egg

Sorry guys my Birthday party today, 12/12/12 lucky me :) will post later or soon as I can

Male Eidolon: Hanothere Aasimar Summoner 3
HP33/33|AC/T/F 16/13/13|F +3/R +4/W +5|Init +5|Percp +6

Well Happy B-day

Male Human (Astoran) Knight | Parry 7, Toughness 9 | 1 Wounds | 2 Bennies

Happy Birthday, GM Spugly!

Hoppy Floppy Birfes Day!

Female Human, Eidolon: Sperril Summoner 1
HP 9/9 AC/T/FF 13/13/10 F +1 R +3 W +1 Init +3 Perc +0

Between work and home life, several things have come up making life extremely stressful. I am sorry, but I need to withdraw from all of my PBP games. It has been fun playing with you all. I hope to be able to come back to the boards in the future, but until then, have fun.

Human being Game Master and all round good egg

thanks for letting me know k havea good time over xmass and mybe see you sson

Human being Game Master and all round good egg

guys I will post just Xmass maddness at the mo

Human being Game Master and all round good egg

ok I have had 2 long posts of mine Eaten by the site, so Im putting the game on hold until the new year guys. Will resume on or around the 2ed Jan.

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