Paizo Chatroom?

Off-Topic Discussions

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Liberty's Edge

Okay, dude. I go on. I log in. It says, "heathy has arrived" but do you just type down there in that box where everybody else is talking and saying, "hello, heathy?" "heathy?" "are you there, heathy?" I put the cursor down there and type, but nothing happens.
It'd help if I wasn't watching my two kobolds all alone today; they're trying to destroy my house.

The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:

Okay, dude. I go on. I log in. It says, "heathy has arrived" but do you just type down there in that box where everybody else is talking and saying, "hello, heathy?" "heathy?" "are you there, heathy?" I put the cursor down there and type, but nothing happens.

It'd help if I wasn't watching my two kobolds all alone today; they're trying to destroy my house.

There is a thin box for line text below the large box where text is located to type in. Try clicking on it to type.

FH(I am there now BTW)

Liberty's Edge

Yaaaaay! Fakey told me how it works.

Liberty's Edge

Hey guys!
Do you think that having a TOPIC-DAY wopuld help with that chatroom?!

Monday's Eberron, Saturday it's Greyhawk, Wednesdays it's RULES, and so on...

The Exchange

Dryder wrote:

Hey guys!

Do you think that having a TOPIC-DAY wopuld help with that chatroom?!

Monday's Eberron, Saturday it's Greyhawk, Wednesdays it's RULES, and so on...

Yeah! 'Ceptin for that Monday one. Isn't Monday bad enough without tossing a steaming pile of Eboorron on top?!?


The Exchange

Fakey, your close-mindedness on Eberron saddens me. I don't think I love you anymore.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Dangit! I'm terribly sorry I keep missing you Dryder.

The Exchange

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
Fakey, your close-mindedness on Eberron saddens me. I don't think I love you anymore.

Actually I just disagree with WotC's treatment of other previously popular settings. I have refused to purchase any other campaign setting books from WotC until they work to rectify the situation. That and I have read the setting (Ebeerrron) and just don't find it to my liking. Seems like they tried too hard to break the cliches and went overboard to me. Just an opinion, and a moral stand I have taken.


Liberty's Edge

Man that trips me out. I was blabbin with Dryder, and Jade, and I never realized how utterly dominated by colloquialisms my speech patterns were until I chatted with a German guy.

The Exchange

Fake Healer wrote:
Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
Fakey, your close-mindedness on Eberron saddens me. I don't think I love you anymore.

Actually I just disagree with WotC's treatment of other previously popular settings. I have refused to purchase any other campaign setting books from WotC until they work to rectify the situation. That and I have read the setting (Ebeerrron) and just don't find it to my liking. Seems like they tried too hard to break the cliches and went overboard to me. Just an opinion, and a moral stand I have taken.


A moral stand from a guy in a skirt? I take your point, I was only really toying with your mind. And you know I love you really.

Liberty's Edge

Heathansson wrote:
Man that trips me out. I was blabbin with Dryder, and Jade, and I never realized how utterly dominated by colloquialisms my speech patterns were until I chatted with a German guy.


I finally made it in- and oh man, was it great! I talked poor Daigle and Tensor's ear off, and I also got to meet Jade. Can't wait to go back!

Liberty's Edge

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:
Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
Fakey, your close-mindedness on Eberron saddens me. I don't think I love you anymore.

Actually I just disagree with WotC's treatment of other previously popular settings. I have refused to purchase any other campaign setting books from WotC until they work to rectify the situation. That and I have read the setting (Ebeerrron) and just don't find it to my liking. Seems like they tried too hard to break the cliches and went overboard to me. Just an opinion, and a moral stand I have taken.


A moral stand from a guy in a skirt? I take your point, I was only really toying with your mind. And you know I love you really.

Boy meets malformed. Boy makes malformed angry. Boy loses malformed. Etc...etc...etc...

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

It has been really great chatting with those of you that have stopped by.
I think we've only had like twenty-something visitors. Maybe these Paizo peeps are not into chatrooms. Maybe some of the posters we know and love don't read the off-topic rooms. Perhaps we should tell them.

I am sorry to those of you that have stopped by that I have missed. (Dryder specifically - damned time zones and this huge sphere we live on)
I camp there whether I am near the computer that the page is open on or not.

I think we should come up with a day of the week that would work to make an effort to visit the room at the same time. Like a scheduled chat. I'm not available on Sundays or Tuesdays because those are game days. Thursdays I am on the Greyhawk chats at Canonfire!.....what days are good for those of you that are interested?

If you see me there and I don't immediately respond, I'm usually just AFK or concentrating on something else at work or at home.


Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Daigle wrote:

It has been really great chatting with those of you that have stopped by.

I think we've only had like twenty-something visitors. Maybe these Paizo peeps are not into chatrooms.

The required Java plugin no longer works in Safari (the crapulent Mac browser), which is what we have here.

Sad... :`(

F'nark. Fix for one browser, break it in another...GRR!
*is a sad Demon Queen*

I would go to the chatsite, but it is not alowed at work. Since I work 4pm to midnight, I am usually not available. The daytime is also usually busy too. ~sighs~ Darn!

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Lilith wrote:

F'nark. Fix for one browser, break it in another...GRR!

*is a sad Demon Queen*

As a PC man, I say that you must have it right if it's broken for Safari but OK on IE.

*ducks hurled insults (and other things) from Mac-people*

; )

Honestly... I actually hate IE, too. I'm a Firefox adherent. But... MAN... Safari is just annoying.

Dark Archive Contributor

Why all the Safari hate Cosmodius? I've never had any problem with it, except that some websites aren't optimized for it. *shrug* But honestly, it's probably a good thing doesn't work right on Safari... ;P

Liberty's Edge

What's Safari anyway?!

*copes with all those blank stares*

Our favorite brass dragon editor said in an earlier post - Safari is a web browser for the Mac.

You know Mike, there is Firefox for the Mac...;) Come on over Mike, we have cookies!

Dark Archive Contributor

Lilith wrote:
You know Mike, there is Firefox for the Mac...;) Come on over Mike, we have cookies!

Is there now? I use Firefox on my PC at home, and I find it to be much like Safari in ways I enjoy. Is there an easy way for me to transfer over my bookmarks from Safari to Firefox? :)

Mike McArtor wrote:
Is there now? I use Firefox on my PC at home, and I find it to be much like Safari in ways I enjoy. Is there an easy way for me to transfer over my bookmarks from Safari to Firefox? :)

There should be when you install Firefox. :)

Dark Archive Contributor

Lilith wrote:
There should be when you install Firefox. :)

*Monty Burns impersonation* Excellent... */Monty Burns impersonation*

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative recruits. Thanks again for everyone who has visited.

I know who you are.

Actually, I even have a file.

Daigle wrote: recruits. Thanks again for everyone who has visited.

I know who you are.

Actually, I even have a file.

Whoa, you're keeping a file on us? Big Brother! BIG BROTHER!

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm touched Gary, I love you too.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hehe. And here I thought what goes on in Paizo unofficial chatroom stays in Paizo unofficial chatroom. :-)

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Well, it ain't rightly Vegas or Fight Club Dah'lin.

Liberty's Edge

Does the chatroom not work for anyone else right now?

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

It seems to be down. I sent an email to Lil.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Paizo added something there. ^

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Yes, it looks like the is either down, or Lilith's having her own little April Fools prank on all the Paizoan chat addicts.

Every part of her site is down, it seems.

Liberty's Edge

I don't know why my post disappeared.

Liberty's Edge

It's up now, though.

I'm not sure what happened - it's likely that the webserver went down for a bit. I'll check more into it tomorrow.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

One day day!

*I promise*

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Still going.....


Squatter wrote:

'Tis true.

Friday nights seem to be the time to look for folks to chat with. I should have gotten on earlier...:)

I'm on look for tral.. Thats me YEA!!!!

I said hello. :)

Grand Lodge

I popped by on Friday. 'Twas very nice, I thought.

If y'all want to stop by the Chatroom and discuss the latest news, feel free to - I'll be there, though there might be a delay in my responses.

Lilith wrote:
If y'all want to stop by the Chatroom and discuss the latest news, feel free to - I'll be there, though there might be a delay in my responses.

I was thinking the same thing, actually. I'll check down this evening in the chatroom.

As ever,

phooey I don't think I have the right plugs. I got on but when I tried to post a "S'up Lilith" it froze up

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

With all this talk of slow traffic on the boards, I'd like to invite each and everyone of you to the world famous Paizonian Chat Room . Where' y'all been? Was it something Jade said?

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