A Civil Religious Discussion

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Xpltvdeleted wrote:
Samnell wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:

EWWWWW Breeder!!!!!
I know. This is the sacrifice I make for our people. :)
Wait, I thought just being around gay people was all it took to make another one :P

I was instantaneously converted from ardent heterosexuality when for a moment I forgot to hate teh gayz with all my might. Just one second and it's all over. Teh gay is always watching.

Liberty's Edge

Samnell wrote:
Xpltvdeleted wrote:
Samnell wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:

EWWWWW Breeder!!!!!
I know. This is the sacrifice I make for our people. :)
Wait, I thought just being around gay people was all it took to make another one :P
I was instantaneously converted from ardent heterosexuality when for a moment I forgot to hate teh gayz with all my might. Just one second and it's all over. Teh gay is always watching.



Must...Hate...Harder...If I catch teh gayz my wife will leave me :(

Liberty's Edge

Samnell wrote:
Xpltvdeleted wrote:
Samnell wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:

EWWWWW Breeder!!!!!
I know. This is the sacrifice I make for our people. :)
Wait, I thought just being around gay people was all it took to make another one :P
I was instantaneously converted from ardent heterosexuality when for a moment I forgot to hate teh gayz with all my might. Just one second and it's all over. Teh gay is always watching.

This is why I always make sure my bathroom has frosted glass and double curtains. I don't want to know how to cut hair and match the sofa to the area rug...

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Xpltvdeleted wrote:
Samnell wrote:
Xpltvdeleted wrote:
Samnell wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:

EWWWWW Breeder!!!!!
I know. This is the sacrifice I make for our people. :)
Wait, I thought just being around gay people was all it took to make another one :P
I was instantaneously converted from ardent heterosexuality when for a moment I forgot to hate teh gayz with all my might. Just one second and it's all over. Teh gay is always watching.



Must...Hate...Harder...If I catch teh gayz my wife will leave me :(

But if she stayed, you'd have to leave, right? Can't be with a homo-lover right?

Liberty's Edge

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Xpltvdeleted wrote:
Samnell wrote:
Xpltvdeleted wrote:
Samnell wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:

EWWWWW Breeder!!!!!
I know. This is the sacrifice I make for our people. :)
Wait, I thought just being around gay people was all it took to make another one :P
I was instantaneously converted from ardent heterosexuality when for a moment I forgot to hate teh gayz with all my might. Just one second and it's all over. Teh gay is always watching.



Must...Hate...Harder...If I catch teh gayz my wife will leave me :(

But if she stayed, you'd have to leave, right? Can't be with a homo-lover right?

I guess that would depend on whether or not I was Polish.

Liberty's Edge

Xpltvdeleted wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Xpltvdeleted wrote:
Samnell wrote:
Xpltvdeleted wrote:
Samnell wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:

EWWWWW Breeder!!!!!
I know. This is the sacrifice I make for our people. :)
Wait, I thought just being around gay people was all it took to make another one :P
I was instantaneously converted from ardent heterosexuality when for a moment I forgot to hate teh gayz with all my might. Just one second and it's all over. Teh gay is always watching.



Must...Hate...Harder...If I catch teh gayz my wife will leave me :(

But if she stayed, you'd have to leave, right? Can't be with a homo-lover right?
I guess that would depend on whether or not I was Polish.

Dude, that was low. Even for you. Those people who make Turtle Wax and Pledge work hard, and you have to make them a butt of all your jokes.

And I thought I knew you...

Liberty's Edge

houstonderek wrote:

Dude, that was low. Even for you. Those people who make Turtle Wax and Pledge work hard, and you have to make them a butt of all your jokes.

And I thought I knew you...

Oh gods, what have I become?!?!

Dark Archive

Samnell wrote:
Xpltvdeleted wrote:
Samnell wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:

EWWWWW Breeder!!!!!
I know. This is the sacrifice I make for our people. :)
Wait, I thought just being around gay people was all it took to make another one :P
I was instantaneously converted from ardent heterosexuality when for a moment I forgot to hate teh gayz with all my might. Just one second and it's all over. Teh gay is always watching.

You know funny enough Fred Phelps used to wear gloves all the time, he never wanted to appear in public without them because was afraid to catch the gay.

Liberty's Edge

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
...catch the gay.

Am I allowed to snicker at this or not?

Studpuffin wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
...catch the gay.
Am I allowed to snicker at this or not?

Shows how dumb he is, doesn't it? If he's afraid of catching the gay, he should be wearing a muzzle and padlocked pants. It would be pretty hard to do any catching with those on.

Liberty's Edge

Samnell wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
...catch the gay.
Am I allowed to snicker at this or not?
Shows how dumb he is, doesn't it? If he's afraid of catching the gay, he should be wearing a muzzle and padlocked pants. It would be pretty hard to do any catching with those on.

You can buy padlocking pants!? Where?

Studpuffin wrote:
Samnell wrote:

Shows how dumb he is, doesn't it? If he's afraid of catching the gay, he should be wearing a muzzle and padlocked pants. It would be pretty hard to do any catching with those on.
You can buy padlocking pants!? Where?

Google turned up several hits for locking pants. Failing those, I'm sure Fred could find some sort of leather speedo with a lock on it.

I was going to say more about why Fred might already have a muzzle and locking pants, but I squicked myself a bit and if it's nauseating for me to think about it's probably not the kind of thing other people want to read.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Samnell wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Samnell wrote:

Shows how dumb he is, doesn't it? If he's afraid of catching the gay, he should be wearing a muzzle and padlocked pants. It would be pretty hard to do any catching with those on.
You can buy padlocking pants!? Where?

Google turned up several hits for locking pants. Failing those, I'm sure Fred could find some sort of leather speedo with a lock on it.

I was going to say more about why Fred might already have a muzzle and locking pants, but I squicked myself a bit and if it's nauseating for me to think about it's probably not the kind of thing other people want to read.

And yet you still told usx about it!!!! And I only have a two gallon tub of mindbleach left, you bastard!

Paul Watson wrote:

And yet you still told usx about it!!!! And I only have a two gallon tub of mindbleach left, you bastard!

Now I feel better about that post. :)

Liberty's Edge

Paul Watson wrote:

And yet you still told usx about it!!!! And I only have a two gallon tub of mindbleach left, you bastard!

I thought mindbleach came in liters over there?

Liberty's Edge

Samnell wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Samnell wrote:

Shows how dumb he is, doesn't it? If he's afraid of catching the gay, he should be wearing a muzzle and padlocked pants. It would be pretty hard to do any catching with those on.
You can buy padlocking pants!? Where?

Google turned up several hits for locking pants. Failing those, I'm sure Fred could find some sort of leather speedo with a lock on it.

I was going to say more about why Fred might already have a muzzle and locking pants, but I squicked myself a bit and if it's nauseating for me to think about it's probably not the kind of thing other people want to read.

Does it involve the glass coke bottle full of thumb tacks and the merry-go-round? Because that one sounded kind of interesting.

Studpuffin wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Thumb tacks could potentially be involved, but I was only thinking about locking pants and muzzles.
Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Jagyr Ebonwood wrote:
Paul Watson wrote:

And yet you still told usx about it!!!! And I only have a two gallon tub of mindbleach left, you bastard!
I thought mindbleach came in liters over there?

You haven't met my players. I buy the stuff in industrial quantities.

I think we need to wipe out the heterosexuals. They are obviously a carrier for teh gay.

Inventor of in-vitro fertilization wins Nobel, draws complaints from the Every Sperm is Sacred crowd.

Because he's abetting overpopulation? That would be a fair criticism, though IVF is mostly available to people in rich countries where overpopulation is not a serious concern. Fertility treatments are expensive, after all. Also the best fix for overpopulation is called condoms.

But that's not what the head of the Vatican's Pontifical Academy for (read: against) Life cares about:


But he said the Nobel prize committee's choice of Prof Edwards had been "completely out of order" as without his treatment, there would be no market for human eggs "and there would not be a large number of freezers filled with embryos in the world", he told Italy's Ansa news agency.

"In the best of cases they are transferred into a uterus but most probably they will end up abandoned or dead, which is a problem for which the new Nobel prize winner is responsible."

Samnell wrote:
Inventor of in-vitro fertilization wins Nobel, draws complaints from the Every Sperm is Sacred crowd.

Seems like a direct result of the following:

Demand: "No embyonic stem cell research! It's evil to destroy embryos."
Reply: "These embryos are slated for destruction anyway, as a by-product of fertility treatments. We'd actually be temporarily saving them from destruction in order that they could potentially lead to life-saving treatments."
Conclusion: "Aha! IVF is also evil!"

Liberty's Edge

CourtFool wrote:
I think we need to wipe out the heterosexuals. They are obviously a carrier for teh gay.

Serious thought here. I wonder what the dynamic of the abortion debate would be if they ever do isolate the "gay" gene and can test for it during pregnancy.

Liberty's Edge

houstonderek wrote:
CourtFool wrote:
I think we need to wipe out the heterosexuals. They are obviously a carrier for teh gay.
Serious thought here. I wonder what the dynamic of the abortion debate would be if they ever do isolate the "gay" gene and can test for it during pregnancy.

No snark whatsoever...you'll find a large number of pro-lifers suddenly become pro-choicers.

Either that or when confronted with the fact that teh gay is genetic (rather than a "learned" behavior), they will spiral into a devastating depression caused by questioning their bible and god.

OR, they'll just dismiss the study as the work of the devil and teh gay controlled scientific community.

Pick your poison.

Liberty's Edge

Xpltvdeleted wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
CourtFool wrote:
I think we need to wipe out the heterosexuals. They are obviously a carrier for teh gay.
Serious thought here. I wonder what the dynamic of the abortion debate would be if they ever do isolate the "gay" gene and can test for it during pregnancy.

No snark whatsoever...you'll find a large number of pro-lifers suddenly become pro-choicers.

Either that or when confronted with the fact that teh gay is genetic (rather than a "learned" behavior), they will spiral into a devastating depression caused by questioning their bible and god.

OR, they'll just dismiss the study as the work of the devil and teh gay controlled scientific community.

Pick your poison.

I was actually thinking you'd find the sides flip all together. Pro-choice would become pro-life, especially if there were an uptick in "gay" pregnancies being terminated. Pro-lifers maybe not as much change as you think though.

I think it would make for strange bedfellows at the various rallies and protests, though.

houstonderek wrote:
CourtFool wrote:
I think we need to wipe out the heterosexuals. They are obviously a carrier for teh gay.
Serious thought here. I wonder what the dynamic of the abortion debate would be if they ever do isolate the "gay" gene and can test for it during pregnancy.

Leaving aside that the evidence to date doesn't point to a single gene but rather a combination of genetic and womb environmental issues:

I wouldn't give a damn. A fetus of any orientation deserves zero moral consideration in my book. You might as well ask about the morality of swatting a mosquito.

I would expect most pro-lifers would remain pro-lifers and then when it's their uterus or that of a loved one, high-tail it to the same clinic they protest twice weekly or the one the next county over, like they do now.

Many Christians that believe that marriage is the only acceptable place for sexual behavior also already accept the idea that homosexual attraction is genetic or has a strong prenatal/formative component. Because it is homosexual behavior and not homosexual identity that these people generally oppose (a distinction that many liberals seem unable or unwilling to make), it doesn't change their stance or cause them to "question" their God.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the vast majority of Christians who oppose homosexual behavior do not want to kill those who experience homosexual attraction. In fact, I've never met a pro-lifer who was not also opposed to the abortion of "gay" children.
I think your assumption that overwhelming evidence of the nonvoluntary nature of sexual attraction will have any effect on the abortion debate comes from a misunderstanding of why people oppose abortion.

Samnell wrote:
I wouldn't give a damn. A fetus of any orientation deserves zero moral consideration in my book. You might as well ask about the morality of swatting a mosquito.

Here's the key, yet again -- the abortion debate is about the status and rights of the developing fetus. Is it a person? Does it have the right to be protected from violent actions against it that we guarantee to other classes of persons?

If you accept the common pro-choice position that the fetus has no more rights than a mosquito, as well as the fact that most pro-choicers don't feel bad about swatting gay mosquitoes, then the gay discussion is a red herring.
If you accept the common pro-life position that the fetus is a person with the right to life, as well as the fact that most pro-lifers don't want all gays killed, then the gay discussion is again a red herring.

Got to agree with Avalon here. I doubt the Pro-lifers would want to kill their children (which is what they believe abortion is) just because they are gay. That being said I seriously think that many Religious people who are against genetic engineering might have second thoughts if it came out that doctors could guarantee that their child would not be gay.

Prince That Howls wrote:
That being said I seriously think that many Religious people who are against genetic engineering might have second thoughts if it came out that doctors could guarantee that their child would not be gay.

I think, in practice, many people who are against genetic engineering (and most of the ones I know aren't religious, BTW) will not be when it becomes an accepted reality and they see the benefits.

AvalonXQ wrote:
Prince That Howls wrote:
That being said I seriously think that many Religious people who are against genetic engineering might have second thoughts if it came out that doctors could guarantee that their child would not be gay.
I think, in practice, many people who are against genetic engineering (and most of the ones I know aren't religious, BTW) will not be when it becomes an accepted reality and they see the benefits.

Most people who I know that are anti genetic engineering bring up the phrase “playing god” every time

Liberty's Edge

Prince That Howls wrote:
Got to agree with Avalon here. I doubt the Pro-lifers would want to kill their children (which is what they believe abortion is) just because they are gay. That being said I seriously think that many Religious people who are against genetic engineering might have second thoughts if it came out that doctors could guarantee that their child would not be gay.

Every time I've known someone to be disowned because they are gay, it has been from a religious household. Every time I have heard of someone forced to endure the horrors that are the anti-gay camps, they have been sent from a religious household.

It is these people, who cannot accept that there is nothing to be fixed about homosexuality and who will eventually come to realize that it cannot be fixed, that I worry will abort children who have tested positive for teh gay. You will see them abandon their convictions just as you see them abandon their convictions when their teenage daughter gets knocked up and they have her abort so they don't have to worry about what the congragation will think.

The depths of religious hypocrisy will never surprise me, because I feel that depth to be endless.

Prince That Howls wrote:
Most people who I know that are anti genetic engineering bring up the phrase “playing god” every time

This will blow your mind -- that phrase is often used by non-religious people when genetic engineering is brought up!

What I've discovered, though, is that "playing god" more often than not is just a proxy for peoples' "ick" factor when it comes to technologies that question what humans have accepted as a basic fact of life up to that point.
People said the same thing about lightning rods.
The opposition will not last a single generation past the technology's full dissemination.

Xpltvdeleted wrote:
It is these people, who cannot accept that there is nothing to be fixed about homosexuality and who will eventually come to realize that it cannot be fixed, that I worry will abort children who have tested positive for teh gay. You will see them abandon their convictions just as you see them abandon their convictions when their teenage daughter gets knocked up and they have her abort so they don't have to worry about what the congragation will think.

So, wait, are we talking about people changing their stance on abortion in response to the "gay gene" issue (won't happen), or are we talking about people on both sides of the abortion issue doing things hypocritical to their beliefs (happens today, will continue to happen)?

AvalonXQ wrote:
Prince That Howls wrote:
Most people who I know that are anti genetic engineering bring up the phrase “playing god” every time

This will blow your mind -- that phrase is often used by non-religious people when genetic engineering is brought up!

What I've discovered, though, is that "playing god" more often than not is just a proxy for peoples' "ick" factor when it comes to technologies that question what humans have accepted as a basic fact of life up to that point.
People said the same thing about lightning rods.
The opposition will not last a single generation past the technology's full dissemination.

Consider my mind un blown. When I said “ most people I know who…” I mean that I know these people and I knew that they were religious before they gave their positions on genetic engineering. Most non-religious people who I know believe in various degrees, from "only to cure birth defects" to "the parents should be able to choose their kid's eye color." The only people I've ever met who had advocated against it, even if it meant stopping children from being born with things like cerebral palsy were religious and cited their religion as their reason.

Edit: I should also say I know some religious people who believe that GE should be used to stop birth defects. I don't mean that every religious person I've met has been against GE, just that every person I've met who's been against GE has been religious.

You misunderstood why this was mind-blowing -- because many of the people I know who make exactly the same arguments about genetic engineering (and are against using it at all, for anything) are also atheist/non-religious!
Yeah, I know. IMO humanities majors aren't the most logically consistent cookies in the tin.

Prince That Howls wrote:
I should also say I know some religious people who believe that GE should be used to stop birth defects. I don't mean that every religious person I've met has been against GE, just that every person I've met who's been against GE has been religious.

And I was sharing that I've met non-religious people who are against GE for reasons that to me only make sense for the religious.

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

AvalonXQ wrote:
Xpltvdeleted wrote:
It is these people, who cannot accept that there is nothing to be fixed about homosexuality and who will eventually come to realize that it cannot be fixed, that I worry will abort children who have tested positive for teh gay. You will see them abandon their convictions just as you see them abandon their convictions when their teenage daughter gets knocked up and they have her abort so they don't have to worry about what the congragation will think.

So, wait, are we talking about people changing their stance on abortion in response to the "gay gene" issue (won't happen), or are we talking about people on both sides of the abortion issue doing things hypocritical to their beliefs (happens today, will continue to happen)?

You saying it won't happen at all is as ridiculous as me saying everyone will do it. It WILL happen, there will be people who find their convictions a lot less meaningful when they find out their about to bring a gay "abomination" into the world. That does not mean that everyone who is opposed to abortion will up and decided to start jettisoning their fetuses (feti?) en mass.

AvalonXQ wrote:
Prince That Howls wrote:
I should also say I know some religious people who believe that GE should be used to stop birth defects. I don't mean that every religious person I've met has been against GE, just that every person I've met who's been against GE has been religious.
And I was sharing that I've met non-religious people who are against GE for reasons that to me only make sense for the religious.

Well those people sound like they have mental defects which could have been solved with GE.

The point is that the ideological basis for pro-life and pro-choice positions will not be affected by the existence of a "gay gene". It's a red herring for both groups.

Dark Archive

AvalonXQ wrote:
The point is that the ideological basis for pro-life and pro-choice positions will not be affected by the existence of a "gay gene". It's a red herring for both groups.

I tend to agree. Frankly positions tend to be very ingrained. To any religious pro-lifer a fetus has a soul, whether that person is gay or not a real christian would not want that person murdered. Therefore if a fetus is gay they would still consider it murder to abort it.

Liberty's Edge

And, my experiment was successful. Good job, folks, y'all had a civil conversation about a controversial topic.

I'm actually kinda digging this thread again.

Liberty's Edge

houstonderek wrote:

And, my experiment was successful. Good job, folks, y'all had a civil conversation about a controversial topic.

I'm actually kinda digging this thread again.

Listen here, a*&@#$+...nobody tricks me into being civil!!!

See what you made me do?!?! I'm gonna have to be in super dick mode for at least a week to make up for this!

AvalonXQ wrote:
…a distinction that many liberals seem unable or unwilling to make…

Is it possible liberals understand the distinction and still reject it? It is o.k. that you are you, just try not to behave like you.

Liberty's Edge

Xpltvdeleted wrote:
houstonderek wrote:

And, my experiment was successful. Good job, folks, y'all had a civil conversation about a controversial topic.

I'm actually kinda digging this thread again.

Listen here, a!&&%!~...nobody tricks me into being civil!!!

See what you made me do?!?! I'm gonna have to be in super dick mode for at least a week to make up for this!

Hehehehe ;)

houstonderek wrote:

And, my experiment was successful. Good job, folks, y'all had a civil conversation about a controversial topic.

Really? AvalonXQ's shot at liberals was aok?

Liberty's Edge

CourtFool wrote:
houstonderek wrote:

And, my experiment was successful. Good job, folks, y'all had a civil conversation about a controversial topic.

Really? AvalonXQ's shot at liberals was aok?

No shot.

I'm really beginning to think y'all just don't like Avalon, considering how far you go out of the way to misread their posts.

Dark Archive

Ok religious view on Eugenics. But lets be clear there are 2 types of eugenics.
1) Removing negative traits such as diseases like Celiac disease or Haemophelia.
2)Adding positive traits in, trying to make physically superior beings such as increased muscle mass, or bone density etc, etc.

houstonderek wrote:
I'm really beginning to think y'all just don't like Avalon, considering how far you go out of the way to misread their posts.

Consider I had said, "Faith is not blind faith, a distinction many Christians are unable or unwilling to make." How soon before you would come running to defend all the insulted Christians.

AvalonXQ wrote:
This will blow your mind -- that phrase is often used by non-religious people when genetic engineering is brought up! What I've discovered, though, is that "playing god" more often than not is just a proxy for peoples' "ick" factor when it comes to technologies that question what humans have accepted as a basic fact of life up to that point.

Yep. My mind isn't blown at all -- it's a factor of how much "woo" the person embraces, not of any particular religion, organized or otherwise.

New Age liberals are all the time spouting off about the perceived "evils" of genertic engineering -- especially with regards to GMO. Many Christian fundamentalists are the same way with genetic engineering. Both groups contain a not-insignificant proportion of anti-vaccination people as well.

Anti-science isn't restricted to a particular church or creed -- it's widespread whenever people reject empirical reality in favor of their own personal perceptions.

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