Demons and the Seven Deadly Sin (Attn: James Jacobs)

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

In Demonomicon of Iggwilv: Malcanthet, you listed the following demons as corresponding to four of the seven deadly sins:

Lust: succubi
Glutony: nabassus
Wrath: vrocks
Envy: glabrezus

Are their demons that correspond to Avarice, Sloth, and Pride as well?

Please forgive me if I'm being dense here.

well, i know there's at least an abyssal lord who's the Baron of Sloth, Lupercio.

Liberty's Edge

I doubt anybody has ever seen a sloth demon, because they don't exactly get a lot accomplished. Bopping around the prime looking for people to mess with requires motivation.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

They'd be relatively common demons, for the most part, since the seven deadly sins are so primal. It breaks down further like this:

Avarice: nafleshnee

Pride: marilith

Sloth: This demon's not that common, actually. It's a big creature that I doubt can even actually move, so it'd be more like an object or maybe a trap than an actual monster. Hezrous likely evolved out of this monster, but they're no longer really much of an embodiment of sloth anymore.

Balors don't really fit on the scale; they're basically a combination of the 7 sins into one monstrous package.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:

They'd be relatively common demons, for the most part, since the seven deadly sins are so primal. It breaks down further like this:

Avarice: nafleshnee

Pride: marilith

Sloth: This demon's not that common, actually. It's a big creature that I doubt can even actually move, so it'd be more like an object or maybe a trap than an actual monster. Hezrous likely evolved out of this monster, but they're no longer really much of an embodiment of sloth anymore.

Balors don't really fit on the scale; they're basically a combination of the 7 sins into one monstrous package.


Interesting, and thanks James! My wife and I had been debating for a while, we had come to conclude that (at least visually) it was Sloth: Nalfeshnee, Avarice: Marilith, Pride: Balor.

Wouldn't it be interesting to have the "origional" sloth demon statted? Hmm....

I hear sloth demons like Baby Ruths. ;)

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Okay, so we need an interesting Sloth Demon.

I think a demon that somehow infected other creatures with slothfulness, as opposed to being entirely defined by its own slothfulness, would be pretty cool. Something that drains the will of its victims so they find themselves unable to care about anything, until they just . . . stop.

Another image that comes to mind, maybe in combination with the above, is a Medium or smaller demon with pack habits and a vicious attack (sort of like Velociraptors from the first Jurassic Park movie) that are well-known only to chase things that actually run (or cast spells or take any other visible action). So you could have this pack of vicious critters that will ignore you if you hold still, but then a Wisdom-draining effect such that if you hold still too long and they don't get drawn away by something else, you may find yourself unable to move later.

Grand Lodge

I'm with you on the Sloth Demon concept. I'm thinking some kind of Huge rubbery ooze-like creature with barely discernible arms, legs and facial features lost in the rolls of its excess flesh. It primary weapon would be a potent WIS-draining effect extending quite far from it. It could be a bit like the night twist, calling those that can hear it to their slovenly dooms. And perhaps it should have a slow aura...

More ideas! Please?

If Sibriexes (Fiendish Codex 1) weren't Obyrith, they'd make a good candidate, since all the ones on the list are Tanar'ri.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Perhaps alkiliths would make a good sloth demon, come to think of it...

And skulvyns have a slow aura, but they're hardly slothful monsters. They're more like the vicious anklebiters in a nightmare that make you run real slow when they chase you through the tall grass.

I am not sure of the name, but I am pretty sure the demon for sloth looks like a green computer screen and a deck of animated cards... At least that what Sloth looks like when it attacks me. O:)

Liberty's Edge

It could be a small, furry creature that hangs upside down from trees...

Oh, wait...

That's a sloth.

Never mind.

Liberty's Edge

I saw 2 sloths doing the wild thing in Costa Rica. It didn't make me envious or lustful.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Imagine a slothful demon with the Flicker power (from the Shadowcaster in Tome of Magic - basically, a short-range Dimension-Door-like effect that they can do as an immediate action without ending their turn. The evil beastie never actually has to "move" to pursue its prey, it just suddenly transposes itself from one place to another...

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