Seeking (Color) Artwork of Kirre, a Dark Sun Monster

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

Does anyone know if there is artwork available of the Kirre, particularly in color?

I have the B&W Dark Sun monstrous compendium, but was wondering if anyone could recall any other, preferably color artwork of this monster.



There is a color kirre painting. It was used for 2nd Edition trading cards. I don't have a scan, but I remember it. It's out there somewhere.

2nd Edition monster manual. Maybe I can get a scan up for you. Depends on if my scanner works at the moment.

The Black Bard wrote:
2nd Edition monster manual. Maybe I can get a scan up for you. Depends on if my scanner works at the moment.

Would be great if you can come up with it.



I'm pretty sure the Core Rules 2.0 CD ROM has a colour picture of the kirre. I don't think I have the CD with me here in this country but I am sure someone else can find it for you.

A colour picture of the kirre was used for a Spellfire card of the same name. Unfortunately, I can't tell you which booster set it was part prepared to look through a lot of card lists :/


K, dug up my core rules disc, should be a pic of it there. Gimmee an email adress and you got an image.

The Black Bard wrote:
Gimmee an email adress and you got an image.

Please email to this address:

USGuyDavid {at}

Thanks much,


Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

A Kirre, green stripey tiger??? Look at the cover of the Outcast, the first novel of the Tribe of One series.

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