
Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

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The Exchange

Orcwart wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:
In a recent Call of Cthulhu campaign that just wrapped up, my girlfriend played a gay cowboy from Texas. I kept waiting for her character to hit on my ruggedly handsome, pudgy French linguist, but sadly that never occurred. :\
That's because he wasn't a cunning liguist. ;)

Umm they would both be males so yeah that joke doesn't really work but yeah.

Anyhow I suppose I would be called a transvirtual. I'm not offended by the word or anything. My reasons for always playing female chars are many and varied. To put it simply it is just more interesting for me. I am up front about it and don't try to actually pass myself off as female in real life or anything as that is a bit extreme and not fair to other players, who may get wrong impressions etc.

As to the why I do this, it may be that most of my heroes in history, my personal life and in pop culture (video games TV music and movies) are female.

Scarab Sages

Orcwart wrote:
I played Spugnoir from Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil as a very camp homosexual. My conversation was filled with innuendo and double entendre and I spoke like Kenneth Williams of the 'Carry on...' films fame. Julius Caesar...

"They've all got it in for me...!"

<drop dead>

Scarab Sages

Mike McArtor wrote:
In a recent Call of Cthulhu campaign that just wrapped up, my girlfriend played a gay cowboy from Texas. I kept waiting for her character to hit on my ruggedly handsome, pudgy French linguist, but sadly that never occurred. :\

What was the adventure called?

Pokeback Mountain?

Snorter wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:
In a recent Call of Cthulhu campaign that just wrapped up, my girlfriend played a gay cowboy from Texas. I kept waiting for her character to hit on my ruggedly handsome, pudgy French linguist, but sadly that never occurred. :\

What was the adventure called?

Pokeback Mountain?

Brokeback Mountains of Madness?

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