Epic adventure list?

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

Has anyone come up with a list of the Epic adventures that have appeared in DUNGEON Magazine to date? Also, which non-Epic adventures, that are 18th to 20th-level, have a "Scaling Sidebar" that scales the adventure up, instead of down?

Any help would be appreciated.


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Here’s the list of all the adventures, level 18+. They probably don’t all have the “Scaling Sidebar” that you requested, but I thought it was better to include them all so you have the full range to choose from:

“Quicksilver Hourglass” (#123, level 30)
“The Storm Lord’s Keep” (#93, level 21)

“Asylum” (#116, level 19, SCAP)
“Dawn of A New Age” (#135, level 20, AoWAP)
“Gates of Oblivion” (#136, level 18)
“Heart of Hellfire Mountain” (#140, level 20)
“Into The Wyrmcrawl Fissure” (#134, level 19, AoWAP)
“Kings of The Rift” (#133, level 18, AoWAP)
“Root of Evil” (#122, level 18)
“Strike on Shatterhorn” (#115, level 18, SCAP)
“The Lich-Queen’s Beloved” (#100, level 18)
“The Razing of Redshore” (#92, level 20)
“Vlindarian’s Vault” (#141, level 18)

hehe. Try saying AoWAP. AY-WHAP!

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My gaming group has reached epic level and is about to run the last adventure.
Assuming most of them survive, I'll be using high level adventures.
Any new ones recently?

Greetings from the future, if you are still looking for epic material, look for the books of the master "Craig Cochrane"

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