Hope there will be a STAP-prestige class

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

SCAP had its prc and AoWAP did, too. Will we see campaign specific prestige class in Savage Tidings?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Aureus wrote:
SCAP had its prc and AoWAP did, too. Will we see campaign specific prestige class in Savage Tidings?

Yes. It'll be in an upcoming Savage Tidings, I believe.

James Jacobs wrote:
Aureus wrote:
SCAP had its prc and AoWAP did, too. Will we see campaign specific prestige class in Savage Tidings?
Yes. It'll be in an upcoming Savage Tidings, I believe.


James Jacobs wrote:
Yes. It'll be in an upcoming Savage Tidings, I believe.

And it will be the...?

Actually, what I'd really like to see is a discussion on how to put the current PrCs into the Savage Tide. It's my take that membership in a prestige class should be campaign driven, and I'd like to see how different angles of the STAP support different PrCs.

For example, what specific STAP circumstances would lead to the development of a Dragon Disciple or a Mystic Theurge?

I won't say no to a new prestige class, but I'd really like to see more involvement with the current ones to make them feel special again.

Fletch wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Yes. It'll be in an upcoming Savage Tidings, I believe.
For example, what specific STAP circumstances would lead to the development of a Dragon Disciple or a Mystic Theurge? I won't say no to a new prestige class, but I'd really like to see more involvement with the current ones to make them feel special again.

Exotic ones are no problem at all; after the darfellan barbarian PC spent a lot of time in "Tides of Dread" hunting dinosaurs and befriending the natives, I was happy to let him segue into the (otherwise silly) Ghost-Face Killer prestige class-- I ruled it was an ancient Olman cult of hunters/killers, annointed by the witch doctors; they paint their faces like skulls when working. Since the darfellan was already "painted," it went over perfectly, although I'm thinking of renaming the class "Chosen of Mictlantecuhtli" or something (suggestions welcome!).


Erik Goldman wrote:
Fletch wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Yes. It'll be in an upcoming Savage Tidings, I believe.
For example, what specific STAP circumstances would lead to the development of a Dragon Disciple or a Mystic Theurge? I won't say no to a new prestige class, but I'd really like to see more involvement with the current ones to make them feel special again.
Exotic ones are no problem at all; after the darfellan barbarian PC spent a lot of time in "Tides of Dread" hunting dinosaurs and befriending the natives, I was happy to let him segue into the (otherwise silly) Ghost-Face Killer prestige class-- I ruled it was an ancient Olman cult of hunters/killers, annointed by the witch doctors; they paint their faces like skulls when working. Since the darfellan was already "painted," it went over perfectly, although I'm thinking of renaming the class "Chosen of Mictlantecuhtli" or something (suggestions welcome!).

That's cool! I really dig the ghost-faced killer, but I agree, it has to be used in a cool way. I have something brewing with a GFK, but I am not done writing it yet. Cool Prestige Class, but yeah, could end up really silly unless done right, and I think your use of it for the darfellan (as an ancient Olman tradition) is pretty rocking!

Fletch wrote:
For example, what specific STAP circumstances would lead to the development of a Dragon Disciple or a Mystic Theurge?

Dragon disciple might require a trip to visit Xireuksor once they reach the island. Mystic Theurge can again be tied in with some Olman cult, I suppose, or else (somewhat lamely) ruled a divine epiphany (like, the characters are fated to oppose Demogorgon, aren't they? Or maybe the demon lady who plays tricks with the bat idols also has a hand in it...). The point is, it's part of the DM's job to find a place for the players to express their creativity. If they want to be half-dragon warforged mageblades, we might think it's stupid, but we need to at least be willing to meet them halfway.

Nicolas Logue wrote:
I think your use of it for the darfellan (as an ancient Olman tradition) is pretty rocking!

Wow! Thanks! For a second there I didn't realize it was my hero, the Lord of the Warped Xorn, who spoke... you just made my whole week, Mr. Logue.

Fletch wrote:

Actually, what I'd really like to see is a discussion on how to put the current PrCs into the Savage Tide. It's my take that membership in a prestige class should be campaign driven, and I'd like to see how different angles of the STAP support different PrCs.

For example, what specific STAP circumstances would lead to the development of a Dragon Disciple or a Mystic Theurge?

I won't say no to a new prestige class, but I'd really like to see more involvement with the current ones to make them feel special again.

Obviously, the 'Stormwrack' prestige classes pop to mind, but I'm fairly sure the Favoured Soul / Sorcerer lady from the Jade Ravens is on her way to Mystic Theurge (or, I hope she is, as otherwise, she's just... bland). She could easily be a tutor in that area.

Dragon Disciple... hrm, would the Dragon Turtle count? He could certainly take a sorcerer (or Bard, if the bard is the one who made some good Diplomacy checks) under his.. uh, fin.

Bram Blackfeather wrote:

Obviously, the 'Stormwrack' prestige classes pop to mind, but I'm fairly sure the Favoured Soul / Sorcerer lady from the Jade Ravens is on her way to Mystic Theurge (or, I hope she is, as otherwise, she's just... bland). She could easily be a tutor in that area.

Dragon Disciple... hrm, would the Dragon Turtle count? He could certainly take a sorcerer (or Bard, if the bard is the one who made some good Diplomacy checks) under his.. uh, fin.

That's what I'm talking about. I'd like to think I was a clever person, but I can't seem to make connections like that. I'm going to have to wait to see what PrCs my players are interested in and go from there, but I'd still like to see it addressed in a Savage Tidings article.

I was just reading through Issue #144 and there is an imprisoned Olman warrior in the diseased troglodyte caves. Jakara of the Tiger: a Totemic Demonslayer (which sounds sweet by the way). There is mention too of him possibly teaching his methods to those willing. I don't think this has been mentioned in the thread yet, but I imagine it is a pretty good shot that is the new PRC, especially since he is to be detailed in an upcoming Savage Tidings article in Dragon.

Anyone else catch it? I didn't read Shackled City at all and there was no real introduction of the PRC for Age of Worms. It was sort of just, ..."and now anyone interested and qualified can take Wormhunter! Yay! Moving on..."

Just thought I'd throw that out there...

dire satyr wrote:
I was just reading through Issue #144 and there is an imprisoned Olman warrior in the diseased troglodyte caves. Jakara of the Tiger: a Totemic Demonslayer (which sounds sweet by the way). There is mention too of him possibly teaching his methods to those willing.

My money is on the Totemic Demonslayer (and second it that it sounds SWEET!)

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