Dragon #352: Missing Usi Tribe Description?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I'm probably just blind, but did I miss the description of the Usi clan in the article "Braving the Isle of Dread"?

I see the other six clans have descriptions on page 71. There are feat features for Usi tribe members, but no description of their tribe that I saw.

Maybe they were described in another issue?

I noticed their absence as well. Editing glitch, Im guessing?

Yeah, I think they have been left out unintentionally. I just finished reading it and thought the same. They seem to be the experts on religion, judging from the feat.


Any chance of getting the cutting room floor text for the Usi from either the editors or the contrib? I'm mostly looking for ways for the PCs to gain favor/improve relations with that specific tribe.

If nothing is forthcoming, maybe we can group-write something here.


Hey All!

As soon as I get home I'll post the Usi blurb from my manuscript...it's not much though, just a paragraph I think. Yeah, I really like the idea of the PCs being able to figure out an "in" with each tribe, it makes for great roleplaying and a fun unconventional progression of the adventure. Figuring out how to get each tribe on board would be one of the most fun part of Tides for me if I were playing it. I loved the Bat God Section!!! Actually the whole adventure totally rocks, but that was my favorite part.



Totally forgot until now all! Sorry! Here's the blurb:

Usi: Once an extremely warlike tribe, the Usi is now ensorcelled by foreign religion. Missionaries make weekly visits displaying divine power, and somehow speaking fluent Olman dialect (tongues). These missionaries promise the Usi a great place in the destiny of the Isle of Dread and possibly a resurgence of the great Olman Empire of history. The Usi likely ignore any party unaffiliated with the missionaries (Scarlet Brotherhood), unless of course they can show up the visiting priests with a more impressive exhibition of sacred power. Usi were the first Olmans to master the art of Olman Tattoo magic, and PCs bearing tattoos gained from other Olman villages automatically have the respect of the Usi.

I just added the paranthticals (tongues and Scarlet Brotherhood) now to make things more clear for y'all. Hope this helps. For those seeking ways for their party to secure the Usi's aid in Tides of Dread: Tattoo = respect. Divine Magic = Grandaddy Respect.

Thanks for sharing !

Many thanks!

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