Bad dreams

Savage Tide Adventure Path

One of the players in my campaign decided to play a cleric of Rao, the God of Peace and Serenity. This suits me fine because Rao would obviously be opposed to the Savage Tide pearl plot that Demogorgon is working, and it gives that character some extra motivation. I'd like to push the point a bit further by giving the character some foreboding dreams which will foreshadow coming events and emphasize to the character that Rao wishes him to continue his line of investigation. Any ideas or suggestions?

Mapleaxe wrote:
One of the players in my campaign decided to play a cleric of Rao, the God of Peace and Serenity. This suits me fine because Rao would obviously be opposed to the Savage Tide pearl plot that Demogorgon is working, and it gives that character some extra motivation. I'd like to push the point a bit further by giving the character some foreboding dreams which will foreshadow coming events and emphasize to the character that Rao wishes him to continue his line of investigation. Any ideas or suggestions?

Well how far into the game are you, first Adventure, not yet started etc..?

Queen of Shadows wrote:

Well how far into the game are you, first Adventure, not yet started etc..?

They just had their first zombie encounter under Parrot Island.

Liberty's Edge

Scenes of of animals sporting bleeding lacerations and pustulant protrusions of bony spurs and spikes in a violent, blood frenzy--ripping and tearing the flesh from each other and from all that crosses their path. Images of savage, mutated, cannibalistic humans feeding on the mutilated and still-living bodied of their comrades. Visions of a roiling tide composed of blood, washing the foetid remains of corpses upon the shore. And in the midst of all this... a broken, black orb.


Or something to that effect. First, read ahead as far as possible in the adventure path. That way you can give a mixture of vague, subtle images they're likely to actually encounter as well as images that purely symbolic and seemingly non-sequitor. Make you descriptions as moody, horrifying and disturbed as possible. Foreshadow, but do not provide foreknowledge (ie, it's not cool to show Demogorgon, but it is cool to provide a close up image of a large tendril and a different, unrelated image a savage mandrill eating the body of a second mandrill). Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. :)

Most of all, don't correct your players if they interpret thing wrong--they'll catch on eventually.

Azzy wrote:

Scenes of of animals sporting bleeding lacerations and pustulant protrusions of bony spurs and spikes in a violent, blood frenzy--ripping and tearing the flesh from each other and from all that crosses their path. Images of savage, mutated, cannibalistic humans feeding on the mutilated and still-living bodied of their comrades. Visions of a roiling tide composed of blood, washing the foetid remains of corpses upon the shore. And in the midst of all this... a broken, black orb.


Or something to that effect. First, read ahead as far as possible in the adventure path. That way you can give a mixture of vague, subtle images they're likely to actually encounter as well as images that purely symbolic and seemingly non-sequitor. Make you descriptions as moody, horrifying and disturbed as possible. Foreshadow, but do not provide foreknowledge (ie, it's not cool to show Demogorgon, but it is cool to provide a close up image of a large tendril and a different, unrelated image a savage mandrill eating the body of a second mandrill). Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. :)

Most of all, don't correct your players if they interpret thing wrong--they'll catch on eventually.

Yes, and you can also add in, eyes in the isle--Look at the demon lords entry and see what what ways he shows his omens to his followers, that can add to it as well, Over all hint at what you'd like them to know, but keep it related to the deity giving the vision in question.

Azzy covered most of what I would say.

Liberty's Edge

Queen of Shadows wrote:

but keep it related to the deity giving the vision in question.

I think this is a good point. The ideas given so far have been good, but would the god of peace and serenity send such violent, horrific images? Im not sure... Perhaps something more slightly more subtle...

Like an image of Sasserine, peaceful and serene, with the sun shining and people going about their business ... but as the dream continues a faint sense of forboding seems to grow ... the scene grows dark, as though a shadow has passed over the sun ... faintly, at the edges of the scene you see some sort of movement, which resolves itself into images of wirhting tentacles ... before the whole scene fades and the dreamer awakes.

Or a scene of a lush, tropical island, with large exotic looking animals grazing from the trees, or winging their way through the sky above. Until the sky clouds over unnaturally quickly, and a violent tropical storm sweeps through the area, while the scene is cast in a sickening yellowish light. Four baleful, bloodshot eyes stare down from the clouds...

Liberty's Edge

Mothman wrote:
I think this is a good point. The ideas given so far have been good, but would the god of peace and serenity send such violent, horrific images? Im not sure...

Ah, but what is better suited to motivated a cleric of peace into proper action than portents of a violent future? ;)

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