D&D Minis for use with the STAP

Savage Tide Adventure Path

I was wondering if it would be possible for Dungeon to suggest which D&D minis for use with the STAP. Is there enough space for this to be done? Is there a demand for it?

Olaf the Stout

I'd, personally, suggest it as an internet download thing, but, hey, what do I know? ;) :D

Alternatively, it could be a good way to slip in some minis spoilers for future sets, say, Unhallowed...

I'd be happy with an internet download if there wasn't space in the magazine. You make a good point about it being a good cross-promotion opportunity for WotC too.

On a totally unrelated note, this post didn't show up when I first posted it yesterday but it has not mysteriously reappeared!

Olaf the Stout

Some creatures will be difficult or impossible to find minis for. A suggetion might be to use photo copies on card stock sized to creaures body type. Dungeon used to provide 'counters' in many issues.

Liberty's Edge

here is the thread where use of mini for STAP it was discussed :

http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/dungeon/savageTide/ideasForMinisForSTA P

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