Shooting Star Gear Boost and Grenades

Rules Questions

So, I started playing Starfinder Recently and I am currently playing a Grenade build which I noticed has very few things that interact with it.

Which is why I got excited when I saw the Shooting Star gear boost from Nightmare Scenario.

You gain a +1 insight bonus to damage rolls for weapons with the thrown special property. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 soldier levels you have.

But then it was pointed out to me that Grenades don't actually have a damage line and deal damage using their explode property. Which leads me to my question? Does that gear boost increases the damage of the AoE or would it just affect a Grenade used as an improvised thrown weapon?

No, maybe on the latter

Grenades don't actually have the thrown special property as weird as that sounds. Grenades use their own rules, trust me I wish they had the thrown property.

I wanted to put returning on my grenades but no luck

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