Ideas for minis, for STAP

Savage Tide Adventure Path

Mostly you could use the standard D&D minis. But I'm at a loss for the "Savege" people and creatures.
I thought about using some lego Pirates 2 figs for the savage, pirates and hanve been searching for some (proper scale) cheap kids, Dinos for the Isle of Dread! but are there any other ideas that I'm over looking? What are your ideas?

I've got a 3 year old boy, so dinosaurs galore! Hobby Lobby and even the Dollar Store have been the best sources for these, and the hobby stores usually have them in a good scale.

For the savage types, I'm using various D&D Minis (dolgrims and dolgaunts, for instance) that all look suitably mutated. I'll put together a list perhaps.

Liberty's Edge

As for pirates, I would try to find some of those : /warOfTheDragonQueen/v5748btpy7sbk

It's currently unavailable here, but I guess you could find some on other web-stores or e-bay...

I have about 10 of those, and it's not very expensive at all !!

You also have the tavern brawler (also a common mini, so a cheap one).

As for dinosaurs, I think Erian_7 is right : you can buy cheap dinos at game stores...

Good luck !

A short while back there was an excel sheet put together by another poster with mini suggestions for each of the NPCs in STAP. I don't recall who the poster was but I think I have a copy if you are interested.

Sith Knight wrote:
Mostly you could use the standard D&D minis. But I'm at a loss for the "Savege" people and creatures.

I used an illustration of a Savage Pirate in the first adventure, right off the PDF for a mini. I use a specific template in Campaign Cartographer to make 5x5 minis, but I suppose you could achieve the same effect with Excel after some trial and error.

My figs for Savage creatures:

Deathknell: Bloodhulk Fighter, Dolgrim

Angelfire: Wrackspawn

Underdark: Dolgaunt Monk =0&page=

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Just discovered that Games Workshop have a set called "Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast"

No, seriously! 24 zombie-pirates! Perfect!!

Ah, those Zombie Pirates, god love em (or, at least, Nerull does...)

I really like the idea of a Dolgaunt Monk. Especially useful outside Eberron, as they're not a race found there. Your only issue are weapons, but it's a minor one :)

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