Online D&D (Not the MMO): The Show Must Go On!


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The Jade wrote:
Someone wanna come up with a name that doesn't start with an A?

Well, I could go with Mithras to lessen the A-team references. Though I did post my character's name first... :-P

Sure, I'll go with Mithras.

Grand Lodge

Still trying out this wiki thing... I moved my PC here. Looks a little better this way.

Vattnisse wrote:

Still trying out this wiki thing... I moved my PC here. Looks a little better this way.

If you like I can format your sheet like mine.

To bold a word/phrase in the wiki, surround it with ''' '''
Italics (such as for spells and magical items) use '' ''
Bold and italics combines the two: ''''' '''''

To create links (even to nonexisting pages, which come into existance when you click them), use a set of double brackets ([[ and their opposites). Within a link, you can rename it to say something other than the destination of the link (for example, your main page would be User:Vattnisse. You would want the link to just say Vattnisse) by putting the desired name, with a pipe (|, or shift-\) within the brackets, following the actual link name. (E.g. [[User:Vattnisse|Vattnisse with end brackets).

Hope this makes sense. And like I said, I would be more than happy to do it for you if you wanted.


Grand Lodge

Thanks! As a matter of fact, I have already copied your character sheet formatting... It is, for all intents and purposes, good at this point. All I need now is to find a picture I like, and then I'll be all set!

Thanis: The lillend background sounds just fine! As I understand it, they are mainly found in Ysgard, anyway, which has a very nordic flavor, like this region on the Material Plane. So, that's just super.

Fatespinner: While changingin it to some type of demon makes you conform to the regional standard, there is nothing wrong with it staying a magical beast, since they are certainly common everywhere as well. I wasn't really planning on so much demonic involvement in this game, at the moment at least, anyway.

Vattnisse: That story sounds just fine as it is. Walking across that distance is perfectly reasonable, especially for a cleric of Fharlanghn. Fjaldak, Chantul, Thror, and Northwind all lie around a vast, circular bay (creatively named Ice Bay), with Fjaldak being the northmost land and Northwind being straight across from it. The total walking distance would come up to approximately 600 miles. Again, for a priest of the god of roads and travel who's been at it for several years, not hard at all.

Tequila: Sorry! I know you were in the first one, but everyone else has already filled in the slots. If I feel I can handle more people, you and Aubrey take priority.

And, I don't own the Tome of Battle, so I really can't say anything about the class.

Grand Lodge

Saern wrote:
Vattnisse: That story sounds just fine as it is. Walking across that distance is perfectly reasonable, especially for a cleric of Fharlanghn. Fjaldak, Chantul, Thror, and Northwind all lie around a vast, circular bay (creatively named Ice Bay), with Fjaldak being the northmost land and Northwind being straight across from it. The total walking distance would come up to approximately 600 miles. Again, for a priest of the god of roads and travel who's been at it for several years, not hard at all.

Excellent. I tweaked my equipment a little bit to better fit the archetype of a perpetual wanderer and splashed out on a darkwood shield. Also, Hrothgar has a good enough Survival skill to get along with almost no provisions, has decent Heal and Knowledge (nature) skills and, through using a sling, eliminates the need for ammo. Self-sufficiency gets you a long way...

Vattnisse wrote:
I should get along famously with Thanis' character, no matter how weird he might look - perhaps we met on the road? I sorta envision that I've been travelling for several years; plenty of time to encounter all sorts of interesting fellows.

Well, now that I've got my ancestry down, sure! The funny bird-man with the must-be-compensating-for-something sized spear has no problem with walking in cold weather (and I'm packing a cold weather outfit in case it gets really bad). I've got songs to sing and lands to protect. Who better a travel companion than one who can provide theme music and tell you a bit about the flora and fauna (by the way, you don't want to eat that - no, it's not poisonous. It is, however, covered in snow slug eggs.)

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
...and tell you a bit about the flora and fauna (by the way, you don't want to eat that - no, it's not poisonous. It is, however, covered in snow slug eggs.)

Well, I should rephrase that, since you have a higher Kn (nature) bonus than me - I can back you up on such a comment, should we come across someone unfortunate enough to accidentally attempt to eat snow slug eggs... Can you aid another on a Knowledge check?

EDIT: Mithras is done, I think (except for descriptive text... working on that. It's hard to find a picture of a guy with snakelike eyes and feathered hair. If Mithras were female, it'd be darn easy.... ah well. Not changing it. So anyway, Saern - let me know if you have any problems with Mithras as written.

Grand Lodge

That's skill synergy bonuses for you - I cut 2 points off my Concentration skill and put them in Knowledge (nature) instead. Too bad it is a cross-class skill for clerics... I've had no luck so far in finding a pic I like either, which is mostly because this guy is most definitely not a loincloth-clad musclebound axe-maniac. Those pictures are easy to find.

And, what a fine life - the open road, a crackling campfire roasting a freshly caught trout, a festive song, good companionship, breaking the heads of snow goblin bandits... Who could ask for more?

Vattnisse wrote:
I've had no luck so far in finding a pic I like either, which is mostly because this guy is most definitely not a loincloth-clad musclebound axe-maniac. Those pictures are easy to find.

Psst - you could ask me to whip up something for you. :P

All looks good thus far. I'm still waiting to read everyone's background stories before I whip up an actual adventure, but the wheels in my mind are turning. I'm seeing a start in a small community called East Haven, just two miles outside of the magical blizzard around Northwind. No one really lives there; it's just a mead hall with many temporary huts and tents that travelers use. Everyone stops to recoup or prepare for they trek through the raging storm ahead. The only authority figures are the numerous clerics who tend the many shrines scattered around the mead hall. Almost every deity worshipped in Thirgard has a shrine here, so that everyone can offer prayers to the gods of their choice, asking for protection in the blizzard or thanking them for a safe journey out of it. There are a small but constant number of farmers and traders who gather to buy and sell with East Haven's various visitors; this is as close to a town hall as these locals have.

Lately, there are have been tales from people coming out of the snows. Shapes have been seen, darting and indistinct, within the storm, and some travelers are long, long past due on their return trips. They're probably just taking longer enjoying the pleasures of Northwind... yes, that has to be it.... >:)

Lilith wrote:
Psst - you could ask me to whip up something for you. :P

Well, does the idea of a gianormous-spear wielding lillend-based aasimar speak to you artistically? Perhaps sharing a song or a drink with his travelling companion next to a fire in a small glade?

Finally found the time to get my character done. Well here is Daeman Greensails ready to go.

And I found a picture on Elfwood that matches my mental image of Daeman pretty well

Sexi Golem 01 wrote:
And I found a picture on Elfwood that matches my mental image of Daeman pretty well

Nice, even in a snowy background. :-)

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Psst - you could ask me to whip up something for you. :P
Well, does the idea of a gianormous-spear wielding lillend-based aasimar speak to you artistically? Perhaps sharing a song or a drink with his travelling companion next to a fire in a small glade?

Heck why not a rendering of the entire party together! Maybe we could get a feel for the group as a whole once we get started and then have a campfire pic with all the characters.

Unless that is way too complicated/time consuming/too much to ask, which I assume it is. But the mental image was so cool I figured I'd pitch the idea anyway just in case some artistic minded paizoians are in need of inspiration.

Grand Lodge

I'd love to see that picture, too. Great idea!

Great character, BTW - I really like the backstory.

Grand Lodge

Speaking of pictures, I decided to go with this one. It took a while to find, but I think it was well worth it - I really like this artist's style.

Nice. This is the first campaign I've run with such an attention to player appearances. That helps me a lot (I'm a very visual kind of person). Well, things may get a little slow next week- classes start back up for me on Tuesday, but hopefully I'll get this thing launched before too long.

Vattnisse wrote:
Speaking of pictures, I decided to go with this one. It took a while to find, but I think it was well worth it - I really like this artist's style.

Wow. It's like Gandalf meets Swamp Thing. That's pretty cool.

Added some background to Arerath. Still need to finish inventory...

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Saern wrote:
Fatespinner: While changingin it to some type of demon makes you conform to the regional standard, there is nothing wrong with it staying a magical beast, since they are certainly common everywhere as well. I wasn't really planning on so much demonic involvement in this game, at the moment at least, anyway.

I'll just leave it alone then. I believe I'm all set!

Having spent a significant amount of time with ridiculously bad luck in trying to find a picture that matches the important details for Lythdrae, I present the ideal compromise. She's never actually armored quite like that, but she matches the important descriptors: Not a clothes horse, not wearing a skirt, and matches the general physical description (except for that mark on the leg.) I'll be shooting to finish connecting the dots in her backstory tomorrow afternoon, but I think she's ready to enter play any time.

Grand Lodge

You didn't go for this one!? If this isn't a female duelist, I don't know what is. :) Man, there's a lot of bad art on this server...

BTW, what are your physical Tiefling characteristics - horns? Forked tongue? A whiff of brimstone? I played a Tiefling once with a "infernal skin disorder", as the DM put it. Ugly doesn't even start to describe it...

Well, she does carry two bladed weapons, but she's wearing a skirt. My runnerup was this one, but she was a bit too Asian to have come from Calrothe.

As for Physical Tiefling traits? Well, there's the obvious -- she's invariably underdressed for the cold weather. As to the less obvious, they're... well... less obvious. In the interests of a friendly game, I'll go ahead and make that information available in Lythdrae's Discussion Page. I trust you guys to keep it out of character. I figure that -- particularly in a predominantly CG party -- playing a "passer" will enhance survivability.

She's getting plenty of roleplaying opportunity out of her heritage, though. Being heir to even a relatively small amount of power spawned in the lower planes isn't something you just shrug off.

Vattnisse wrote:
Man, there's a lot of bad art on this server...

Ah yes, DeviantArt. So much chaff, only a little bit of wheat. Signal-to-noise ratio high. :)

Just for some clarity to the other party members not privy to the e-mail discussions, I'll give a little more info about some of the things found in Lythdrae and Arerath's backstories.

Calisae is about as far as one can get from Thirgard and still be on the same continent. It is directly across Saern to the southwest, a warm land that was once part of the Idaal Empire, before the kingdom fell centuries ago to its own corruption.

From a meta-game perspective, Calisae is modelled on the Roman Empire and imperial Spain. Calrothe is a major city-state, one of the largest in Saern, that captures more of the Roman feel.

Of course, being modelled after powerful empires, Calrothe has a mighty navy and vast array of trade lines that run all around Saern, making it easy to find ships heading to or from Calrothe in most ports.

Arionor is also southwest of Thirgard, but much closer, directly across the Cerrain Ocean from the frozen land. This land is modelled after the D&D "standard," quasi-Renassaince setting.

It was also the land of the first human kingdoms, and the place where the elves bestowed the fundamentals of magic to Men, in a collection of books known as the Tome of the Vasi. Around a millinnia after the books were handed to the humans, war came to Arionor as the powerful lich, Azuun, attempted to claim the Tomes of the Vasi for himself and assume god-like powers.

Many wizards fled from the onslaught, passing into the southern and exotic land of Malorgon (named after an magocratic empire that would later arise due to this influx of spellcasters). They took most of the Tomes with them, hiding them from Azuun. The lich himself was defeated eventually, but never destroyed, and he and his cult continue to thrive in dark, secret places to this day.

Glad to see everyone is in such a state of readiness! Unfortunately, your DM is not, as classes are starting and I need to mull over the backgrounds for a few days and integrate them. Hopefully, this thing will get off sometime next week.

I'm now assuming that there is no more room in this game... anyone know of any other online D&D NOT-MMO games going on?

Grand Lodge

The White Toymaker wrote:
Lythdrae's Discussion Page.

Very cool and subtle. Just curious, y'know.

Made a minor edit to Daeman just now. He now has ghost sound instead of mage hand. Just incase that would drastically alter your campaign plans Saern.

This party is looking pretty awesome.

Slow, slowly I progress, but progress I do. I've already got ideas concernining Arerath's and Lythdrae's integration into the campaign, but in order to make my job easier and keep discussion going, how about everyone else post up a plot hook for their character, or some general story arc relevant to their character that they'd like to pursue.

Also, think about the starting location- I described East Haven a few posts back, and that works just great for those from Thirgard itself, but it's east of Northwind, which makes it harder to explain the arrival of the foreigners to this little camp.

I'll throw out the suggestion that you all may have been on the same ship, which got blown off course and grounded itself in some rocks east of Northwind. In trying to hike back to the city, you've found yourself at East Haven.

However, feel free to get inventive and weave another tale if the mood takes you.

Oh, and I've got plans for Hrothgar, too. Although, Arerath, Lythdrae and the priest can certainly throw in more detail if they feel so moved, it's always welcomed!

I'm crossing my fingers for getting this thing started before next weekend, but we'll see.

Grand Lodge

I like the idea that Mithras and Hrothgar have been travelling companions for some time - a couple of months or so - when we have wandered more or less aimlessly while righting small wrongs and performing an occasional heroic deed. Recently, we chanced upon the aftermath of a goblin ambush. Unfortunately, we were too late to save the ambushed merchants/pilgrims/refugees/whatever, but we drove off the few remaining goblins and found something we felt we should return to its rightful owners. This could be a ledger, a holy text or some such thing, and we need to go to Northwind to give it back. Once there, Hrothgar plans to visit several churches and libraries, not to mention just sucking up the ambience, as he has never been to a city before. We have stopped at the meadhall outside the blizzard to fortify ourselves - both by getting a few horns of mead and a warm meal, and by memorising spells that will get us through the blizzard easier.

As for the boat idea, most ships will have at least some trouble getting through the blizzard. Perhaps the Blue Nixie has damaged her rigging enough that the captain has decided that he cannot make it through and has put his passengers ashore and advised them to travel through East Haven "for their own protection" before turning back to safer shores. Thus, Daeman and Lythdrae arrive together, as they were both on the same boat.

You know, I was planning on having an island a few miles off the shore from Northwind where ships landed and recieved blessings and magical wards that helped them make it through the blizzard, which is necessary for Northwind's harbors to be "filled with vessels from all nations." While I like that idea, it does make sense there would be a secondary port a ways off where ships that, for whatever reason, choose not to recieve the protection can dock (perhaps there's a fee for the warding that some captains prefer not to pay).

Once again it is proven: Actually running a game (or even just preparing for one) is the best way to world build.

Grand Lodge

Great... The website ate my huge reply... New try!

Short summary: If the ship-blessings are not expensive, it is highly probable that vessels would have to submit to some kind of search in order to get warded. This has the added benefit of giving Northwind a reputation for "clean" trading practices.

However, this also means that smuggling must be done overland. This means that East Haven becomes something of a gathering point for dodgy or secretive folks entering or exiting Northwind, as well as being a place to conduct business that is illegal inside the city. As the population is constantly changing, the resulting lack of familiarity works in the favour of shady characters, as nobody becomes familiar enough with anybody else to develop suspicions or to recognise someone.

I like the way you think, Vattnisse. :)

Also, a question for Fatespinner: How long ago was it that your uncle was slain in battle with the chimera? And how long have you been in Thirgard? It's a pretty long walk (~1,000 miles). Is there a specific goal you've set for yourself so that you'll know when you are "ready?" Or is there anyone back home that would come looking for you? I guess that's a lot more than one question, but oh, well!

EDIT- Also, do you plan on ever returning home, or just becoming "one" with the frozen north? I suppose your character can change his mind about this at any time, but I'm just curious what is in your/his head at the moment.

Oh, and a question for Sexi- Does Daeman still have the dream of owning a ship one day?

Vattnisse wrote:
Recently, we chanced upon the aftermath of a goblin ambush. Unfortunately, we were too late to save the ambushed merchants/pilgrims/refugees/whatever, but we drove off the few remaining goblins and found something we felt we should return to its rightful owners. This could be a ledger, a holy text or some such thing, and we need to go to Northwind to give it back.

I've toyed with the idea for a few minutes, and I'm seeing a village in the hills, several miles distant, with thick smoke rising from it. Curious, Mithras and Hrothgar traveled towards it. However, as they approached, they realized something was terribly wrong. Upon arriving, the trouble was obvious- goblin raiders had burned the thorp to the ground, and were still looting the bodies even as you entered town. A brief scuffle ensued, during which several goblins died and the others were driven off.

Among the dead was a priest, apparently of Pelor. He had a jounral that was in fairly good condition, and within, he seemed to be preparing a report of some kind for his superiors at the Pillar of Light in Northwind. Expecting the reader to know what the investigation was about, it appears that he never mentioned it in the writing. At any rate, it's certain that the clerics at the Pillar of Light will want to know of their fallen brother, and look over his notes.

How's that sound?

I like it. Actually, I was considering having one (or both) of my parents be (a) member(s) of the Pillar of Light (even though he is chaotic, I could see Trithereon connected to the Pillar at least on the fringe. So even more motivation for me there.

Grand Lodge

I like it too. It is time to abandon our carefree lifestyle and act out on our sense of duty! At least for a little while...

I'd been rather hoping to get in touch with Sexi to try and work out some common connection in our backstories, probably traveling on the same ship to get to (or in his case, back to,) Thirgard; the email bounced back at me, though. You up for that, Sexi?

As far as Lythdrae's concerned, the captain's motives for stopping in East Haven rather than Northwind are irrelevant. She's here now, and she's finding that the frigid north isn't so frigid as she's been led to believe. Unless she already knows Daemen, and he knows the way, she'll need to find a guide to get her through the blizzard. If Ethras is familiar with the area hereabouts or just a competent outdoorsman with a map, that would provide ample reason for her to travel with him. She's otherwise undaunted in her quest to reach the Pillar of Light. A small detour to kill a few marauding goblins and promote public safety wouldn't probably prove too discomforting, though.

Thanis- Are those parents still alive? I can see a good roleplaying opportunity as the tiny Trithereon sect struggles against the strict Pholtus worshippers, with the clerics of Pelor moderating (although, that doesn't necessarily require your parents being alive, if you'd rather use the "orphan" bit).

Arcmagik- Do you mind arriving on the same boat as Lythdrae and Daeman?

I do not mind arriving on the game boat!


Sexi- what was the name of Daeman's father? What was his marital status? Does the character have any brothers or sisters? Did the family live in Northwind? This fits better for what I have planned if so, but it doesn't have to be that way if you don't want it as such.

Also, the thread about Cohorts and XP just got me thinking- I typically only award story XP (the thought of all XP coming from encounters just seems wrong to me), but I was planning on running this more or less by-the-book for simplicity's sake. However, I'm more than willing to put it up to a vote (which I guess I'm doing now) and taking the opinions of the players as to how they would prefer XP to be handled. So, voice your opinions!

Saern wrote:
So, voice your opinions!

Seeing as it's a play by post, I think that experience should be given on a weekly basis, calculate it however you like (as long as we get some). :-)

Saern wrote:
Thanis- Are those parents still alive? I can see a good roleplaying opportunity as the tiny Trithereon sect struggles against the strict Pholtus worshippers, with the clerics of Pelor moderating (although, that doesn't necessarily require your parents being alive, if you'd rather use the "orphan" bit).

Orphans are overrated. Both of Mithras' parents are alive. His mother (a minor herald of Trithereon) is crippled from the waist down from an encounter long ago with an otyugh - however, she is a sorcereress (arcane disciple), and has long learned to get around her disability. His father is a zealous cleric with a short temper and a penchant for digging himself into troubling situations - vices come easily to him, though he never admits it.

Mithras left 4 years ago to train with a famous Tritheran spear master living in Thror. He sends and receives letters a few times a year with his parents, and is on amicable terms with them. At start of game it has been 5 months since he last heard from them.

How's that? I'll add it to my character page.

My vote is for Ad hoc (story) xp.

Toymaker that sounds awesome. I'ts also the reason I didn't go into depth concerning Daeman's dad.

Hunfreer Greensails is a respected member of his small Ak community

I'll echo Thanis' suggestion of weekly experience, but obviously more "approximately once per week," than "every friday night when my computer's clock shifts from 8:59 to 9:00 pm, PST."

I'm flexible. As long as I'm getting the experience, I'll be happy even if it's just delivered in the format of a periodic email saying "Guess what? You leveled up!"

Very well, I'll just give XP as a feel appropriate (don't worry, I like seeing characters level almost as much as their players) and announce it weekly (or so).

And Sexi, is that a hand wave on the dad? If so, can I make up some stuff about him? >:) (I mean 0:) ) And what about siblings and mommy dearest?

Also, Thanis, how exactly, does Mithras' mother cope with her handicap? And what creatures are your parents exactly? Human? Aasimar? Half-celestial?

The White Toymaker wrote:

I'd been rather hoping to get in touch with Sexi to try and work out some common connection in our backstories, probably traveling on the same ship to get to (or in his case, back to,) Thirgard; the email bounced back at me, though. You up for that, Sexi?

Yeah that sounds good. Daemen would know the way into Northwind.

My E-mail has changed since I made my profile here. You can contact me through though. I'll start brainstorming ideas.

Liberty's Edge

Hey, guys! Just curious how this is all working out for you.
I have no idea how it even works. I'm old and easily confused by computers.

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