Missing Dungeon 141

Customer Service

Good Sunrise! I've gotten all my other mags just missing this one.Can you send me a replacement? By the way can you possibly bump the other person off my avatar.I Don't wanna share! :).

AnjielRage wrote:
Good Sunrise! I've gotten all my other mags just missing this one. Can you send me a replacement?

I've sent email about your subscription.

Hey Paizo,

It's been more than 10 weeks and my Dungeon Issue 141 has not yet to be seen. Is it possible to get a replacement?

The longest I have waited is around 9-10 weeks which is issue 140.


Good Sunrise! Thanks michelle got it.I appreciate your help and understanding that I'm not just trying to dupe you into extra mags here.I'll be resubscribing to both magazines.

Voyager wrote:
It's been more than 10 weeks and my Dungeon Issue 141 has not yet to be seen. Is it possible to get a replacement? The longest I have waited is around 9-10 weeks which is issue 140. Thanks

A replacement copy will be shipped this week. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Thanks a lot Michelle! Really appreciate it!

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