Shag Solomon

Voyager's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Hi Paizo,

Please cancel this order.

Think I'll get the hardcover version when it is out instead.


Hi Paizo,

Can I cancel this order from my shopping cart? It's taking a bit too long for the wait and I would to get something else (some 30% discounted stuff)mean time.



The status of this product is quoted as 'backorder'. Usually how long does it takes for Paizo to have it ready to be shipped when a backorder order is made?


Hey Mando, I would like to have a copy of it too. My email is:

Thanks in advance!

Thanks a lot Michelle! Really appreciate it!

Hey Paizo,

It's been more than 10 weeks and my Dungeon Issue 141 has not yet to be seen. Is it possible to get a replacement?

The longest I have waited is around 9-10 weeks which is issue 140.


Thanks a lot Vic!

Really appreciate it!

You guys rocks!

Hi Paizo, it's been more than 9 weeks and my Dungeon #139 has not yet arrived. Could I have a replacement for it?


Hi Paizo,

I have been waiting patiently for 8 weeks for my 1st issue of Dungeon (Issue 137) and it has not yet arrive yet. Is it normal for International (Malaysia) subscribers to wait for such long period? Just wondering, no hurry, just worrying that it never arrive!

I can still wait for my issue 138 and 139 as it's been only been a month and a week for those 2 issues.

Any help would be gratefully appreciated!

Thank you and keep up the good work!