Falling upon deaf ears

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I sent in a few queries some 4-5 months ago, waited the alotted 3 months, sent forth a couple more mails to question as to the results, and as of today I've still yet to get even basic acknowledgement.

I'm beginning to wonder if my mail is getting through at all and if its not ending up in someone's junkmail folder or some such. Anyone know if Dragon has any problem with accepting Hotmail.com?

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Try doing a search for the term blackhole on these boards. The editors generally post information on that thread concerning when they are conducing meetings to review submissions and the length of the backlog. Also, try emailing gatekeeper@paizo.com again and see if that helps.

Paizo Employee Director of Games

Hey there all,

We are currently trying to carve out some time to look at submissions, but the holidays are making it tough. Hang in there, chances are your submission is in the pile waiting for its turn (we do not have any problem receiving hotmail email).

Sorry for the delay..

Jason Bulmahn
Managing Editor of Dragon

The Vorpal Tribble wrote:
I'm beginning to wonder if my mail is getting through at all and if its not ending up in someone's junkmail folder or some such.

i think we've all been there before. ;)

yeah, the turnaround time is long, but if you have the patience for it, it can be very rewarding to be patient. :)

Dark Archive Contributor

Sebastian wrote:
Also, try emailing gatekeeper@paizo.com again and see if that helps.

That won't help you with any Dragon submission. Just so you know. :)

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Mike McArtor wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Also, try emailing gatekeeper@paizo.com again and see if that helps.
That won't help you with any Dragon submission. Just so you know. :)

Doh. Sorry, I was thinking Dungeon.

Ah, thats good to hear then.

"yeah, the turnaround time is long, but if you have the patience for it, it can be very rewarding to be patient."

Well, they say if you haven't been contacted in three months to pester them, so after 5 months or so I deemed them worthy of pestering ;)

Dark Archive Contributor

The Vorpal Tribble wrote:
Well, they say if you haven't been contacted in three months to pester them, so after 5 months or so I deemed them worthy of pestering ;)

Is good idea, Comrade.

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