TPK, where to go now.....

Savage Tide Adventure Path

Hello, first time poster on these boards. As the subject says my players all wiped during the blue nixie. Long story short, they all split up and tried taking the ship two at a time, needless to say it didnt take long for them to die. Anyway, I'm just looking for suggestions on how to start the STAP again but I dont want to run the same part but cant really think of a way to bring them into the fold once again. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Have the PCs play the part of:

A) The Jade Ravens. The situation now calls for their experience.

B) The town watch, investigating the deaths. Lavinia contacts them afterwards.

C) Ex-town watch, disgusted at the beauracracy and bribery that goes on in Sasserine and ready to start cleaning up the town, beginning with Vark. Lavinia contacts them afterwards.

D) Vark's lackies, appalled at his actions and their own, and ready to make amends by helping Lavinia.

E) New adventures hired by Lavinia, ready to try again.

F) The same adventurers, raised by Lavinia (kind of unrealistic, considering her financial situation, but maybe the easiest).

I hope one of these helps!

Baratuk wrote:
Hello, first time poster on these boards. As the subject says my players all wiped during the blue nixie. Long story short, they all split up and tried taking the ship two at a time, needless to say it didnt take long for them to die. Anyway, I'm just looking for suggestions on how to start the STAP again but I dont want to run the same part but cant really think of a way to bring them into the fold once again. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Where they screaming "Split up we can do more damage that way"? I would have Lavinia set the group on the task of finding her brother and have the Jade Ravens recover the ring. Set the info to led them to the Vault, where they can talk with the guy there and find out that Vanthus has been there already. When they report that info to Lavinia she can already have the ring from the Jade Ravens.

Hope that helps or gets an idea brewing for you.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Heck, I would have them all roll up new characters and try again from the beginning. Let's face it, since the first group failed Lavinia has had to hire a new group. The Blue Nixie still needs to be freed.

It would be kind of fun for Lavinia to tell the story of the inept party she'd hired to try already!


Drawdy wrote:
Heck, I would have them all roll up new characters and try again from the beginning. Let's face it, since the first group failed Lavinia has had to hire a new group. The Blue Nixie still needs to be freed!

you might want to beef up the numbers on the boat if you go this way - and send in the jade ravens with them... remember she is new to this, she may have a problem with having caused a party's worth of deaths (evident in the "don't throw the first punch, but if you have to fight you have to fight") also this might be a good excuse for any new party to be a slightly higher level

Have the party be a group of shipwreck survivors in a lifeboat, who come upon the Blue Nixie adrift just off the coast. When they board her, they find the apparent crew - Vark and his thugs - all dead and partly dismembered, the cause being the rhagodessa which got loose while they were en route to their smuggling rendezvous. It's taken residence back in the hold as its lair, and they must battle it to claim control of the ship.

There are insufficient provisions aboard to make port anywhere but Sasserine, and when they arrive Lavinia quickly gets the authorities involved, managing to throw up enough legal entanglements that in the end it's easier for them to take the reward she offers and accept employment with her than to try and claim salvage rights on the ship.

Perhaps some powerful patron might resurrect them all. He/she/it may know of the impending Savage Tide and wants to use the party to stop it.

The benefactor could be anyone, from a powerful good (though not all that benevolent) priest to another demon lord (though they wouldn't know that).

I like putting PCs in uncomfortable positions like that :)


Tatterdemalion wrote:

Perhaps some powerful patron might resurrect them all. He/she/it may know of the impending Savage Tide and wants to use the party to stop it.

That's what I am doing in my game. I secretly planted a polymorphed bronze dragon into the party as a cat. If I need to fudge something, its there in the background. (I used it at Krakens Cove to keep the party from going back to town for more healing potions by having the cat sitting outside with some).

However, with my PCs downward spiral to Chaotic Evil from CN, I may have to make the cat a demon of some sort...

As, for what you should do, I think you should have them roll new characters and start from the beginning. Make their previous characters part of the story and move on. You might also try the family member route, where one of the dead PCs is a brother, sister, mom, uncle of one of the new characters.

Also, you might consider having one of the old PCs survive miraculously (especially if someone really liked their character) and make them the catalyst to start the new adventure.

Just some ideas. Hope they help and good luck.

MarkB wrote:

Have the party be a group of shipwreck survivors in a lifeboat, who come upon the Blue Nixie adrift just off the coast. When they board her, they find the apparent crew - Vark and his thugs - all dead and partly dismembered, the cause being the rhagodessa which got loose while they were en route to their smuggling rendezvous. It's taken residence back in the hold as its lair, and they must battle it to claim control of the ship.

There are insufficient provisions aboard to make port anywhere but Sasserine, and when they arrive Lavinia quickly gets the authorities involved, managing to throw up enough legal entanglements that in the end it's easier for them to take the reward she offers and accept employment with her than to try and claim salvage rights on the ship.

This one has my vote.

MarkB wrote:

Have the party be a group of shipwreck survivors in a lifeboat, who come upon the Blue Nixie adrift just off the coast. When they board her, they find the apparent crew - Vark and his thugs - all dead and partly dismembered, the cause being the rhagodessa which got loose while they were en route to their smuggling rendezvous. It's taken residence back in the hold as its lair, and they must battle it to claim control of the ship.

There are insufficient provisions aboard to make port anywhere but Sasserine, and when they arrive Lavinia quickly gets the authorities involved, managing to throw up enough legal entanglements that in the end it's easier for them to take the reward she offers and accept employment with her than to try and claim salvage rights on the ship.

I like this one, I was at a loss and shocked that they whole group went about trying to take the nixie the way they did. I was mad but on the inside I was laughing because I knew what was going to happen. I guess I was having one of those sadistic DM moments....go figure =)

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