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I'm thinking the asylum will be able to hold at least 100 inmates. Not saying I wanna flesh out all 100. I'm thinking probably twenty that will be involved with the PC's in some fashion.

I originally thought about having a neighboring kingdom attack the city and causing damage to the asylum and that allows escape. But I've recently thought about what if one of the inmates thought they were a powerful wizard and through a series of mishaps and dumb luck, the inmate summoned a demon and the demon started driving the inmates even more insane and that causes an uprising. Which scenario do you guys think would work better. Or do you have a different one that would work better?

The Asylum is run more like an old asylum from like the 40's. Lots of electroshock therapy and pretty deplorable conditions.

Lawrence, that sounds like a good idea. That will surely create a moral dilemma for them. I also was thinking that perhaps I could have them run into a character that acts, talks and is for all said purposes a Paladin. The character will think he's a paladin but the kicker is everything he does is evil but he thinks he's doing it for the greater good. What the character really is, is an insane anti-paladin. But in the beginning they will think him to be a paladin that is just in the asylum because some rich person wanted him locked away. Later on they will have to find him and deal with him.

I'm thinking that the PC's will be able to find a list of current inmates and after the dust has settled they may have to find and deal with some of the more notorious inmates in future adventures. Perhaps when the battle is over and "new management" has taken the town the PC's will be tasked with capturing the escapees. Or, if their alignment is evil they might look to find some of them as ally's.

I've ran quite a bit of campaigns before. Basically what is going to be happening is the PC's are going to be patients of the asylum for reasons chosen by them in their backstories. The town in which the asylum sits is going to be under attack by a neighboring kingdom and as such the asylum is going to be hit by a barrage of trebuchet attacks and this will free the PC's from their cells but will also free some of the other not so sane residents. So they will have to flee the asylum all while running into some of the more notorious inmates.

I was looking for random NPC's that could be used as encounters like for example perhaps a cannibal that was placed in the asylum instead of being executed because his family was of noble bloodlines. I could come up with a lot by myself but was seeing what the community here had in mind that I might not have or wouldn't think of.

Hello, I'm looking to start work on a new campaign and the start of it will be inside an insane asylum. Anyone have any ideas of who some of the occupants that my PC's would encounter could be? The level range would be from 1 to 3.

Hello, I was just wonder if paizo ever thought or planned to have different campaign settings or if the one they have will be the only one using the pathfinder rule sets. I know its a vague question but I remember playing dnd in 2nd edition and there were multiple campaign settings for it such as planescape, ravenloft etc etc.

I know they wouldn't work on the ones mentioned above, but it'd be cool if they came out with a new campaign setting and released it like the old 2nd edition boxed sets. Ok I'll stop rambling now...

I hope this is the correct place to post this, if not I do apologize.

I know that paizo has an upcoming MMO, but what I was thinking is I wish they could put together other video games in the likes of Baldurs gate, icewind dale etc etc, using the already created adventure paths.

For example, using the baldurs gate style gameplay but using the story of say....kingmaker. Where you actually get to play out the adventure path in a video game. What do you all think?

Please cancel my subscriptions.

We usually play on fridays. Sometimes we miss one here and there but are pretty constant. This past friday we played from 5pm friday til 6am saturday. Most of the time though we play roughly 7-9 hours.

Hello, not sure if this is the right place for this goes.

My group is about to start the new adventure path Serpents skull. I was watching the movie Troy the other day and thought to myself, "self what if you made an Achilles like character". question is...does anyone have any advice for making such a character. I have my stats we rolled 4d6, reroll 1's and drop the lowest.. my stats are as follows....


Great stats I know I was blessed by the pathfinder god's perhaps my guy is the "son of a god?"

Baratuk wrote:
Please cancel my subscriptions (Adventure Path, Campain Setting).

Please delete this post as I do Not want to cancel at this time. Sorry for the confusion.

Please cancel my subscriptions (Adventure Path, Campain Setting).

I have one question. WIth the swordlords sending adventureres into the wild for exploration is it safe to assume that perhaps Pitax may be doing the same?

Just once I'd like to see the main baddie be something like a level 20ish goblin or kobold...that would be very awesome. Have your players battle through all kinds of bad stuff like dragons..demons...etc etc and the guy behind all the struggles turns out to be a epic level Kobold/goblin.

Players would not know what to think.

I'm currently running the KMAP and having a blast. One of my players is wanting to dm some and we had a excellent idea.

When the kingdom is starting, I'm going to put in missions/quests that will be to trivial for the main group so....Me and the other players will make new characters and those characters will work for the kingdom that the main group is running. It sounds fun.

Yea I know its not exactly what you were talking about but I had to tell our idea and it seemed like a good place to put it.

Dragon issue number 312 had alot of good stuff for evil pc's including necromancers and some variants for paladins like anti-paladin, corrupter etc etc....and had some new feats. I recommend you check it out if you haven't already.

The Jade wrote:
Many of us are in our thirties. We can afford a $20 book. Paizo will get my money before Wizards does. I only wish they had even more monthly periodicals lined up.

I am one year from thirty and 20 dollars a month can buy me alot of blank paper for me to come with my own ideas with. Just because I dont want to pay 20 a month for a magazine/book doesnt mean I cant afford it.

Erik Mona wrote:
Ikor wrote:

Were the magazines losing money?

Absolutely not. As far as I know, the sales of the magazines were not a factor in this decision. We're actually very pleased with the sales of the magazines, and in particular with our growing subscriber lists.

Here's hoping that enough readers decide to give Pathfinder and our GameMastery Modules a try. We're extremely excited about the new opportunities we'll have with the new arrangement.


I'm sorry but I cannot pay twenty dollars for a magazine. Your asking us to pay over one hundred dollars for an adventure path when we used to get one for forty. I guess its back to homemade adventures for me. Thanks for the best magazines I've read and I'm sorry to hear this news. No more WOTC junk will be bought with my money. I will give the money from my DnD Fund toward back issues until you guys run out.

Ooh, I can see it now. The pearl was going to be delivered to none other than....Kora.

MarkB wrote:

Have the party be a group of shipwreck survivors in a lifeboat, who come upon the Blue Nixie adrift just off the coast. When they board her, they find the apparent crew - Vark and his thugs - all dead and partly dismembered, the cause being the rhagodessa which got loose while they were en route to their smuggling rendezvous. It's taken residence back in the hold as its lair, and they must battle it to claim control of the ship.

There are insufficient provisions aboard to make port anywhere but Sasserine, and when they arrive Lavinia quickly gets the authorities involved, managing to throw up enough legal entanglements that in the end it's easier for them to take the reward she offers and accept employment with her than to try and claim salvage rights on the ship.

I like this one, I was at a loss and shocked that they whole group went about trying to take the nixie the way they did. I was mad but on the inside I was laughing because I knew what was going to happen. I guess I was having one of those sadistic DM moments....go figure =)

Hello, first time poster on these boards. As the subject says my players all wiped during the blue nixie. Long story short, they all split up and tried taking the ship two at a time, needless to say it didnt take long for them to die. Anyway, I'm just looking for suggestions on how to start the STAP again but I dont want to run the same part but cant really think of a way to bring them into the fold once again. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Half Elf Witch(Cartomancer) 5 | HP 29/29 | AC13(17 MA) T13 FF13 CMD 10 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Init +4 | Perc+9 (Low-Light)

About Zeldana Dardlara Amaria

Female Half-Elf Witch(Cartomancer) 5
CG Medium
Init +4; Senses Low-light 60ft; Perception +9
Stats and Abilities
STR: 14 / DEX: 16 / CON: 12
INT: 18 / WIS: 7 / CHA: 12
HP: 28
Move Rate: 30 ft
AC: 13 (Touch: 13 , Flat Footed: 10)
BAB: +2
CMB: +4
CMD: 16
Fort Save: +2
Reflex Save: +3
Will Save: +3
Conditional Modifiers: +2 vs enchantment spells and effects.
Patron: Portents (Deck of Harrow cards that speak in grandmother's voice)
Racial traits: Keen Senses, Elven Blood, Low-light vision, Arcane Training
Hero Points: 3
DC: 17
Evil Eye
Quarterstaff +4 1d6+2
Acrobatics: +5
Appraise: +6
Diplomacy: +18
Knowledge(Arcana): +15
Knowledge(History): +15
Knowledge(Nature): +8
Knowledge(Planes): +8
Knowledge(Local) +5
Linguistics: +5
Perception: +9
Perform(Dance): +7 (BGS)
Profession(Fortuneteller): +7 (BGS)
Profession(Shop Keeper): +2
Sense Motive: -1
Spellcraft: +13
Sleight of Hand: +5
Scholar of the Ancients
Harrow Born
Skill Focus: Diplomacy
Deadly Dealer
Accursed Hex
Spell Penetration

Spell Cards (AKA:Spell Book)
0-Level Spells
DC: 14
Arcane Mark
Dancing Lights
Daze (P)
Detect Magic (P)
Detect Poison
Putrefy Food and Drink
Read Magic (P)
Stabilize (P)
Touch of Fatigue

1-Level Spells
DC: 15
Burning Hands (P)
Charm Person
Enlarge Person (p)
Mage Armor (P) -u-
Frostbite (P) -u- 10/23/2024
Chill Touch
Discern Next of Kin

2-Level Spells
DC: 16
Cure Moderate Wounds (p)
Touch of Idiocy (p)
Zone of Truth
Glitterdust (p)

3-Level Spells
DC: 17
Lightning Bolt

Witch's Kit: backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, candles (10), chalk (10), a flint and steel, ink, an inkpen, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.
Harrow Deck
Entertainer's Outfit
Book of Poetry
GP: 140
Weight: 31
Carrying Capacity
Light: 58
Medium: 116
Heavy: 175


Zeldana Emraeal Luminita Dardlara Anca Nordlara Amaria was born to the Amaria caravan that traveled all of Varisan, Lands of the Linnorm Kings, and over the crown of the world. Her mother had joined the caravan as a guard and within her time among them fell in love with her employer's eldest son. They where married and she was welcomed into the caravan as a part of the family. The following year, while her father and grandfather where speaking with then Shriikirri-Quah about trading horses, Zeldana was born. Since the Amaria family had been trading for horses with the Shriikirri for generation, they welcomed the new born as much as the caravan did.
Though it seemed the one who welcomed the newborn most was Zeldana's grandmother. For within the newest member of the family she felt something that she herself had, magic. The next few years Zeldana spent most of her time with her grandmother, learning the way of the harrow cards, magic weaving, and even that of reading minds. She would sit for hours listening the to elder varisian woman's stories of magic, both old and new. Her favored stories where those of an old civilization build upon magic whose bones still litter Varisia. When the young half-elf turned ten, the elder varisian gave her a small stacks of books. Among which where historical books on Thassalion, the civilization she had heard so many stories about, but her favorite out of them all was a small blue book of poems with enough room for Zeldana to write a few of her own.

When she was thirteen though, her grandmother passed away and her father decided that it would be best to hand the caravan over to his younger brother and settled down in Sandpoint, opening a little shop that gets its goods from the family trade route. It took another two years to get everything taken care of and during that time Zeldana focused upon her magical arts as she worried that she'd have time for it once the shop opened.

In the beginning, learning to work a shop and bargain with people was enough for the young varisian. She learned from her father to think before she spoke, which benefited Zeldana greatly especially when reading ones future. It even allowed her to make an unexpected friend. A mage by the name of Octavian Harzhor, who had come in for a harrow reading. The young half-breed could tell Octavian had a rough life, just from the cards along, but she could see light upon the horizon. She offered some kind words, a job at her parent's shop, and even a friendship!

For the past seven years Zeldana, her father, and her mother, have been living in Sandpoint. Most can find the young woman doing Harrow readings, the same deck of cards that had once been her grandmother's, working in her parent's shop, or out and about with Octavian. But many say that her duel-colored eyes often have a far off look in them, as if she was remembering parts of the past to which she longs to return to.

Zeldana is a rather intelligent yet passion driven woman. Friendly, and rather fun to be around, Zeldana always tries to balance things out by seeing the good in the bad. She believes flaws are just unique parts of people that give them their shine, and those who have more... damaging flaws, she tries to help. To move them past and become something better.

Zeldana is varisian beauty with the slim elven form. Her whole body betrays her mixed blood, from her duel colored hair to her heterochromia eyes: One golden, the other an amethyst purple. Dressed in the typical Varisian style, Zeldana's most notable piece of clothing is the long extravagant silk scarf, known as a Kapenia, symbolizing her adulthood to all who know it's meaning. Out side of that Zeldana also has three varisian tattoos. One upon each arm just above the wrist, the left a crescent moon while the right a sun at dawn. The last upon her upper back, a set of wings the left a white dove wing while the right a black bat wing.