Need help finding a magical item pls. :)

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Hiya All

I was wondering if by remote chance someone here could help me out. Specifically I am looking for a magical item that appeared in Dragon Magazine that, when worn, allowed a spellcaster to cast damaging spells in a natural setting without actually causing any harm to the environment.

I would **really** appreciate any help in finding this item.


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Any idea how long ago this item may have appeared? That could help narrow down the search.

Dark Archive Contributor

And also, was it a third edition (or 3.5) magic item? Any hints you can throw our way that limit our search range would help a lot. :)

Oh, and was it in a Bazaar of the Bizarre article or a feature? :)

Mike McArtor wrote:

And also, was it a third edition (or 3.5) magic item? Any hints you can throw our way that limit our search range would help a lot. :)

Oh, and was it in a Bazaar of the Bizarre article or a feature? :)

I believe it is a 3.5 item. I have looked through the last 20 Bazaar of the Bizarre articles and could not find it. :( Its really driving me batty not being able to find the darn thing! I have looked through the last 20 issues and I have still not been able to find the item. Other than its 3.5, a bracelet or bracer, and it prevented damage to natural surroundings, there's nothing else I can remember to help with the search.

I appreciate everyones help in trying to locate this bauble!


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