Some questions!

Savage Tide Adventure Path

I am not if this have bee answered yet but which books besides the core books will be needed or good to have for the campaign? Also which type of terrain (sea, swamp, plains, forest, jungle, city) will be used more often than the other? Like will sea widely used more than jungle or vise versa?

Stormwrack is an excellent choice for this campaign, that being said, be advised that if temperature matters to you, Stormwrack is badly written in that regard.

It references the DMG for temperature rules, but uses a system of temperature measurement that is not in the DMG, but rather in the other two terrain books Frostburn and Sandstorm. Caused me a bit of consternation, but I own all the books, so no big deal in the end for me.

Besides Stormwrack, you might find high use of the Arms and Equipment Guide, and the Complete Books, as the extra base classes might fit in the game a little better, like Swashbuckler (pirates), Warlock (Demons), Favored Soul (Not a Demon!), or Scout (Skirmish!). That and the whole heavy Armor and boats and swimming problem. Not that the dwarven cleric cares, mind you. Crazy dwarves.

Ok other question. How much sea travel will there be for this campaign? It feels like this will be a sea adventure type campaign? Will there be any ship-to-ship combat for this campaign?

Liberty's Edge

It looks to me that there'll be lotsa seafaring.
Sasserine to IoD, IoD to Scuttlecove; also ole' two-head's Plane o'the Abyss has a goodly sized ocean, and his crib is an island tower, or two towers. So I'm intuiting some salty seas o' hell-type action.
Also, I asked the producers if there'd be sea battles, and James Jacobs gave me a cryptic "....yes...." type response, so all hands to battle stations, brah.

Well this is going to suck, I only have the core :P

Mitchbones wrote:
Well this is going to suck, I only have the core :P

James Jacobs assured us earlier that the AP will be perfectly playable with core books. The other suggestions will enrich the game, but won't be necessary.

If you can only buy one book to aid your campaign, I'd get Stormwrack.

Complete books are nice for the cited alternate core classes, but you can make do reasonably well with rogue, barbarian, ranger, fighter (high dex; feats will need to include combat expertise and maybe two-weapon defense to boost AC without medium armor, might want to take Duelist PrC), clerics and mages who can deal well with outsiders, druids who can do lots with water and weather.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Although we're using material from beyond the core books in Savage Tide (classes like swashbuckler,feats like Disguise Spell, monsters like bar-lgura demons, rules like ship combat, etc.), every time we do, we'll be reprinting all of the necessary info so that you won't need to own those books to play the campaign. If you want to expand the campaign beyond what we're providing, these additional books would be helpful, but so would any books on similar subjects.

The Exchange

sounds to me like the core books are all you'll NEED, but anything above and beyond that would be nice.

i think stormwrack is excellent, and will add my voice to those who have said that if you're running this AP, and you buy ANYTHING beyond the core books, this is what you should get. beyond that, i'd suggest complete adventurer, because as they said, scout and swashbuckler would be really handy to have along for the ride.

i, naturally, am one of those annoying "completist" types, and since i'm running in the realms, it means i feel compelled to own anything remotely relevant, and a lot of stuff that isn't. my LGS loves my attitude. i also pre-ordered my neat 4 level paizo boat and mast kit. so even if there's little or no ship fighting in the AP, i'm going to add a bunch of it just so i can play with my toy. :)

I will chime in recommending Stormwrack. I think more than any other book this one will enrich STAP.

Spoilers ahead!

Another one I would recommend is Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss. Since Demogorgon is featured, and the characters will eventually travel to The Gaping Maw (Demogorgon's layer of the Abyss) this book will be helpful to have. It has stats for Demogorgon and a description and map of The Gaping Maw. It also has the barl-gura demon featured in Adventure #4. Besides all that, it's just a great book!

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