The Black Bard |

The adventure Salvage Operation (Dungeon 123) makes a good side trek for the PCs if you need to boost their XP by a bit after Bullywug's Gambit.
Technically, it could be run straight from the book, but here are some of the minor changes that could be made:
The derelict origionally belonged to the Vanderboren family, and the wealth on it could make things significantly easier for the Isle of Dread trip.
The derelict origionally belonged to the Kellani family, and represents the down-and-out Matron Kellani's last chance at reviving her family's fortunes after the disasters with Rowyn and the Stilt-assasins. Lavina encourages the PCs to recover the cargo while it's still in salvage waters, both to fund the journey to Farshore and put a nail in the Kellani's family coffin, so to speak.
At the PCs level, they would get pittance XP for the adventure as written, but between the speed that they could clear it, and the minor rewards (sans the "cargo" which should "dissapear" into the Vanderboren coffers and cargo for the two ships, with maybe a chunk for ship upgrades to the PCs) it makes an effective side trek if they need a bit more loot/XP before starting Sea Wyvern's Wake.
Anyone else have any plans to use this adventure? Or modifications to it if they do?