The SEVEN Word Game!!!!!

Forum Games

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Scarab Sages

priests of Dagon and into their pipeline

Liberty's Edge

where they stowed their candy so nobody

Scarab Sages

could give it away to children when

they were off capsizing fishing vessels for

Scarab Sages

disrupting the habitat of manatees. "You little

nubs! Begone, or ye shall have no

Liberty's Edge

candied yams and chum! You little tadpole

bastiches have it easy compared to when

Liberty's Edge

I was a spawnling half mutant get of

Scarab Sages

the great and powerful Oz. Now go

Liberty's Edge

before I get hungry, and like Kronos,

make a kid hoagie out of y'all

Scarab Sages

(mmmm....hoagie). Some fool had, in the

meantime built a Long John Silvers in Innsmouth

Scarab Sages

and the natives were not particularly happy

because they craved Whoppers and Klondike Bars

like Lohan craves coke and ugly girls

Scarab Sages

with delusions of fame. Speaking of "delusions",

Liberty's Edge

anyone who says bad things about Lindsey

Scarab Sages

Lohan's stellar performance in that cinematic masterpiece

Liberty's Edge

"Herbie." She did all her own stunts

Scarab Sages

without complaining, but when the director asked

her to recite her lines in Sanskrit

while topless, she said "I can't speak

your language." He just smiled and gave

her a vegemite sandwich hidden in his

sleazy casting couch. A stained quilt draped

Liberty's Edge

over her shoulder, she triumphantly entered the

Scarab Sages

bar and began to dance on the

table yelling "Look at me! I'm a

Scarab Sages

princess. Bow down before me you slugs!"

in an overdone Noo-Yawk accent. Her agent

Scarab Sages

filmed the entire thing, hoping to show

Joe Francis a something about high art

Scarab Sages

and how it affects the daily advent

Liberty's Edge

of the beginning of the middle of

the end. Lohan suddenly tripped, her large

Scarab Sages

head ending up smashing into her girlfriend's

kitty, causing her to peel off her

Scarab Sages

skin, thus revealing that she is actually

Liberty's Edge

an alien lifeform comprised of spaghettilike tendrils

and squeezed lemon slices from mixed drinks

Now listen up. She's razor sharp. If

she don't get her way, she'll slice

Scarab Sages

and dice her way into people's hearts.

Preacherman, dont tell me Heaven is under

Liberty's Edge

the hem of your cloak, for I

Scarab Sages

would much rather it be under your

front porch where the hounds all live

Liberty's Edge

who can't run with the big dogs

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