Dragon 349 Editorial, frickin' hilarious.

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I was lucky enough to be digging through my eBay packages this morning and found out that the new issue had come a couple of days ago and my wife had forgotten to mention it. As I'm lying in bed reading it, the description of the encounter with the demon had me rolling. I laughed so hard I woke my 5' pregnant Irish wife out of sleep (an angry demon of a different variety). The article was so amusing that not only did she not suffocate me after I read it to her, but it had us both laughing so hard we could barely breathe. Nice save!

Dark Archive Contributor

You got lucky, man. ;D

Oohh what's in Class Acts? How's Dagon? What can you tell me about that Hordeland Gazeteer?! Oh and what are the previews for #350?

Must know must know must know! :D


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