Question about weapon stack


Does anyone know if energy types stack on weapons. If so, where would I find it? Can't find anything on this in the core rulebooks. Also, does anyone know the correct pronunciation of dorjes?

kilthea wrote:
Does anyone know if energy types stack on weapons. If so, where would I find it? Can't find anything on this in the core rulebooks. Also, does anyone know the correct pronunciation of dorjes?

I assume you're talking about flaming, icy burst, etc... The concensus is that they do stack; a lot of people dissagree but I've never heard a valid argument as to why they don't stack.

I pronounce the J in dorje as if it were that sound which the english language doesn't have a letter for: the J in deja vu. has some funky pronunciation that makes no sense with the word's spelling, so it's your choice. The original definition is interesting though.

Thanks for the feedback. I thought they stacked but couldn't find mention of it anywhere.

ts: dorje is a pretty interesting word, and i would argue that its a perfect word for what it means in d&d. my understanding of their ( pronunciation symbols appears to suggest your pronunciation is very close to correct, if it isnt. and, my group and i were using the same pronunciation from the beginning, too, so youre not alone in that.


I usually pronounce "dorje" as "door-hey".

As I read it, a character can build a +2 holy, unholy, frost, flaming spork as long as they can meet the prerequisites and/or pay for it. Diametrically opposed descriptors seems hinky to me, though. Holy and unholy I would not allow... frost and flaming, I might allow given a characterful reason. Flaming/corrosive and electric/frost actually sound pretty cool...
And I pronounce it "door-hee."

Lilith wrote:
I usually pronounce "dorje" as "door-hey".

I always forget what it's called and end up saying things like "activate your broojie-wot!" or "I blast him with my deejay!"

As the WotC help line has often told me, D&D's rules tell you what you can do, unless for some reason you can. In other words, if you can take the feat "craft brightly colored spangled knockknocker", you can craft bright blue spangled knockknockers to you heart's content, or red, or green. If the feat, or the rules on knockknockers, happens to mention that you can't create blue AND green spangled knockknockers, then your up a creek, because the rules SPECIFICALLY said you couldn't.

So if you can make flaming keen weapons, and vicious frost weapons, you can also make keen vicious weapons, and flaming frost weapons, unless the rules specifically prohibit this. There is no such prohibition in the core rules, but a DM may choose to invoke rule 0. While I find the unholy/holy idea to be the kinkiest (and not in the fun way), I could even see that as a weapon to be wielded by a great champion of the neutral forces. Maybe the rilmani make versions without the negative level if you are actually neutral on the good/evil axis. Its all up to creativity at that point.

I saw a druid roll about with a carved club with obad-hai's face on the four sides of its "buisiness end". Each face could open and "breath" one of the energies. Scary cool looking, and quite fitting and beleivable.

Best argument, failing logic, is that its freaking magic. If I can make fire from bat crap and a harsh word, why can't I have a sword that radiates both hot and cold?

I allow them to be crafted, but the a weapon the produces both fire damage and cold damage on the same round will have its energy components negate each other on a one-for-one basis. So, if you hav both fire and frost going, and roll 3 for the fire damage and 4 for the cold damage, you've netted 1 cold damage total. The rest cancels. Note, however, that one can activate and deactivate a weapon's flaming or frost quality as a standard action, and nothing says you have to have both at once. So, it would be perfectly feasible to switch to flaming for the white dragon and frost for the fire giant. That is my own DM's rule on the matter, however. According to the RAW, the victim of a +1 flaming frost longsword takes full fire and cold damage.

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