The Five Word Game!

Forum Games

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Grand Lodge

giant's two heads were too

Liberty's Edge

large, causing the space shuttle

Scarab Sages

to spiral out of control

Liberty's Edge

and into that Farscape show.

"Great balls of `splode!", cried

Twiki to Muffit the daggit

Scarab Sages

as the shuttle careened into

Liberty's Edge

Captain Adama's Winnebago Ship: "The

bastards have a Lite Brite!"

Liberty's Edge

The resulting explosion caused a

Grand Lodge

tear in reality's fabric, as

Liberty's Edge

the cosmic sewing machine was

Grand Lodge

sabotaged by intergalactic anarchist githyanki

Liberty's Edge

who don't give a damn

Grand Lodge

about cuts or fabrics. Instead,

Liberty's Edge

they want entropy by the

Grand Lodge

old-school way of blowing up

Liberty's Edge

the big baloon that is

Grand Lodge

anchored in the Abyss' lowest

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

level hidden under Prince Orcus'

Liberty's Edge

purple motorcycle. Dig if you

Liberty's Edge

want to find Jimmy Hoffa.

Grand Lodge

These days, Jimmy is sorta

hard to understand, with his

Scarab Sages

decayed vocal cords, and poor

undead brain functions. His subtype

Grand Lodge

has become difficult to determine:

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

part rotted corpse and part

aberration with sixteen templates. Dang,

Grand Lodge

it was the multi-headed, oozy

fiendish celestial deathtouched half-illithid umbral

Liberty's Edge

aquatic, urban, titanic, legendary, desert,

Grand Lodge

, half-troll, insectile, feral and mummified

Liberty's Edge

half dragon; whose name was

Irr, and he came to

Silver Crusade

meet girls on the Prime

Grand Lodge

Material Plane with his buddy

"Mister Monkey", a trained chimpanzee

Grand Lodge

who had the ability to

Liberty's Edge

lay golden eggs. Curious, George

Grand Lodge

seized the egg-laying chimp and

Liberty's Edge

took him to the Ministry

Grand Lodge

of Truth to determine how

Liberty's Edge

the eggs were gilded when

Grand Lodge

they emerged; could it be

Liberty's Edge

that the creature had glands

of Midas touch fiendishly grafted

Scarab Sages

by a succubus plastic surgeon

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

with hands of gold and

Scarab Sages

a winning smile, who also

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