Help !! Black Orc Stats


The Exchange

I have been looking all over on the internet, web sights, search engines, to try to find Stat for a Black Orc within D&D 3rd edition game. I swore I saw the stats for it at one time looking trough some magazines of either Dragon or Dungeon, but not sure. I am a Dm for the current AOW campaign I am running at the barbarian within the group has his background linked with some Black Orcs and would like to have the group face some.
SO my question is are there any stats for 3rd edition Black orcs? Where can they be located?

Scarab Sages

Victor wrote:
SO my question is are there any stats for 3rd edition Black orcs? Where can they be located?

I can't seem to locate any black orcs in any official source. The only off-shoot orc (besides half-orc) that I know of is the "scro".

However -- I just remembered that Dungeon issue 106 had what they called "Black Orcs" in them, but they were simply Half-Black Dragon Orcs.

Good luck.

The Exchange

Thanks for the Input, I looked up Dungeon #106, that seems the way to go. That was a big help, will go with that. Will fit into story line for the barbarian, Group will be surprised when they face these black orcs.
If anybody has other input on this subject please let me know. What you have found, or if anyone has come up with stats for a black orc.


I believe that the Black Orcs were detailed in the Kingdoms of Kalamar setting. Specifically, I think they were in the supplement Fury in the Wastelands: the Orcs of Tellene. I have the supplement at home and will check this evening to confirm if the Black Orcs are in there and let you know. In the meanwhile, here is a look at what Fury in the Wastelands had to offer:

I also tried to see if there were any preview articles or web enhancements for the supplement, but could not find any quickly. However, I did come across this fan website dedicated to orcs that might also be of some use:

Good gaming,

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

The Tome of Horrors 3 from Necromancer Games has several different orc breeds, including Black Orcs, Blood Orcs and Greenskin Orcs.

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I looked up the Black Orcs in the Fury in the Wastelands supplement and here is their information:

Description: Standing six feet high and weighing an average of 250 pounds with skin the color of ebony, the black orc, or great orc, is worthy of its name. With rippling muscles and a stare that lacks any friendly emotions, the black orcs sit at the top of the breeds and brook no equals.

Stats: +4 Str, +2 Con, -2 Wis, -4 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet
Vision: Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Special Qualities:

Endurance: +4 bonus on saves involving endurance related tests. This stacks with the Endurance feat.

Sunlight Resistance: Black orcs do not suffer the –1 penalty for sunlight or daylight spells.

Poison & Disease Resistance: Immune to all natural poisons and diseases. Saves against supernatural toxins or diseases receive a +4 Fortitude bonus.

Favored Class: Fighter
Automatic Languages: Orcish.
Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Goblin, Giant, Merchant’s Tongue, Terran, and Undercommon.

I hope the above is of some use.

Good gaming,

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