[PFS_CORE_Aerondor] 00-02 The Hydra's Fang Incident (Inactive)

Game Master Aerondor





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Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

The girl is not that little, maybe a teen. An adult, but a youngish one.

As Peter tries to grab her, the girl strikes out with her knife at him.

AOO: 1d20 ⇒ 10

He easily avoids the strike and grabs hold of her.

"Let go of me!"

He is pretty sure she just wants to flee the room.

At Gregors words she points to the dead man on the floor and tries once again to break for the window.

escape grapple: 1d20 ⇒ 13
But she can't.

"I'll scream!"

Liberty's Edge

(Core) HP 37/37 AC 20 TAC 15 FF 16 | CMD 12 | F +6 R +8 W +5 (+2 vs fear) Res 10 elec | Reroll: 1/1 Er: 8/8 L1: 4/8 L2: 2/4 | Senses +0
Acrobatics+6,Bluff+11,Climb-1,Diplomacy+6,Escape+4,Fly+6,HandleAni+6,Inti+9 ,K.Arcana+8,K.History,+8,K.Planes+8,Ling+3,SenseMotive-2,Spelcraft+8,Stealt h+8,Survival-2,Swim -3,UMD+12,Concentration+10
Male Halfling Sorcerer 5 | - (Inactive)

Ledt screams before the girl does so "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!"
Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

He then points to her "Are you going to kill us!!!!? What happened with this people?" and simulates to be intimidated by her menace.

"Please, do not make us into trouble! We came just to help. What happened here?" he asks while covering with his little arms in front of the grappled girl.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

Grand Lodge

M Gnome 182235-7 Cleric 1 HP 11/11 | AC 20/14/17 | Init +4 | F +4, R +2, W +4

Zolaffer attempts to add weight to Ledt's argument.

"Will you tell us what happened if Peter releases you? Who were those men attacking us?"

Diplomacy Assist: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6

50/50 chance. Let's hope for the best.

Yeah no dice.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

The girl looks from person to person and shrugs her way out of Peter's grasp. She does keep a firm grip on her knife.
Assuming he lets her

"I think those men came from a ship in the harbor. They wanted money..."

She gestures to the door to the side room. "Some of them went in there and down a trapdoor to the underdocks..."

The town is built on basically two levels. Normal street level is above the water, but there is a lower level to the town at sea level - which is also the route that smugglers often use.

Grand Lodge

M Gnome 182235-7 Cleric 1 HP 11/11 | AC 20/14/17 | Init +4 | F +4, R +2, W +4

Zolaffer gets a little excited. He begins to speak, breathlessly. "Were there others? Who are the dead men out front? Is one of them Lubor Staizkal? If not, where is he? Did you happen to hear any names? Like Du Moire? Darsielle? Did they want money as in robbery or protection racketeering or debt collection?"

He pauses, panting, calms a bit, and continues. "Right. I'm Zolaffer. Mr. Nalu to my business associates. My colleagues can introduce themselves with their own breath, for I am nearly out. Who might you be? What are you doing here?"

Liberty's Edge

(Core) HP 37/37 AC 20 TAC 15 FF 16 | CMD 12 | F +6 R +8 W +5 (+2 vs fear) Res 10 elec | Reroll: 1/1 Er: 8/8 L1: 4/8 L2: 2/4 | Senses +0
Acrobatics+6,Bluff+11,Climb-1,Diplomacy+6,Escape+4,Fly+6,HandleAni+6,Inti+9 ,K.Arcana+8,K.History,+8,K.Planes+8,Ling+3,SenseMotive-2,Spelcraft+8,Stealt h+8,Survival-2,Swim -3,UMD+12,Concentration+10
Male Halfling Sorcerer 5 | - (Inactive)

"I am Ledt. The sylphen halfling" he looks carefully at the girl "Have you lived always here? How is it this is the first time you have smugglers home?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

Dark Archive

Wand of Cure Light Wounds 42/46; Arrows 14/26
hp: 11/11
Male Human Ranger 4 - Init +5 - AC 20|13|17 - hp 39/40 - Fort +6 (+5 vs. cold weather), Ref +7, Will +2, +2 vs. charm and compulsion - Speed 20 ft. - Perception +7

Peter lets the girl free and hear what she has to say.

"Ok, girl. Answer my friends questions. We don't have much time to follow the murderous' track."

While they speak, the ranger will search the room for some traces of how many men fought there.

Survival: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 5 + 1 = 11

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Druid 1 | HP 11/11| AC 17 T 12 FF 15 CMD 13 | F +4 R +2 W +5 Init +4 | Perc +7
HP 17/17| AC 14 T 12 FF 12 CMD 13 | F +3 R +3 W +0 | Init +2 | Perc +5

Gregor blinked until the spots left his vision. He held out a hand to Ironclaw, and spoke a word in druidic. The bear, who had been heading for the girl, stopped in mid-stride, looking back at Gregor as if for comfirmation.

"Silly bear. Girl is no longer a threat to Gregor. Let her be while she talks. Perhaps she is the victim here as we surmised. Or maybe she is the instigator, and perhaps you can eat her later. Either way, we let her talk for now."

Hearing the girl's words about the trapdoor in the next room, Gregor motioned for Ironclaw to follow and stand with him next to the door. He would wait to see what the others wanted to do before opening the door, but at least it would be guarded.

Liberty's Edge

(Core) HP 37/37 AC 20 TAC 15 FF 16 | CMD 12 | F +6 R +8 W +5 (+2 vs fear) Res 10 elec | Reroll: 1/1 Er: 8/8 L1: 4/8 L2: 2/4 | Senses +0
Acrobatics+6,Bluff+11,Climb-1,Diplomacy+6,Escape+4,Fly+6,HandleAni+6,Inti+9 ,K.Arcana+8,K.History,+8,K.Planes+8,Ling+3,SenseMotive-2,Spelcraft+8,Stealt h+8,Survival-2,Swim -3,UMD+12,Concentration+10
Male Halfling Sorcerer 5 | - (Inactive)

"If the girl has nothing else to say I vote to open the door and check the trapdoor" opines Ledt.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Wand of Cure Light Wounds 42/46; Arrows 14/26
hp: 11/11
Male Human Ranger 4 - Init +5 - AC 20|13|17 - hp 39/40 - Fort +6 (+5 vs. cold weather), Ref +7, Will +2, +2 vs. charm and compulsion - Speed 20 ft. - Perception +7

After the halfling speak his words, with his greatsword still in hands, Peter turn to the girl and asks "You know? I'm curious about one thing: why those two men attacked us and leave you without any hurt?"

She have a knife. She cast an offensive spell over them. Something is wrong with that girl, thinks the ranger.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 1 + 2 = 22

Silver Crusade

M Init +3; Senses Perception +7 Defense AC 12, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex) hp 36 (3d6+8) Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4 Ini +3

Peter might be on to something. Can someone see what alignment aura she radiates? asks the sorcerer.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

1d20 ⇒ 17
The girl looks bewildered at the barrage of questions.

First to Zolaffer she nods and then shakes her head.

"There were others who went down the trap door..."
She points to the dead man at her feet. "This was daddy.. Lubor Staizkal.."

Tears well up in her eyes. "I am Katiya. I don't know what the men wanted... money I suppose. Daddy always handled such men, and he had Frid and Glaso to help him.."

Some of what she says sounds true, but not all of it. She is certainly hiding something. Whether she is trying to protect her fathers reputation or she was actually the murderer.. You can't tell, but something smells off.

Dark Archive

Wand of Cure Light Wounds 42/46; Arrows 14/26
hp: 11/11
Male Human Ranger 4 - Init +5 - AC 20|13|17 - hp 39/40 - Fort +6 (+5 vs. cold weather), Ref +7, Will +2, +2 vs. charm and compulsion - Speed 20 ft. - Perception +7

Peter tries to look at her knife seeking for some dried blood and the wounds in the dead body, if it could be caused by a knife.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

"Can anybody open that door? Hey, you dwarf. Can your baby bear do some job for us and open the door?"

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

There is blood on the knife, who from... unknown.

"Don't break down the door!" she says.

"It is open, the men went through it."

Dark Archive

Wand of Cure Light Wounds 42/46; Arrows 14/26
hp: 11/11
Male Human Ranger 4 - Init +5 - AC 20|13|17 - hp 39/40 - Fort +6 (+5 vs. cold weather), Ref +7, Will +2, +2 vs. charm and compulsion - Speed 20 ft. - Perception +7

And the wounds in the corpse? They could be caused by a knife?

Grand Lodge

M Gnome 182235-7 Cleric 1 HP 11/11 | AC 20/14/17 | Init +4 | F +4, R +2, W +4

I imagine that would require a heal check to determine.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

That it would. Let us say DC15, same as providing first aid

Dark Archive

Wand of Cure Light Wounds 42/46; Arrows 14/26
hp: 11/11
Male Human Ranger 4 - Init +5 - AC 20|13|17 - hp 39/40 - Fort +6 (+5 vs. cold weather), Ref +7, Will +2, +2 vs. charm and compulsion - Speed 20 ft. - Perception +7

Heal: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Druid 1 | HP 11/11| AC 17 T 12 FF 15 CMD 13 | F +4 R +2 W +5 Init +4 | Perc +7
HP 17/17| AC 14 T 12 FF 12 CMD 13 | F +3 R +3 W +0 | Init +2 | Perc +5

heal: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

Seeing Peter's interest in the body, and realizing what the blood on the girl's knife could mean, the dwarf knelt by the dead man and looked carefully at the wounds.

"Bear can open door, but why not just try pulling instead of pushing?"

Dark Archive

Wand of Cure Light Wounds 42/46; Arrows 14/26
hp: 11/11
Male Human Ranger 4 - Init +5 - AC 20|13|17 - hp 39/40 - Fort +6 (+5 vs. cold weather), Ref +7, Will +2, +2 vs. charm and compulsion - Speed 20 ft. - Perception +7

Although Peter didn't identified exactly if the wounds were made by a knife, something in the girl bothers him.

He will wait for the dwarf's answer or if someone will open the door, while he keeps his eyes on the girl.

I'll roll perception since Peter thinks that when the door opens, the girl will do something to harm the group, ok?

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

The wounds on Lubor could well have been made by a knifel.

Grand Lodge

M Gnome 182235-7 Cleric 1 HP 11/11 | AC 20/14/17 | Init +4 | F +4, R +2, W +4

Zolaffer wonders if it is known if Lubor Staizkal has a daughter, about this girl's age, by the name of Katiya.

As a relatively public figure, I imagine Knowledge (Local) could still apply.

Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

Regardless of results, and in the hopes of moving things forward...

"I imagine we'll learn more from physical observation than we would from interrogating this... traumatised young woman," remarks Zolaffer as he moves to the door. He attempts to open it.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Zolaffer is not aware of Lubor having a daughter. But he is not aware of him not having one either.

Dark Archive

Wand of Cure Light Wounds 42/46; Arrows 14/26
hp: 11/11
Male Human Ranger 4 - Init +5 - AC 20|13|17 - hp 39/40 - Fort +6 (+5 vs. cold weather), Ref +7, Will +2, +2 vs. charm and compulsion - Speed 20 ft. - Perception +7

Peter keep watching the girl after Zolaffer open the door.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

The door opens. Wtihin is a pilfered supply room. With the information from the girl it is easy enough to find a trapdoor.

Opening it up and looking down, Peter can see there are jagged rocks about ten feet below.

Liberty's Edge

(Core) HP 37/37 AC 20 TAC 15 FF 16 | CMD 12 | F +6 R +8 W +5 (+2 vs fear) Res 10 elec | Reroll: 1/1 Er: 8/8 L1: 4/8 L2: 2/4 | Senses +0
Acrobatics+6,Bluff+11,Climb-1,Diplomacy+6,Escape+4,Fly+6,HandleAni+6,Inti+9 ,K.Arcana+8,K.History,+8,K.Planes+8,Ling+3,SenseMotive-2,Spelcraft+8,Stealt h+8,Survival-2,Swim -3,UMD+12,Concentration+10
Male Halfling Sorcerer 5 | - (Inactive)

Ledt makes some arcane gestures and suddenly 3 balls of lighting appear in front of him "We will probably need light down there" he says with a smile.

Then, with an easy mental command, the balls start moving into the tunnel. With a gesture of his hand he adds "After you!" readying his crossbow at the other hand.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

There was already dim light, but the extra illumination is helpful. Rather than tunnels, you can see through the trap door the jagged rocks of a shoreline. Not too far away you also can hear the sound of waves lapping.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Druid 1 | HP 11/11| AC 17 T 12 FF 15 CMD 13 | F +4 R +2 W +5 Init +4 | Perc +7
HP 17/17| AC 14 T 12 FF 12 CMD 13 | F +3 R +3 W +0 | Init +2 | Perc +5

"Looks to be a smuggler's entrance. Why would an upstanding enforcer of shipping law like this have a smuggler's entrance in his building? This, along with the information that the pirate owes him money, sort of chips away at that outstanding character, eh? Shall we go after them?"

Why is Peter so concerned about the girl? Did I miss something there? Gregor looks back at the girl, squinting his eyes as he tried to recall everything that he had seen.

sense motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Gregor also thinks there is something not quite right about the girls story. Or maybe it is the way she tells it.

Something stinks more than the rotten fish in the underdocks.

Most of the building in the town connect to the underdocks. It is a low-road used by fishermen as well as smugglers. And sewerage. Did I mention the town relies on the sea to remove that?

Liberty's Edge

(Core) HP 37/37 AC 20 TAC 15 FF 16 | CMD 12 | F +6 R +8 W +5 (+2 vs fear) Res 10 elec | Reroll: 1/1 Er: 8/8 L1: 4/8 L2: 2/4 | Senses +0
Acrobatics+6,Bluff+11,Climb-1,Diplomacy+6,Escape+4,Fly+6,HandleAni+6,Inti+9 ,K.Arcana+8,K.History,+8,K.Planes+8,Ling+3,SenseMotive-2,Spelcraft+8,Stealt h+8,Survival-2,Swim -3,UMD+12,Concentration+10
Male Halfling Sorcerer 5 | - (Inactive)

"So the smuggler tunnel eh... Well, I think your family was getting some money from the smugglers, why otherwise to accept having this here?" says in shrill voice to the girl.

"W-h-a-t r-e-a-l-l-y h-a-p-p-e-n-e-d!?" says slowly and menacing the halfling as he uses detect magic to see if there is magic in the girl.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Druid 1 | HP 11/11| AC 17 T 12 FF 15 CMD 13 | F +4 R +2 W +5 Init +4 | Perc +7
HP 17/17| AC 14 T 12 FF 12 CMD 13 | F +3 R +3 W +0 | Init +2 | Perc +5

Gregor crinkled his nose as he registered something off about the girl's story. Maybe her mind has been tampered with.

"Girl, you seem to be under a bit of confusion. Hold still while I check you for magical residue." So saying, Gregor examined her with his arcane sight.

Cast Detect Magic

Edit: totally missed Ledt saying he was checking for magic. Oh well, two sets of eyes are better than none

Silver Crusade

M Init +3; Senses Perception +7 Defense AC 12, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex) hp 36 (3d6+8) Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4 Ini +3

Is she a human or another race from what we can tell?

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

She is human.

When you start casting spells at her, she makes a break for the window.

AOOs from those who want them. On a poor innocent, unarmed girl in her own home. Ohh what that emotional blackmail?

As for those casting spells, yes, there is magic on her, to know more you'll have to concentrate for a few rounds and make spellcraft checks. Kind of hard to do an AOO while you are doing that though.

Grand Lodge

M Gnome 182235-7 Cleric 1 HP 11/11 | AC 20/14/17 | Init +4 | F +4, R +2, W +4

"If we're going to commit to this course of action," shouts Zolaffer from the other room. "Then just trip her and drop the bear atop her."

Spellcraft is for item identification. Knowledge (Arcana) is for aura identification

Zolaffer will walk into the back room and join the Detect Magic fest.

"Gregor, if I could get a little Guidance, it might help me identify any auras on the Miss Katiya Staizkal in about ten seconds."

Zolaffer will take 10 for 18. If Gregor hits him with Guidance, 19. The former will let him identify the school of any effects with a spell level of 3 or lower or a CL of 6 or lower, the latter 4 and 8.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Quite right, not sure why they broke that up into two skills when the rest of PF was all around merging similar skills together. Sad thing is, I get that one wrong all the time.

I'll give folk a day to post an AOO if they want one before telling you more about auras as she flees through the window.

Liberty's Edge

(Core) HP 37/37 AC 20 TAC 15 FF 16 | CMD 12 | F +6 R +8 W +5 (+2 vs fear) Res 10 elec | Reroll: 1/1 Er: 8/8 L1: 4/8 L2: 2/4 | Senses +0
Acrobatics+6,Bluff+11,Climb-1,Diplomacy+6,Escape+4,Fly+6,HandleAni+6,Inti+9 ,K.Arcana+8,K.History,+8,K.Planes+8,Ling+3,SenseMotive-2,Spelcraft+8,Stealt h+8,Survival-2,Swim -3,UMD+12,Concentration+10
Male Halfling Sorcerer 5 | - (Inactive)

I have only a light crossbow in my hand, so no AoO for me. I might try a non-lethal attack next round depending on circumstances

Observing how Ledt may have hit some burning nail he keeps focusing on his detect magic spell for now as the others try to stop her.

Detect magic round 2: Number of different magical auras and the power of the most potent aura.

The halfling will move to try keep the girl on his spell area "Stop her! Do not allow her to scape our spell detection areas!"

Standard: Concentrate
Move: Follow the girl
I assume when moving any object constantly maintained in the spell aura keeps on the rounds progression while new objects and areas restart to round 1. Otherwise I do not see how to detect magic on a moving aura.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Druid 1 | HP 11/11| AC 17 T 12 FF 15 CMD 13 | F +4 R +2 W +5 Init +4 | Perc +7
HP 17/17| AC 14 T 12 FF 12 CMD 13 | F +3 R +3 W +0 | Init +2 | Perc +5

trip: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

Not willing to harm the girl on mere suspicion, Gregor reached out with a foot to try and bring her down.

And the 20 comes out!!!

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

The girl trips and falls on her face.

"Let me go! You mean people. If you really wanted to get my family gold back you would be chasing those thugs not beating me up. "

She takes a big breath as if she is about to scream for help.

Grand Lodge

M Gnome 182235-7 Cleric 1 HP 11/11 | AC 20/14/17 | Init +4 | F +4, R +2, W +4

"Drop the bear!" Zolaffer shouts, a little excited by the proceedings. Luckily, despite all common sense to the contrary, shouting does not break his focus on his spell. "Let's see what she's so keen to keep hidden."

Detect Magic, round 2

I think ZoNa is going to be saying something like that a LOT this adventure.

Lantern Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
SFS 05-99 BftB

There are two magical aura's on the girl, the most powerful is faint.

She again gets to her feet, and unlatches the window finally.

Attracting more AOOs from any who wish to make them.

Liberty's Edge

(Core) HP 37/37 AC 20 TAC 15 FF 16 | CMD 12 | F +6 R +8 W +5 (+2 vs fear) Res 10 elec | Reroll: 1/1 Er: 8/8 L1: 4/8 L2: 2/4 | Senses +0
Acrobatics+6,Bluff+11,Climb-1,Diplomacy+6,Escape+4,Fly+6,HandleAni+6,Inti+9 ,K.Arcana+8,K.History,+8,K.Planes+8,Ling+3,SenseMotive-2,Spelcraft+8,Stealt h+8,Survival-2,Swim -3,UMD+12,Concentration+10
Male Halfling Sorcerer 5 | - (Inactive)

"Grapple her!" ascertains the halfling to say as he concentrates on the spell.
Note you cannot grapple in place of an AoO though. Well done Gregor! :D

3rd Round: The strength and location of each aura. If the items or creatures bearing the auras are in line of sight, you can make Knowledge (arcana) skill checks to determine the school of magic involved in each.

K. arcana: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
K. arcana: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

To be fair, this is 2nd round, so everyone can do a normal action as well as an AOO if they want. I'm trying to push this along as I don't want the game to get bogged down in something that is not that important.

Ledt realizes that there is actually a third aura that she missed before.

Grand Lodge

M Gnome 182235-7 Cleric 1 HP 11/11 | AC 20/14/17 | Init +4 | F +4, R +2, W +4

You say "don't get bogged down," but if she is as fishy as we suspect (I mean, seriously? Pepper us with spells, play the helpless girl, and ping "Ruh-roh?" on the SM scale?), then if we can stop, bind, and interrogate her, all the better. It's a role-play opportunity, is all!

"Con-cen-traaaaate. Con-cen-traaaaate."

Detect Magic, round 3?
Zolaffer takes ten for each aura. 18 across the board. School only, I believe.

Silver Crusade

M Init +3; Senses Perception +7 Defense AC 12, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex) hp 36 (3d6+8) Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4 Ini +3

He will try to grapple her. 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Silver Crusade

M Init +3; Senses Perception +7 Defense AC 12, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex) hp 36 (3d6+8) Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4 Ini +3

Lol. Someone put her to sleep or daze her the sorcerer will suggest.

Dark Archive

Wand of Cure Light Wounds 42/46; Arrows 14/26
hp: 11/11
Male Human Ranger 4 - Init +5 - AC 20|13|17 - hp 39/40 - Fort +6 (+5 vs. cold weather), Ref +7, Will +2, +2 vs. charm and compulsion - Speed 20 ft. - Perception +7

Peter just lose his patience with the girl. "F*** off..." he says while tries to hit her with his greatsword.

AoO w/ Greatsword: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 172d6 + 4 ⇒ (4, 6) + 4 = 14

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

The girl goes down hard. Stops trying to escape. Well, a bit of ber blood seems to be escaping through the floor boards.

Ignoring the horror, the others identify three auras on her all faint.
One is illusion, one is abjuration and the third comes from a scroll case.

Liberty's Edge

(Core) HP 37/37 AC 20 TAC 15 FF 16 | CMD 12 | F +6 R +8 W +5 (+2 vs fear) Res 10 elec | Reroll: 1/1 Er: 8/8 L1: 4/8 L2: 2/4 | Senses +0
Acrobatics+6,Bluff+11,Climb-1,Diplomacy+6,Escape+4,Fly+6,HandleAni+6,Inti+9 ,K.Arcana+8,K.History,+8,K.Planes+8,Ling+3,SenseMotive-2,Spelcraft+8,Stealt h+8,Survival-2,Swim -3,UMD+12,Concentration+10
Male Halfling Sorcerer 5 | - (Inactive)

Observing the aura is illusion, Ledt tries to disbelief by touching the girl and searching her to the detail while trying to stabilize her.
Heal: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (15) - 2 = 13

He takes the scroll case while shaking his head to Peter "I believe it was not necessary, but ok, job done"

He casts detect magic again and tries to identify the scroll case or whatever inside is causing the aura to appear.
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

It would seem the girl has some type of magical disguise upon her.

As for the scroll, it would appear to have a spell, abjuration again.

I think you need read magic to use it, but post adventure wizards could memorise that and try transcribing if they wanted to.

Silver Crusade

M Init +3; Senses Perception +7 Defense AC 12, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex) hp 36 (3d6+8) Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4 Ini +3

Does she assume another form?

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