Savage Tide Obituaries

Savage Tide Adventure Path

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1 Post = 5 deaths :)

Memory is a bit fuzzy though :s

PC: Human Fighter 1
Adventure: There is No Honor
Location of Death: Blue Nixie Hold
Catalyst: ...have a guess :)

After an epic fight between the pirates/thugs and the PCs I can safely say that the small scorpion spider hybrid wasn't what they expected to see and they sure as hell didn't expect it to just about wipe out the whole party. Only one fatality but could easily have been them all...

PC: Human Fighter 3 (Same guy ^^)
Adventure: Bullwug Gambit
Location: Smugglers Cave at Kraken's Cove
Catalyst: Saving Harliss

I'd say no less than 15 criticals were involved in this fight, about 7 on each side and 3 on Harliss which put her very close to biting the bullet which would have been interesting and annoying. Unfortunately the unlucky fighter met his demise from 2 was messy...

PC: Brissa Fighter 2 / Rogue 2 (NPC)
Adventure: Sea Wyvern Wake (Side Quest)
Location of Death: Cult of the Hoping God
Catalyst: Blue Slaad

Brissa had actually been returned back to full health by a member of the party and as a reward for this action I decided Brissa would act as a cohort for said PC (I also required the PC to spend around a month with her just keeping her from offing herself over everything she'd been through). Anyway the party actually were under the impression the Slaad planted in Father Feres had been an assassination attempt on the group and after a brief sidequest called 'Slaughter all the cultists' they were blocked from killing the High Priest (Obviously not too high!) from an implanted Blue Slaad in a poor guard. Suffice to say that the bully nature of the Blue Slaad meant that poor weak looking females are a tempting and all too vulnerable target.

PC: Dwarf Scout 4 / Ranger 1
Adventure: Sea Wyvern Wake
Location of Death: Sea Wyern
Catalyst: Flotsam Jelly

Lack of attention can be blamed for this death. The party had successfully beaten the creature down to around 10-20HPs when the Scout decided to risk his Spring Attacked AC against the ooze despite the party tactics working brilliantly up until that did not go well.

PC: Halfling Fighter 5
Adventure: Sea Wyvern Wake
Location of Death: Tamoachan
Catalyst: Will O' Wisp

Not much of a story here. After defeating the Vargoille with the aid of the little ball of spite and rage it turned on them and a critical result of x3 damage (Crit Threat Deck) was more than sufficient for the already badly wounded fighter.

Character: Tharrack Anvilrage, Dwarf Cleric 6
Adventure: Sea Wyvern's Wake
Location: Aboard the Purity's Prow
Catalyst: Rowyn's Final Assult

While the party was preparing to battle the oncoming pirate ship in the Brotherhood Blockade, the stowaway Rowyn decided to make her final stand. The hostile ship approached, and Tharrack summoned a hippogriff to take him to the opposition as the archer plinked away at sailors from the Sea Wyvern's crow's nest. Naturally, the crew of the Purity's Prow focused their attacks on Tharrack, largely being unsuccessful. The pirate ship still approached, but without guidance to veer away from the Sea Wyvern. When victory seemed to be in the PC's hands, Rowyn made her move. Using the scroll she had procured for just such a situation, she happily summoned three dire bats surrounding Tharrack. The bats made quick work of Tharrack, and continued to feast upon him at Rowyn's command. It was her last joy, however, as the rest of the party found her and effectively fed her to a large summoned scorpion.

Character: Elijiah, Human Crusader of Arth 6
Adventure: Sea Wyvern's Wake
Location: Aboard the Thunderer
Catalyst: Cramped Quarters, Multiple Attacks

Puzzled by the gaping maw in the Thundere, the entire party minus Ayah gathers around the maw and drops in a light stone. They see the Mother and drop a lightning bolt on it to no effective. Mother than uses her travel ability to appear in the hold *behind* the party effectively trapping everyone in the maw room.

Ayah takes a beating right off and opts to fall to the ground, feigning death. The ploy works and Mother turns her attacks on Elijiah who is foolishly going toe-to-toe with her. Two rounds of Progeny, Bite, Claw, Claw and Elijiah dies.

He was from the Sea Prince lands. He was entered into a Scarlet Brotherhood monastery. When civil war broke out and the country descended into anarchy he fled into the Hool marshes. He was captured by a tribe of bullywugs and forced to be their slave. He spent some time as a pit fighter-giving the Bullywugs someone to beat on. He eventually escaped during the chaos of a raid from another tribe. He survived in the swamps for serveral months as a savage, and eventually made it back to the Sea Prince lands. After a short stint of banditry he had enough money to make the journey to Sasserine and start a new life for himself as a mercenary with the Zelkarune's Horns.

vikingson wrote:
P.H. Dungeon wrote:

Character: Czar (mnk 1, barbarian 7, Bear warrior 1)

Sound like an "interesting" backstory.... monk + barbarian.... he hearkens from Roquefort ?

Silenttimo, I think Dr Death is calling for you again come Sunday night or Monday morn, on both this Obits thread and the AoW Obits thread. You summaries are deliciously succinct. :)

PC: Monterey Jack Babcock, Warblade
Adventure: The Bullywug Gambit
Location: Lavinia's Bedroom
Catalyst: Drevoraz

Description: As Lavinia freed herself from her bonds and tumbled towards the party, Tizok the barbarian and Monty the warblade dashed forward to intercept the burly half-orc pirate who had been keeping her hostage. One critical hit later, Tizok was on the floor, bleeding heavily from a slash wound. Monty fought bravely against Drevoraz, but was clearly outmatched, and two rounds later he was slain by the brutal pirate. He was raised from the dead after the adventure at the temple of Kord.

PC: Jake Finnegan, Monk/Sorcerer
Adventure: The Bullywug Gambit
Location: Vanderboren Manor, Central Courtyard
Catalyst: Huntress Lorb-Lorb Tub

Description: The party gained initiative on the bullywugs in the dining room and Bartholomew Fizzlehiggins, the party wizard, used a Web spell to lock down the frog-men. The Huntress, however, was able to break free of the spell, and climb out a nearby window. Seeing her attempting to escape, Jake dashed out the nearest door and caught up with her in the courtyard. Unfortunately, he was no match for her in melee and was cut down just before the party was able to catch up. He was raised from the dead after the adventure at the temple of Kord

PC: Arson, Goblin Ninja
Adventure: Sea Wyvern's Wake
Location: Sea Wyvern, Ship's Hold
Catalyst: Rowyn Kellani

Description: "Something is going on down there in the hold" Arson thought, "It's the only place we haven't checked - I'd better go stake it out." And so he did, setting a solitary watch in the hold. Unfortunately, he was spotted by Rowyn, who gained initiative on him, and paralyzed him with a Hold Person spell. She then walked up behind him, and ended his life with a coup de gras. He was later raised by a travelling priest of Pelor.

PC: Paris St. Mary, Rogue/Cleric of Olidammara
Adventure: Here There Be Monsters
Location: Dark Mountain Pass
Catalyst: a Black Pudding

Description: Paris was the first to approach the pool of stagnant water. "What's that?" she said curiously as she failed her spot check. Moments later black pseudopods shot out from below the surface of the water, slamming her and dissolving her armor, then pulling her onto the pudding and dissolving her cloak. She fell unconscious and was dissolved completely by the pudding the next round.


Character: Z
Class Rogue/Psion/Elocator/Avenger/Wayfarer Guide
Lvl: 15
Catalyst: Death Slaad in D2 of Serpents of Scuttlecove

Came across the Death Slaad at the gatehouse of the Wreck, who threw his implosion at her while invisible.

One failed Fort save later (21, needed a 23) and Z was once again speaking with Pelor in the puff-puff-pass-circle in the sky.

Was immediately revivified, and promptly teleported to the ship to be healed by the resident adepts.

Character: Escher
Class: Ardent/Fighter/Elocator
Lvl: 13
Catalyst: Hiro and his fun with explosives.

The party flew to the watchtower (D9) at the Wreck, as the pirates on top are loading their light bombard cannon. Just as they get to the area, the pirates get their cannon shot off, rolling a nat-1. The cannon misfires, and I rolled 4 rounds for the delay of the shot going off.

Hiro has his cohort cast Raging Flame over the tower, and the party moves in to take the enemies out. Of course, the pyromaniac (and Pyrokineticist) chops the lid off the iron chest with the powder stored inside, setting off the 9 shots inside.

Ad-hoc ruling that the power did 2d10/charge (bombards do 3d10), thats 9d10, which came out 90-something damage, half fire, half slashing. The fire got doubled due to raging flame, so despite Escher's successful reflex save, she took 70-something damage, dropping her to less than 0.

If not for a quick "Close Wounds", she would have been dead-dead, once again.

-the hamster

(still in the middle of the map, so i may have some more to post later)

Character: Veldrin (Human (Olman) Cleric 6/Zombie Master 4)
Adventure: Tides of Dread
Location: Wreck of the Bearded Maiden (Sea Wyvern equivalent)
Catalyst: Killed by his sister, (a fellow PC) dominated by the Korpru Druid

Details: will soon be posted in my campaign journal, "canuk runs savage tide".

Character: Paradox, (parrot familiar)
Adventure: Lightless depths
Location: entrance to the trog lair
Catalyst: Velshuruk (the dimetrodon) grappled Argent the gish with his bite attack. Argent was trying to take down the trogs solo, as the rest of the party had windwalked to the Laogroat and bypassed the trogs, but he had gone back to finish them off on his own. Argent had no way out of the grapple and knew he was screwed. He did however, cast benign transposition with his brave parrot familiar. The parrot was swapped into the beast's mouth and promptly swallowed and soon after slain.

Character : Da Pimp
Adventure : Side Quest DD2 : The Sinister Spire (prior to The Bullywug Gambit)
Location of Death : Guardian Chamber
Catalyst : Misunderstanding the protective benefits of the token going into a room with a thousand Destruction DC 20 traps

The ever-intrepid, often ingenious bard 2/rogue 2 self-styled 'Pimp of Sasserine' finally took one gamble too many. Presuming that the protective item worked for all around the bearer of the token-ring to ward off the formidable trap's effects, he found out upon crossing the threshold that such was not the case. One failed DC 20 Fortitude saving throw later and his gear clattered and flopped to the dust-covered floor, causing much consternation amongst the other 8 characters.

While lamenting his departure of this mortal coil, his demise was quite permanent.

Turin the Mad wrote:

Character : Da Pimp

Catalyst : Misunderstanding the protective benefits of the token going into a room with a thousand Destruction DC 20 traps

Somehow I cannot shrug the feeling of an excessively cruel overkill..... a DC 20 Save or die (very permanently !) trap for 4th level characters ? OUCH !

nevermind wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:

Character : Da Pimp

Catalyst : Misunderstanding the protective benefits of the token going into a room with a thousand Destruction DC 20 traps
Somehow I cannot shrug the feeling of an excessively cruel overkill..... a DC 20 Save or die (very permanently !) trap for 4th level characters ? OUCH !

That is the mixed blessing about running modules - sometimes they have overkills in them like this.

As written, the characters are at least 5th level prior to entering the Necromancer's Spike (albiet as a party of 4), and it doesn't even allow a saving throw - you just go away, permanently, without the token.

Also, the player was (subtly) looking for an out from a couple of the other, more interpersonally-grating players, so he gleefully took it in stride while capitolizing on an opportunity. (He loved the character, so it was the only thing keeping him at the table with 2 players he otherwise found to be detestable.)

Character : Ayah, Spirit Shaman 7
Adventure : Here There Be Monsters
Location of Death : Shipwreck Beach
Catalyst : Saving Others

The mighty T-Rex makes his appearance and the party fighters close to deal with it. Elijiah is quickly snapped up in the beasts jaws. To save him, Ayah flies in and gives him a Freedom of Movement which allows Elijah to drop free of the monster's jaws.

Needing a new snack, the T-Rex looks around and sees a diminutive elf fluttering about right in front of him. Yummm, appetizer. Ayah is swallowed and digested before the beast can be killed off.

Character : Beric Dunderian, Fighter 3, Barbarian 2, Occult Slayer 4
Adventure : Tides of Dread
Location of Death : Farshore
Catalyst : Buffed Vrock

A fully buffed Vrock is nasty. Mirror Image? Heroism? Claw, claw, talon, talon, bite, spore, see ya.

Gwynharwyf honored Beric's rage against Vanthus by sending him back to the Material Plane for one final battle. He was subsequently raised.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Character : Kyra Sei'lar, Favored Soul 2 (Kord)
Adventure : There Is No Honor
Location of Death : Smuggler's Tunnels under Parrot Island
Catalyst : Ravenous Zombie Pirates

After kicking in a stuck door under Parrot Island, Kyra was set upon by 2 Ravenous Zombie Pirates. Both attacked and grappled, scoring maximum damage. Unable to cast or attack with her greatsword, Kyra dropped her weapon and nearly killed one of the undead bare-handed. The rest of the party, stuck single file in a twisting 5' corridor behind her (half the party were out of line of sight) were unable to help. Kyra was killed and partially devoured.

Kyra's body was returned to the Temple of Kord. The Kordians will likely raise her because it's easier than the DM creating a new NPC healer for the party. Kyra's spirit hopes the party uses better tactics than the "Cleric First Formation" next time.

Liberty's Edge

Maybe bull rushing or a very high Tumble roll would have gotten someone into a position where they could assist. Perhaps a reach weapon? Or make sure you carry a light weapon in case you're grappled? Anyway, yeesh, what a way to go.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Pygon wrote:
Maybe bull rushing or a very high Tumble roll would have gotten someone into a position where they could assist. Perhaps a reach weapon? Or make sure you carry a light weapon in case you're grappled? Anyway, yeesh, what a way to go.

They tried, bless their hearts.

Devoured alive in front of your childhood chums ... awesome death.

Too bad it was an NPC that bought it...

Character: Elizar Cordell, truedive shifter fighter 3/rogue 3
Adventure: The Sea Wyvern's Wake
Location: Hold of the Sea Wyvern
Catalyst: Striptease of Doom

Rowyn Kellani stowed away on the Sea Wyvern, intend on revenge against the PCs. It seems she was upset about how they destroyed the Lotus Dragons and then orchestrated the death of her entire family, including her little sister and all the innocent servants. (They broke into the Riedran/Scarlet Brotherhood Embassy, slaughtering most of those inside whether they presented a threat or not, but leaving two witnesses to 'accidentally' see the changeling in the guise of Rowyn's little sister.)

Most of Rowyn's initial efforts were failures, including the mephit, an act of sabotage, some poisoning, and some psychological warfare, but shortly after the group left Pitchwall/Blackrock she took advantage of the burgeoning relationship between Elizar and Lirith. She disguised herself as Lirith to lure Elizar into the hold, where she began to dance for him, stripping off one article of clothing at a time. Unfortunately for him, he did not see the magic woven into her dance until it was too late; after being held by her magic she finished him with one careful rapier thrust. Alas, her crime was interrupted by Quigby, who was guarding Thunderstrike for his master and ran for help after realizing that more was at foot than a romantic tryst.

Although the PCs were initially suspicious of Lirith, Feres, Tavey, and Thunderstrike(wtf?) each of these NPCs were eventually cleared of immediate suspicion, and the entire ship was searched. Emboldened by her success, Rowyn made the error of attempting another murder on the same day. It did not go well, since invisibility alone could not hide her from the warlock's gaze.

After she was taken down and dropped into the sea, the PCs took extraordinary measures to retrieve her alive. She was imprisoned in a makeshift brig, and since she tried to escape once they tore her tongue out to prevent her from casting again. When they made port in Renkrue on the isle of Aerenal, one PC attempted to sell Rowyn to the local elves as a slave, but when the locals reacted with hostility the group settled on just turning her loose on the outskirts of the city with the maimed tongue but perfectly serviceable hands. No way THAT could backfire.

Anyway, the Sea Wyvern was chased out of port as slavers by an angry mob, since one PC was trying to sell a slave and another (Avner) was apparently trying to buy one.

Character: Conrad Horst, aka Conrad Feres, NPC
Adventure: The Sea Wyvern's Wake
Location: Makeshift surgical table on the Sea Wyvern
Catalyst: Face full of alien wing-wong

Conrad was pretty much doomed. The highest-level divine caster had only 4 cleric levels, so there was no Remove Disease, and none of the PC surgeons who volunteered to cut the parasite out actually had any ranks in Heal. I don't know if this counts as a NPC death for purposes of this thread, though.

I don't want ursup Dr. Death's job, but it's been a while now, and we're over due for an update.

- 1st adventure (TINH) : 98 PCs / 11 NPCs-familiars-animals

- sidetrek before second adventure: 2

- 2nd adventure (TBG) : 61 PCs

- sidetrek before 3rd adventure : 3 PCs

- 3rd adventure (SWW) : 79 PCs / 26 NPCs-familiars-animals

- 4th adventure (HTBM) : 44 PCs / 21 NPCs-familiars-animals (Avner's horse taken into account)

- 5th adventure (ToD) : 28 PCs / 3 NPCs-familiars-animals

- sidetrek before 6th adventure : 2 PCs

- 6th adventure (TLD) : 18 PCs / 3 NPC-familiar-animal

- sidetrek before 7th adventure : 1 PC

- 7th adventure (CoBI) : 22 PCs / 18 NPC-familiar-animal

- 8th adventure (SoS) : 6 / 3 NPC-familiar-animal

- 9th adventure (ItM) :

- 20th adventure (WoD): 1

Old death from the original DM of our game, who doesn't post here.

Character: Groody, Warforged Fighter/Barbarian
Adventure: There is No Honor
Location: Inside the Lotus Dragon hideout
Catalyst: Ragadessa (or as Groody says "Ragadeshy")

Grapple, Grapple, Crit, more metal man.

They encounter Rowyn as a trio, everything goes according to plan since the supper damage dealer is dead. The Warforged Artificer drags her inert buddy through the streets to the Vanderbournes' front door and the paladin epic-ly diplomacies Lavinia into paying for a Raise Dead for the team's hero.

P.H. Dungeon wrote:

This doesn't quite count, but I'll post it anyway

Character: Czar (mnk 1, barbarian 7, Bear warrior 1)
Adventure: Tides of Dread
Catalyst: Czar didn't die. He was turned into a savage creature when the shadow pearl detonated. In a way this is better than death.

heh-I have two on the way to Savageness (yeah for savage parrots :) Every other savage creature they run into ends with 'wow can't wait until I get acid resistance' and 'yeah and fighting on below 0 hp :)

I allow action points to stabilize if you are at -9, so no kills yet but they have almost all been at the point of needing the action point.

One more for TiNH and it hits 100 reported kills!

Cinnamongrl wrote:

Old death from the original DM of our game, who doesn't post here.

Character: Groody, Warforged Fighter/Barbarian
Adventure: There is No Honor
Location: Inside the Lotus Dragon hideout
Catalyst: Ragadessa (or as Groody says "Ragadeshy")

Grapple, Grapple, Crit, more metal man.

They encounter Rowyn as a trio, everything goes according to plan since the supper damage dealer is dead. The Warforged Artificer drags her inert buddy through the streets to the Vanderbournes' front door and the paladin epic-ly diplomacies Lavinia into paying for a Raise Dead for the team's hero.

P.H. Dungeon wrote:

One more for TiNH and it hits 100 reported kills!

Oh maaan, I am SO there ... erm, maybe ... digs out his Super Deathbug stats

Mega-Rhagodessa! Woot!!

Or even better... MECHA-Rhagodessa...

Yasha0006 wrote:

Mega-Rhagodessa! Woot!!

Or even better... MECHA-Rhagodessa...

" Whaddya mean my Kaiju-Kobold Barbarian was grappled ?! I'm a Kaiju ?! "

" Gets better - its powerful bite also automatically results in random limb loppage ... break out your percentiles kaiju-boy... "

Its a 'Vorpal Rhagodessa' thats even better. No Holy Handgrenade of Antioch for those punks.


psionichamster wrote:

One failed Fort save later (21, needed a 23) and Z was once again speaking with Pelor in the puff-puff-pass-circle in the sky.

haha :)

Liberty's Edge

Turin the Mad wrote:
Silenttimo, I think Dr Death is calling for you again come Sunday night or Monday morn, on both this Obits thread and the AoW Obits thread. You summaries are deliciously succinct. :)


Thanks Turin. I know I have not updated this thread for a while, but some messages do not mention the title of the adventure.

And since my players are only in Vanderboren's manor, driving off some bullywugs, I do sometimes hesitate in which adventure the PCs died...

And M. Death is VERY practical : he does not want to make ANY mistake !

I'll update it before the end of this week...

Character: Unnamed NPCs... a lot of them
Adventure: The Sea Wyvern's Wake
Location: The Atikula River
Catalyst: Hungry Hungry Hydra & spineless PCs


Thinking this was a good opportunity to stretch legs and relax a bit, a number of the passengers & PCs decided to treat the utopia of the Atikula as they did the Havekihu before it. As the party was refilling the stores, a gushing spray of water upturned Conrad Horst's boat depositing him and his companions into the water. In the place of watercraft was quickly determined to be a hydra, which made quick snacks of Conrad's companions. Conrad tried to swim away, but alas he was too slow.

The party, seeing this beast for what it was, threw a couple spells at it, saw it heal all too quickly, and decided the best course of action was to run away, leaving the other passengers to their own fate. Utilizing their abilities to increase their own speed, they cared not for anyone unfortunate enough to be in the water behind them. All in all, 8 NPCs died due to their heroism (or lack thereof).

Yasha0006 wrote:

Its a 'Vorpal Rhagodessa' thats even better. No Holy Handgrenade of Antioch for those punks.


Dammit Yasha *winkwinknudgenudge*, I thought we'd already established that random limb loppage was far more entertaining than vorpalization!

silenttimo wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:
Silenttimo, I think Dr Death is calling for you again come Sunday night or Monday morn, on both this Obits thread and the AoW Obits thread. You summaries are deliciously succinct. :)


Thanks Turin. I know I have not updated this thread for a while, but some messages do not mention the title of the adventure.

And since my players are only in Vanderboren's manor, driving off some bullywugs, I do sometimes hesitate in which adventure the PCs died...

And M. Death is VERY practical : he does not want to make ANY mistake !

I'll update it before the end of this week...

Ah, and mine shall soon (finally) get in there and mix it up with hopped-up bullfrogs themselves...

Liberty's Edge

P.H. Dungeon wrote:
I don't want ursup Dr. Death's job, but it's been a while now, and we're over due for an update.

Thanks for the update... (I just added the 99th death of TINH).

I came to slightly different figures, but I take your account as correct.
The reaper doesn't care about 2-3 deaths when the grand total is above 350 PCs and 80 named NPCs, animals or familiars!!!!!
I did not record unnamed NPCs.
It's easier...

- 1st adventure (TINH) : 99 PCs / 11 NPCs-familiars-animals

- sidetrek before second adventure: 2 PCs

- 2nd adventure (TBG) : 61 PCs

- sidetrek before 3rd adventure : 3 PCs

- 3rd adventure (SWW) : 79 PCs / 26 NPCs-familiars-animals

- 4th adventure (HTBM) : 44 PCs / 21 NPCs-familiars-animals (Avner's horse taken into account)

- 5th adventure (ToD) : 28 PCs / 3 NPCs-familiars-animals

- sidetrek before 6th adventure : 2 PCs

- 6th adventure (TLD) : 18 PCs / 3 NPC-familiar-animal

- sidetrek before 7th adventure : 1 PC

- 7th adventure (CoBI) : 22 PCs / 18 NPC-familiar-animal

- 8th adventure (SoS) : 6 PCs / 3 NPC-familiar-animal

- 9th adventure (ItM) :

- 20th adventure (WoD): 1 PC


one more for the butcher's bill

Name: Aly
Class: Warmage
Level: 16
Catalyst: Shooting a disintegrate beam at the Yuan-Ti Anathema when the assassins were around to see it.

All three assassins were invisible and engaging the party while flying over the treasure-room ship.

All three of them saw Aly toss off her spell at the Seventh, so they picked her for their death attack focus. They chased her around the ship for 3 rounds, then nailed her with 3 death attacks.

She made the 1st 2, one of which was made by 1, then rolled a nat-1 on her 3rd save.

Dead warmage resulted, floating on her flying carpet just off the side of the ship.

She was later revenanced and revivified just afterwards.

-the hamster

Character: Jakara NPC (Olman, male, Ranger 5/Totemic Demonslayer 7)
Adventure: Lightless Depths
Location: Golismorga
Catalyst: a nasty fight with way too many korpru bohemeths

Details: I will be expanding on this in my campaign journal "canuk runs savage tide". However, the jist is that the party found their way with Golismorga, but with no real knowledge of what to do when they go there. They decided to investigate the pyramid first and weren't too stealthy. They alerted the korpru and a half dozen of the big ones went after them. they retreated into a petrified aboleth structure where they holed up to fight off the korpru. The battle was intense and Jakara was barely alive when the party tried to retreat. He was finished off by a dark naga's lightning bolt spell just as the group was about to teleport out.

Liberty's Edge

Into the Maw, after the Bullywug lich tricked the Pcs into destroying the statue of demogorgon with mordekainins disjuction and a few limited wishes to help,( so orgosh could get his phlactery back) the dreaded Molydeus showed up and he doesnt liked playing clean up. vorpaled 2 cohorts in one round before being killed by the rest of the party. There sleep of death did not last long. true res... skerm helscream paladin17th and grace combat medic and cleric 17th. died by decapatation...

The Bullywug Gambit, Sir Hexen Ineptus, carved into quarters via critical falchion hit following a non-critical falchion hit from a one Drevoraz Kabran in the Master Bedroom of Vanderboren Manor.

Adventure : City of Broken Idols
Character: Calamus, Moon Elf
Class Wizard 5/monk1/Fatespinner 3/Harper Mage 5, 14th level
Catalyst: Kalah in CoBI + too much spittle

With the "grand finale" in full swing (Kalah, the Skulvyns and Onalati vs the group of five + cohorts), Kalah critically spit at the nuking elven mage swirling around the chamber, for a "full frontal". 40 HP and another -10 HP from two negative levels spelled a slimy end for him, dropping into the rank waters of the cavern where he got coup-de-grace'd by a Skulvyn acting a few points later that turn. Certainly the most yucky demise, yet....

Adventure : City of Broken Idols
Character: Gienne de la Rochelle, halfelf heroine
Class Wizard : swashbuckler 4/ swordsage 10/ rogue 2
Catalyst: Kalah's rotting touch in CoBI

4 consecutive hits by Kahla's tentacles ( the damage mostly absorbed by her "stoneskin" spell ) and then failing all four Fortitude checks vs CON damage, loosing 12 out of 16 possible points, plus the fact she couldn't get out of Khala's reach due to terrain effects, the Skulvyn's "slow" aura and having used up her shadow jump maneuvre already. Death by 0 CON and a rotting pile of dead female half-elf adventuress left behind

Adventure : City of Broken Idols
Character: Tankred Kovacs, Tuigan human
Class Wizard : Rogue 3/warmage 11
Catalyst: Death by Retriever/Meatgrinder

The newest group member got the particular honour of having a Retriever summoned smack down upon its head by Khala... a full round of attacks on his surprised self later, with 4 claws hitting, as well as an eye ray (Cold) caused a pile of well minced frozen warmage to be all that remained even as the retriever got disintegrated by the wizard.
He got immediately "breath of life'd" by the shaman, only to get promptly feebleminded by Khala...

All in all it was bloody and desperate day, but everyone seemed to have fun. Having killed the Wastrilith beforehand certainly helped, as Khala was not up to top form after that

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

D'oh. Had another one die on me last night.

Character: Lorraine, Swashbuckler and former noblewoman on the run from an arranged marriage
Adventure: Bullywug Gambit
Location: Lavinia's Kitchen
Catalyst: Multiple attacks, all criting, one with a double crit.

After first going right to the master bedroom and making embarrassingly short work of the EL8 encounter (seriously, the half-orc fighter could hit NOTHING), the party set out to find the remaining two Jade Ravens. There was a little overconfidence when they sauntered down the back steps into the kitchen. There a lvl6 Bullywug fighter stepped close to the swashbuckler, and in an incredibly lucky series of attacks did 57 pts of damage in 2 hits.

The rest of the party withdrew up the steps and were able to use that bottleneck to get the situation back under control.

Naoko, human female Cleric1/Adept1 of Geshtai
Kaji, male aquatic half-elf Duskblade1

Adventure: There is No Honor

Location: Cruncher's Pen (D5)

Catalyst: Cruncher earned his keep…

Long-winded account: A large party of seven PCs (now second level mostly) had just torn apart the thieves’ barracks, slaying 7 Lotus Dragon lackeys (leveled up to Rog2) and a Ftr2/Rog2 boss. Having entered in secrecy from the Taxidermist’s, the party had meandered through the complex without alerting the Guild as yet. The lone Lotus survivor, impressed by the party’s ferocity (And enamored of the massive half-ogre who’d apologized to her before starting to interrogate her [natural ‘20’ on reaction roll]), decided to spill the beans about the guild and throw in her lot with the heroes.

When told of the fearsome Worg guardian around the corner, the party decided to remove this threat before proceeding against the guild leadership. With the party priestess of Geshtai Naoko, half sea-elf duskblade Kaji and half-ogre fighter Jollring in the lead, they moved up to the door to Cruncher’s Pen.

Cruncher, who’d not really noticed the melee in the barracks, did smell the party’s unfamiliar scent (Jollring’s musk in particular and Kaji’s salty tang) and let loose a rumbling growl. Forewarned as well, Kaji threw open the door and beheld the eight-foot long, black furred red eyed fiendish worg (A formidable 8HD cross between the SRD MM worg stats and Blackdirge’s ‘Crackjaw’ from ENWorld).

Naoko ran left thrusting with her shortspear and the half-elf went right with his katana. Jollring cut with his massive greatsword up the middle (reach attack). First blood went to the party but their weapons found no vitals and did little true damage against Cruncher’s infernal hide. As Cruncher made ready to bite the duskblade, a heavy crossbow quarrel from the malenti monk to the rear clipped the Worg’s jaw and dazed him, sparing the heroes for the moment. The next 30 seconds were a series of dodges and strikes as Cruncher could not land his one bite attack but utilized combat expertise to avoid most of the party’s blows as well (AC 21, from 16 initially). Frustrated, Jollring’s mistress Vashti (a drow black dragon shaman/sword sage) tumbled in front of her bodyguard and brought her two blades into play. The party’s grey elf bard Camthalion (singing) and dervish Yasmina stood or knelt behind Jollring in the tight corridor and loosed arrows which barely scratched the beast’s hide, while the monk Mano cranked his heavy arbalest and slowly squeezed off bolt after bolt.

About the eighth round, Kaji landed the only blow, cutting Cruncher on his flank for 8hp. Infuriated and at half HP, the Worg suddenly snapped out and tore Kaji’s head from his neck (Crit for 85 hp-Kaji had 10 hp). Blood fountained over the adjacent Vashti as Cruncher howled in evil satisfaction. Setting her jaw, the dervish Yasmina dropped her bow and prepared to run up front past Jollring and the drow.

In the following round the party flailed at Cruncher without success, while the dervish sidled up to the half-elf’s gory corner with her scimitar out. Filled with a wild rush of fear and elation, the petite river priestess on the left flank screamed out ‘Take me, take me!’
‘Grrrrr-okay!’ said Cruncher. As Naoko’s jaw (and guard) dropped, Cruncher lunged and closed his jaws on her chest, piercing her heart. (Crit for 55hp-she had 8hp remaining) Blood splashed the drow from the left and she swore curses to the dark dragon as Cruncher whipped Naoko’s broken body about like a rag doll.

Fighting desperately, the dervish Yasmina took a bite to the chest and dealt a cut in return, while Jollring’s heavy blade tore into the Worg’s right leg. The drow, wounded, spun and cut in slicks of blood from left and right. Bleeding heavily from 13 wounds dealt by the party, Cruncher could not land a further bite but the heroes were ready to flee. At last, Mano the monk took up his trident and, as Cruncher crouched to spring on the wounded Vashti, tumbled up and skewered the beast through the right eye (Crit for 60 hp; Cruncher had 14 remaining from 99 initially).

These veteran players had run through the Age of Worms with only one fatality. It was Kaji’s player’s first character death ever. (He’s just 14 and has played since age 12) But they all laughed and groaned, and cheered when it was done and the Worg lay dead. Kyuss had taken less time, and blood, than this battle. And they loved it….!

awesome I can't wait to run this battle.

vikingson wrote:

Adventure : City of Broken Idols

Character: Calamus, Moon Elf
Class Wizard 5/monk1/Fatespinner 3/Harper Mage 5, 14th level
Catalyst: Kalah in CoBI + too much spittle

With the "grand finale" in full swing (Kalah, the Skulvyns and Onalati vs the group of five + cohorts), Kalah critically spit at the nuking elven mage swirling around the chamber, for a "full frontal". 40 HP and another -10 HP from two negative levels spelled a slimy end for him, dropping into the rank waters of the cavern where he got coup-de-grace'd by a Skulvyn acting a few points later that turn. Certainly the most yucky demise, yet....

Adventure : City of Broken Idols
Character: Gienne de la Rochelle, halfelf heroine
Class Wizard : swashbuckler 4/ swordsage 10/ rogue 2
Catalyst: Kalah's rotting touch in CoBI

4 consecutive hits by Kahla's tentacles ( the damage mostly absorbed by her "stoneskin" spell ) and then failing all four Fortitude checks vs CON damage, loosing 12 out of 16 possible points, plus the fact she couldn't get out of Khala's reach due to terrain effects, the Skulvyn's "slow" aura and having used up her shadow jump maneuvre already. Death by 0 CON and a rotting pile of dead female half-elf adventuress left behind

Adventure : City of Broken Idols
Character: Tankred Kovacs, Tuigan human
Class Wizard : Rogue 3/warmage 11
Catalyst: Death by Retriever/Meatgrinder

The newest group member got the particular honour of having a Retriever summoned smack down upon its head by Khala... a full round of attacks on his surprised self later, with 4 claws hitting, as well as an eye ray (Cold) caused a pile of well minced frozen warmage to be all that remained even as the retriever got disintegrated by the wizard.
He got immediately "breath of life'd" by the shaman, only to get promptly feebleminded by Khala...

All in all it was bloody and desperate day, but everyone seemed to have fun. Having killed the Wastrilith beforehand certainly helped, as Khala was not up to top form after that

Adventure: Sea Wyvern's Wake
Character: "Da Fighter", male human
Class: Fighter 5
Catalyst: Flotsam Ooze's adhesion and a crit deck

Summary: Da Fighter, unable to break free due to the ooze's adhesion special quality, was killed by way of the "2 for 1" bludgeoning critical from the Critical Hit Deck, which also dealt damage to another player character.

Adventure: Sea Wyvern's Wake
Character: Father Feres, NPC
Class: not enough
Catalyst: Blue Slaad doing a 'chestburster'

Summary: With Avner Meravanchi daily taunting him and otherwise trashing Feres' fragile sense of self-worth, the good Father sulked below decks for six days. Sadly, his self-pity went on far too long, with the 'unexpected present' erupting messily from his chest...

Liberty's Edge

Killed by sea phlegm. The ways this path humbles are innumerable.

PC: Fluffy, phanaton Barbarian 9/Frenzied Berserker 5
Adventure: City of Broken Idols
Location: Room 33
Catalyst: 4 clay golems and their cursed wound ability

Fluffy was the first one into the room and was thus trapped alone when the bronze portcullis came down. He joyfully went to work on the clay golems, but he was no match for them alone. It took the other PCs a round to destroy the portcullis, and by then, the golems had all attacked and hit Fluffy. The paladin moved in so her unicorn could heal Fluffy, but it didn't have the mojo to overcome the cursed wounds. The warlock destroyed one golem, but the other three again attacked Fluffy, taking him deep into negative hit point territory.

Fluffy did get to show off his cleaving skills, finishing off the remaining three golems. He then chose to try to come out of frenzy, succeeded, and dropped dead.

The Exchange

PC: Roland, Water Genasi Fighter 1/ Warblade 8
Adventure: #4, Here there be monsters
Location of Death: Temple of Demogorgon
Catalyst: Lemorian Golem

This would be the second PC death so far in our campaign, and both have happened to the same player. We have had many, MANY more close calls with death, most of which have been saved by our dragon shaman's healing aura stabilizing people at death's door.

In this case, however, there was nothing that could be done. After taking a fair amount of beating from "Turbo Olangru" (I used the beefed up version found in a thread here), the golem was able to finishe the job. He hit the Genasi with 2 of his 4 tentacles, and Dave (the player) failed his fortitude save both times vs rot. My resulting 2d4 con drain was maxxed at 8.

He was at -4 before I even rolled the constriction damage. Not even close.

I SHOULD have killed an elven mage in that encounter as well, but didn't realize until later that I forgot to roll Turbo Olangrus 6d6 skirmish damage on top of all the damage he did with his pounce attack. :)

um, boss, Fluffy was a Barb6/Frenzy8. Stop killing me.

redneckroler wrote:
um, boss, Fluffy was a Barb6/Frenzy8. Stop killing me.

Eh, I knew it was something like that. I got the addition right. Stop making yourself so easy to kill.

And get offa here. Better not be spoiling yourself skulking about. You don't see me hanging around in Age of Worms, do ya?

Scarab Sages

PC: Rhone Mandrake 12th lv rogue 2nd level sorcerer 1st level Arcane Archer
Adventure: #8, Serpents of Scuttlecove
Location of Death: Crimson Fleet Headquarters
Catalyst: Death Slaad
Failed Fortitude save vs Implosion.

No PCs this week, but three NPCs died before leaving the shipwreck site on the Isle of Dread. Two PCs also came ever-so-close to death in the same encounters.

NPC name: Eldon, human expert 2
Adventure: Here There Be Monsters
Location: shipwreck site
Catalyst: excessive deliciousness, according to the T-Rex

Yeah. Eldon was the father of a family of four that booked passage on the Sea Wyvern in Pitchwall/Blackrock. The T-Rex attacked a random character, and Eldon didn't even get a chance to suffer. The T-Rex then swallowed a PC, but sadly for the T-Rex that PC killed the poor dinosaur from inside with literally 1hp remaining. They recovered a few pieces of Eldon to comfort his widow and two children, at least for the brief span of time when both children were still alive.

NPC names: Selguin, human commoner 1 and Gathric d'Jorasco, halfling expert 2/rogue 1
Adventure: Here There Be Monsters
Location: shipwreck site
Catalyst: excessive deliciousness, according to the diatryma/terror birds/chocobos

Selguin was the ill-fated ten-year-old son of the ill-fated Eldon, and Gathric d'Jorasco was an NPC who actually mattered, as he was dragonmarked and capable of healing ability damage. Anyway, the birds were content to eat the entrails of the slain T-Rex. The PC warforged insisted on shooting one with the ballista, however, which excited them to attack. Several birds descended on the smallest and weakest-looking of the survivors to carry them off. Tavey, Urol, Mugrol, and Lillian managed to escape the vicious beaks of the attacking chocobo, but Selguin, Gathric, and the PC Brik-Kyrak were carried off. Brik-Kyrak's abductor was brought down before it reached the tree line, but Selguin was killed in the initial grab attempt and Gathric was carried screaming off into the forest where he was torn limb from limb by the surviving chocobos.

NPC Name: Miss Crazzle, crow animal companion to Navigator Urol
Adventure: Sea Wyvern's Wake
Location: Ruins of Tamoachan, Ancient Tamoachan (room 4)
Catalyst: Wall of Fire Trap and 2d6+9 hp of fire damage will no save

While Urol himself withstood the sudden eruption of magical fire washing over him and his bodyguards, poor Miss Crazzle did not and became an appetizer instead of an animal companion. She was mourned only by the Navigator of the Sea Wyvern ...

Turin the Mad wrote:


While Urol himself withstood the sudden eruption of magical fire washing over him and his bodyguards, poor Miss Crazzle did not and became an appetizer instead of an animal companion. She was mourned only by the Navigator of the Sea Wyvern ...

I wouldn't count THAT as a loss to the group, but as a minor goal achieved, hehe

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