Quick help - Bozal captured?

Age of Worms Adventure Path

So, my group did the champions belt perfectly up to this point, except that they snuck around during the day. During the day, Bozal is sleeping according to the magazine. Now, they all have ranks in move silently, snuck up on him, and clubbed him to unconsiousnus, and now he can't release the U becase he is tyed up and gagged by an expert - should I have the demon come and rescue him? Or the Stasis end by completion? Or a mental release? I need help..

I'd go with mental release...he can communicate mentally with it.

I see it like a prayer to Kyuss for him to drop the protection of the Apostle.

Where's Still and Silent spells when you need them anyways...

Wouldn't Raknian get worried and send Okoral to find out where Bozal Zahol went? Anyway, if they don't take out the Ulgurstasta beforehand, you can do what the sidebar suggests and have Raknian procure a rod of cancellation, and release the beast in the middle of the final battle of the tourney.

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