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Scarab Sages

RETH-Mog wrote:
Are options from Dragon and Dungeon magazine allowed? Because that's where I find a lot of my "power gaming" stuff from.

They were not expressly forbidden, I will ask to make certain.


Scarab Sages

If I had to guess I would say that that material from the magizines is not allowed unless it is somewhere reproduced in a book. Even non-core PrCs are not allowed.


Scarab Sages

So, while doing the point buy, I am considering lowering a certian stat or stats to the minimum. Do you allow your players to do this? 1 rank for 1 point. Is this a standard part of the point buy system? The DMG does not say a lot.


Fatespinner wrote:
One cleric would seriously ruin your fun, though. I'm sure a ghost is an LA of at least 3 if not more so even with Turn Resistance +5 you're only 2 levels higher than the cleric is (assuming all equal). You get turned when he rolls even moderately well, he blasts away with his searing light, heal, and any other number of undead-smiting spells you can think of and its game over for you since you can't touch the cleric's high Will save with your crazy tricks.

with Improved Turn Resistance (feat from Libris Mortis), you're looking at being effectively an 18 HD undead for the purposes of turning. Given the nature of the event, I'm doubting that there would be any full clerics, but obviously it's best to account for them anyway. There's a feat in Lords of Madness that allows a creature with Telekinesis to trigger certain magic items telekinetically. I don't know whether it would allow use of Bagpipes of the Damned, but if it does, that would take a standard action every ten rounds but raise the character to being unturnable (another +4 Turn Resistance). Only thing that being turned would actually do, though, is make him run away, unless it was a cleric of the Sun Domain (which would, of course, inhale profusely). Being rebuked would be problematic, of course, as cowering is a bad thing to do.

Telekinesis allows no save against combat maneuvers (and, of course, being supernatural, spell resistance is a no-go), and Violent Thrust (throwing things around) only allows a save if you're throwing the character in question, rather than throwing things at him.

Scarab Sages

Sarauth, Male Gravetouched Ghoul Dwarf Fighter/13

Base Cost Template Total
S 17 13 +2 19
D 15 08 +4 19
C 09 01
I 15 08 +2 17
W 09 01 +4 13
C 09 01 +2 11

Or, if I can trade down Con and Wis and Cha

Base Cost Template Total
S 18 16 +2 20
D 18 16 +4 22
C 03 -5 - -
I 17 13 +2 19
W 04 -4 +4 08
C 03 -5 +2 05

Fort +8
Ref +4
Will +4

Skill Points Hit Dice and Level Progression
Lvl 1 - 20 d10 2/Feats
Added Template - Multiattack as bonus feat
Lvl 2 - 06 d12 Bonus Feat
Lvl 3 - 06 d12
Lvl 4 - 06 d12 1/Point added to Str - Bonus Feat
Lvl 5 - 06 d12
Lvl 6 - 06 d12 Bonus Feat
Lvl 7 - 06 d12
Lvl 8 - 06 d12 1/Point added to Str - Bonus Feat
Lvl 9 - 06 d12
Lvl 10 - 06 d12 Bonus Feat
Lvl 11 - 06 d12
Lvl 12 - 06 d12 1/point added to Str - Bonus Feat
Lvl 13 - 06 d12

Scarab Sages

Hit Dice increase to d12 and I think this may apply to the 1st level die, but am not absolutely certain.
I just may have to pick up a level of rogue also, even skill focus, I don't see the bonus to Use Magic Device being high enough to be considered reliable.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Tambryn wrote:

Hit Dice increase to d12 and I think this may apply to the 1st level die, but am not absolutely certain.

I just may have to pick up a level of rogue also, even skill focus, I don't see the bonus to Use Magic Device being high enough to be considered reliable.

Sounds solid. And yes, it will convert ALL hit dice to d12, regardless of when template is added. You basically re-roll all your hit dice when you become undead.

If that template is indeed only 1 or 2 LA, the rogue level won't hurt. Go for it. Besides, it lets you find traps (but not very well) and gives you an extra 1d6 damage if you happen to flank something. If you do the rogue level, make it your FIRST level. Make the most of those skill points!

What about a Gravetouched Ghoul Monk? That would be an interesting mix.

Or a monk with Vow of Poverty. Even if it is 3.0 ed, maybe you could con your DM into alowing it. Besides, the differences between 3.0 and 3.5 are not that great. To get the most out of VoP, you would have to take it at level 1 and be a Human for the extra feats.

Scarab Sages

Feats: Armor Proficiency: heavy, Armor Proficiency: light, Armor Proficiency: medium, Cleave, Far Shot, Great Cleave, Greater Sunder (S&F), Greater Weapon Focus: Falchion, Improved Critical: Falchion, Improved Sunder, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Power Critical: Falchion, Powerful Charge, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Skill Focus: Use Magic Device, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Focus: Falchion.

Are you rolling your stats or is everyone given a certain number of points to put to stats; in a powergame stats mean a whole lot cause is your rolls and stats suck with no bonus you are going to be fodder no matter what come up against. If we knew if everyone was getting say; 16 for all stats before adding adjustments; it would be easier to work on this. Is there any restriction starting races such as a +4 limit or something?

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Tambryn wrote:
Feats: Armor Proficiency: heavy, Armor Proficiency: light, Armor Proficiency: medium, Cleave, Far Shot, Great Cleave, Greater Sunder (S&F), Greater Weapon Focus: Falchion, Improved Critical: Falchion, Improved Sunder, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Power Critical: Falchion, Powerful Charge, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Skill Focus: Use Magic Device, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Focus: Falchion.

Looks good. Get a locked gauntlet too. +10 to resist disarms. I would actually recommend against Great Cleave as it seems unlikely you'll be facing multiple things in melee at the same time. Consider Improved Grapple or Close-Quarters Fighting (which I think has some kind of prereq). Grapplers will be a problem for you since you're relying on heavy weapons. At the very least, get yourself some armor spikes. They're cheap (relatively) and they'd look cool on an undead dwarf.

In a game I am playing now, I am using a Goliath (Races of Stone) +1 LA, with an oversized goliath great hammer(3d6 dmg) the power attack feat tree, and I am aiming for monkey grip (can use even larger weapons). Imagine if you will maxing out at something like a base of 4 or 5d6 on an adamintine hammer with the improved critical feat and all of the weapon focus and weapon specialization feats (not to mention that x4 crit multiplier).

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Tambryn wrote:

Or, if I can trade down Con and Wis and Cha

Don't forget that Charisma is the stat for Use Magic Device! It's important!

Half-celestial nymph paladin with every CHA boosting item you can get your tiny little hands on.

Liberty's Edge

Anudder metagame trick.
Have two character sheets. The first is real, the second is a shill. The second sheet is close enough to the first ones' description of your character to be believed. However, important details are rearranged--i.e. your dwarf is a werewolf or something. Also, really jack up all the bonuses to ludicrous levels. Should be 150 h.p.? Now it's 350. How'd he get a 38 strength? Plus 37 to hit? How's THAT possible? They won't know if you're on the level, or the dungeon master is confused about things.
Go to the bathroom, leaving the shill sheet out. They'll look at it and bring silver at you when they should be packing magic. Or something along those lines.
It might work, it might not. It's iffy, but it could pay off well.
Just remember--everybody might get mad at you later for being a devious mind, so only do this if you think they'll forgive you on the flipside.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

I just gotta know if this game got played yet! I want to know what the opposition was and how it ended! You must let us know, Tam! YOU MUST!!!

/thread necromancy

Scarab Sages

The pre battle royale will be held tomorrow. And I will be happy to let you know how it played out.


The Exchange

Don't forget the 1 level of barbarian so you can rage, and 1 level of rogue so you can use "staggering strike" from CV


Then decide whether you want a monk or druid.

You'll have abilities worth WAY more than 100,000 gold.

Scarab Sages

So, the udead dwarven antimagic sunderer did great. You would have loved the look on the Pixie rogue's player's face when its invisibility winked out and and I sundered both its weapons in one round. Mission accomplished Fate.

My best summary of the field is this:

Swash/Fighter/Duelist (Robilars Gambit/Karmic Strike)
Assasin with an obscene ability to hide in plain sight.
Thri-Kreen Psychic Warrior
Necropolitan Dwarf

These were not the only opponents. I personally killed a devourer, the soulblade, a beholder and the swashbuckler/duelist. There was also an aspect of Tiamat that showed up. If it weren't for the aspect of tiamat the game would have turned out differently I think. I was surprised to learn that DR/Epic is a supernatural ability but not affected by an anti-magic field.

The problem with having a strong build in this cirumstance is that you single yourself out, so when one of the other players gave the aspect of tiamat a valuable gift, he was then able to direct her to come kill me. Via magical means, everyone could see everything within the dungeon that was normally visible, so she was able to find me quickly.

The one disadvantage to the build was that I did not have a Con score, so after a couple slugs from the Aspect, my 103 HPs were no longer looking very pretty. I had to bail.

I was able to find a room and close the door behind me so I could drop the antimagic field and heal myself. This would have worked well, as the swashbuckler's opposed strengh rolls were paltry, until his summoned fire elemental showed up and helped. I was forced to fight at near maximum health but no antimagic field. It hurt, a lot, but I was able to drop the Swashbukler. But the sneaking assassin caught me immediately thereafter with a heal spell, dropping me to 1 hp. I hit him again. My mistake here was that I forgot to sunder his weapon. But with the antimagic field down, it might not have been awesomely effective. I did a lot of damage to him, but did not score any criticals, if I had I might be typing a different post. He didn't go down, and barely managed to do one point to me in the next round, and destroyed me.

It was fun and I enjoyed it. But I am still trying to figure out how the beholder managed to disintigrate a ten by ten foot square underneath me with the anti-magic field up. I will figure it out though.

Thanks for the help Fate and everyone else, you too Heathenson, that decoy character was hilarious.


Scarab Sages

So, now that the Battle Royale is over, and slotted to happen again next weekend, it is time to build another character. I expect there to be many more undead and antimagic weilders and those able to combat them.

I was thinking of an arcane caster of some sort, but I am not certain. Maybe I will finally go with the feral shifter monk.

I will be happy to hear any other evil ideas that you guys might have.


Scarab Sages

Or maybe a well hidden archer with manyshot and a whole slew of specialized arrows.


Liberty's Edge

Can driders climb around on the ceiling of the dungeon?
Maybe a drider ninja, who can walk around unseen on the roof of the dungeon, recon the whole area, and choose times of attack (when the other guys are fighting monsters he's scouted out under the cover of ninja invisibility) Just a brainstorm.
And then some arrows.

Well, the above suggestion for the undead two-handed adamantine weapon-wielding & armor-wielding Fighter would best be paired with a wondrous item that 2 or 3 times per day can emit an anti-magic field. You thus can wade into one's foes with impunity. Take an undead template of some kind that requires bludgeoning weapons to do full damage to you ... powergamers almost never pack a simple club as a back up weapon, and they almost always pepper foes with bows due to the rate of fire. At this point, your only remote worry (given your probably crappy Spot and Listen bonuses) are rogues ... a well-made rogue would sneak into your anti-magic field ... and slip the belt of your waist just as a buddy delayed an action to whomp you with an undead bane mace of disruption ...

'Course, most powergamers aren't specialized, so that might well be a firefrostshockthunder weapon they're swinging around ...

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Tambryn wrote:
But the sneaking assassin caught me immediately thereafter with a heal spell, dropping me to 1 hp.

Your Fortitude save should have owned the crap out of this check. Did you just roll crappy or did the DM forget that undead can roll Fort to resist spells like heal?

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Tambryn wrote:
I will be happy to hear any other evil ideas that you guys might have.

Barbarian/Tempest dual-wielding ghost touch wounding heavy maces of disruption. Wounding weapons deal one point of Con damage per hit, which means a character can only take as many hits as they have Con, regardless of how much damage you deal. For those who don't have Con (the undead), your weapons are disrupting and ghost touch. Barbarian gives you uncanny dodge to deal with pesky rogues and their sneak attacks, tempest makes your two-weapon fighting skills horrifying. You're going for maximum attacks per round. If you can afford it, make both of those weapons speed too (or at least invest in boots of haste).

Now, if you run into someone who uses the undead antimagic sunderer concept against you... well, that's a problem, but at least you've got lots of d12 hit dice and rage to make all your hits sting. Sunder would cause you problems, though, so take Improved Disarm.

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