Curaigh |

IRS auditor is pretty spooky. Lawyers can be pretty bad as well. I like the idea of dressing in a typical suite and just adding the appropriate accessory (scales for lawyer (fill one with money) telescope for astronomer, complete works of Shakespeare for Thespian, and bull and bear (stuffed?) for wall street, etc.) This weeks student paper had some easy ones.
NBA player: business casual, do not show bling.
Pro-soccer player: dress as you want no-one will notice.
I have been wanting to get a bunch of those plastic spiders, and then wrapping myself in every computer chord I could find. go as the www. hmmmm still working on how to make a lurker version...

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I did a cyclops pumpkin last year and had it in front of the shop I run at Texas Ren Festival. I have a pic and as soon as I find a convienient way to post it I will. This year I am upgrading it hopefully to a beholder. It was my plan last year, but it was a kinda spur of the moment decision on how to carve the pumpkin at my shop with limited resources when a friend gave me a big plastic eyeball. I carved a hole and a big menacing mouth and stuck the plastic eyeball in the hole and voila a cyclops pumpkin only because twizzlers and dum-dum pops just didn't do the job of transforming it into a decent beholder. I'll try again.
As far as Halloween itself, Tuesday I will be offciating a wedding for one of my dearest friends. Yep, you heard right, I'm a Minister too, and since she stole my idea of having my wedding on Halloween I get to be a skeleton reverend. I'm kinda nervous that it'll be all I want it to be, but I'm sure it will be a blast nonetheless.

Kirth Gersen |

Valegrim wrote:Lol; is this a spelling bee; will we have a wierd conversation on how to spell rogue next? heheRoge? Roag? Rouge? Cut-oo-loo?
That's one great thing about female gamers; they NEVER write "rouge" instead of "rogue," any more than they would spell "mage" as M-A-S-C-A-R-A.

MaxSlasher26 |

Turns out I wound up having a Halloween Party with my gaming group for this Halloween. Great fun. We listened to Halloween-themed music (sort of) and danced around in front of strobe lights. We roasted marshmallows, hot dogs, and even little donuts. (Actually, only I roasted donuts. Everyone else just ate them.)
Then we rounded off the night by all watching (and singing along with) The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Fun times...
On Halloween itself I'll probably wear my lich costume and scare small children (like I mentioned much earlier). My play practice was cancelled for Halloween so that we could all go along with the festivities for the evening instead of rehearsing. :)

Valegrim |

I expect pictures of the behold-o-lanterns!
Ok; my behold-0-lantern looks pretty cool :) though it is not completely atatomically correct as I only gave it 8 eyes on stalks; gonna light it up and take some pic to share; ok; how do I post them? can I email them to you Lilith or what; am not a computer guru or web guy and dont have a personal website to put them on to link. Any suggestions?

Valegrim |

Things I'm going to do next year:
hehe I have never planned the next years pumpkin before the current Halloween; or All Saints Eve; or Hallow Mass or any other of several names for it is over; those are really cool though; hmm, I have a degree in electronics; wonder what I can come up with; never thought to add robotic bits and such.

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Well, last night was a good night for trick or treating; hehe but my 4 year old went to about 4 houses; then changed into another costume; 6 more houses; and she turns to me and says; I am done daddy. hehe
That's about all we did. 3 1/2(bob the builder) and 1 1/2 (fairy princess). It was pretty cold. Not bad like real cold places up north, but too cold for fairy princesses to be out long.

The Jade |

Regrettably, I've lived high on a steep hill surrounded by 8 acres for seven years now and no kid in their right mind would attempt to scale it. What's more, there is no sidewalk at the bottom of my driveway, just zippy cars. It's a trick-or-treater deathwish.
After the first two years without lil kids in costumes, and having to eat all the candy myself, I just stopped making Jackolanterns and only buy a single bag of candy, for what-if back-up. Anyone notice they don't program good Halloween TV anymore? Last year they ran a rotating schedule of Friday the 13th installments ad nauseum. When did slasher get confused for horror?
It costs near nothing to show the old stuff, and there is so much old stuff worthy of showing. Maybe there just isn't interest. But come on... show all the very decent if not great horror movies/ghost stories to come out over the last ten years. I'm a tough sell when it comes to film yet I could name a bunch that would keep asses in seats.
Yesterday I was home all day and, sans kids and relevent TV scheduling, had to remind myself it was Halloween. Sad.

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It was cold here (less than 30), and both my kids (9 and 11) had a ton of homework, so Halloween lasted a total of about an hour, and then it was back to work. A curse on teachers who assign homework on Halloween!
Homework serves no purpose but to subject kids to a mental beatdown. Fight for your kids, they can't. 2 books to help in that fight that will give tips on how to get your school to can homework or at least lessen it are:
The Case Against Homework by Sara Bennett and Nancy Kalishand The Homework Myth by Alfie Long.
Why should kids sit for 6-7 hours in school learning then spend 2 hours a night doing "busy work" that usually has little to do with what they learned during the day. Studies are finding that Attention Deficit and other learning disablities, along with the over-use of Ritalin, are stemming from students being overburdened and burnt out by excess homework. I would need to medicated too if all I was allowed to do is work. Where is the imagination time, Family time and just plain downtime? Would you want to work 40 hours, come home and do busy work for 2 hours a night, extra work on weekend, winter breaks, sick days, summer vacations? Your kids are probably putting in more hours weekly then you are.
Japan is one of the highest scoring countries in testing but they do little to no homework. Why? Cause it doesn't help!
Read the books and fight the power. Teachers aren't even taught how or what should constitute homework. There usually isn't a guideline, except 10 minutes per grade, which is more often surpassed due to multiple teachers assign work that they don't coordinate with other teachers and that they assume is doable in the allotted time because they themselves can do it.
Save your children from this mess. Take back family time.
Sorry if I sound like I am lecturing but I read the books and hate the way the education system in this country follows a pattern of political agenda and not what is best for children.
FH (Save your family!)

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It was cold here (less than 30), and both my kids (9 and 11) had a ton of homework, so Halloween lasted a total of about an hour, and then it was back to work. A curse on teachers who assign homework on Halloween!
Like homework can't wait a day? Stodgy old wanks. Need their houses egged, is wot's wot.

The Jade |

Homework serves no purpose but to subject kids to a mental beatdown. Fight for your kids, they can't. 2 books to help in that fight that will give tips on how to get your school to can homework or at least lessen it are:
The Case Against Homework by Sara Bennett and Nancy Kalish
and The Homework Myth by Alfie Long.
Why should kids sit for 6-7 hours in school learning then spend 2 hours a night doing "busy work" that usually has little to do with what they learned during the day. Studies are finding that Attention Deficit and other learning disablities, along with the over-use of Ritalin, are stemming from students being overburdened and burnt out by excess homework. I would need to medicated too if all I was allowed to do is work. Where is the imagination time, Family time and just plain downtime? Would you want to work 40 hours, come home and do busy work for 2 hours a night, extra work on weekend, winter breaks, sick days, summer vacations? Your kids are probably putting in more hours weekly then you are.
Japan is one of the highest scoring countries in testing but they do little to no homework. Why? Cause it doesn't help!
Read the books and fight the power. Teachers aren't even taught how or what should constitute homework. There usually isn't a guideline, except 10 minutes per grade, which is more often surpassed due to multiple teachers assign work that they don't coordinate with other teachers and that they assume is doable in the allotted time because they themselves can do it.
Save your children from this mess. Take back family time.
Sorry if I sound like I am lecturing but I read the books and hate the way the education system in this country follows a pattern of political agenda and not what is best for children.FH (Save your family!)
Well between a metric humpton of homework and videogames you can make it so you never have to actually see your kids. For certain 'parents' I know, it's a dream come true.
Don't get me started on Ritalin, which at one point was prescribable by school nurses. People have just lost their minds. If your kid is running around in circles part of that may stem from the fact that you feed him forty percent corn syrup. The rest may stem from him BEING A KID!
I love when the Psychiatric Institute gets together to come up with another blanket label to justify their own existence. It's more voodoo than voodoo. "If you're child has 3 or more symptoms from this 10 symptom list they could have this previously unknown condition that is never going to show up in any medical tests. You'd better get some pills in that little victim now before he fails out of third grade and starts his own meth lab."
Oops, did I just take a hard right into the Rants thread? Sorry about that Heathie.
I do love Halloween. Miss it.

Fang |

Homework serves no purpose but to subject kids to a mental beatdown.
You're preachin' to the choir here, Fakey. I hear ya. My son wants to play chess with his dad in the evening, which I consider much more valuable than doing busywork for school. Does he have time? Most nights, no. My daughter, who is a budding poet and artist comes home in tears because there's too much homework and not enough "me time".
Thanks for the references. I will definitely check out those books.

Fang |

Well between a metric humpton of homework and videogames you can make it so you never have to actually see your kids. For certain 'parents' I know, it's a dream come true.
I can never figure that out. Why have kids if you're just going to park 'em in front of the TV and let pop culture have its evil way with them? Don't get me started....

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Fake Healer wrote:Homework serves no purpose but to subject kids to a mental beatdown.You're preachin' to the choir here, Fakey. I hear ya. My son wants to play chess with his dad in the evening, which I consider much more valuable than doing busywork for school. Does he have time? Most nights, no. My daughter, who is a budding poet and artist comes home in tears because there's too much homework and not enough "me time".
Thanks for the references. I will definitely check out those books.
Sorry if I sounded preachy. Just a sore subject after watching my 10 yr old neice spend her summer "vacation" doing 100 pages of math problems and forced to read and write reports on a bunch of books that do nothing to help a young imagination soar. Girl spent most of the summer hunkered down writing about subjects that she had 0 interest in.

Fang |

Sorry if I sounded preachy. Just a sore subject after watching my 10 yr old neice spend her summer "vacation" doing 100 pages of math problems and forced to read and write reports on a bunch of books that do nothing to help a young imagination soar. Girl spent most of the summer hunkered down writing about subjects that she had 0 interest in.
Oh, but you're so right! I don't remember having homework every night in elementary school. "Homework" was what you didn't get done in class because you were goofing off or you needed extra help. (Of course, I am a product of the St. Paul (MN) public education system, which probably explains a lot!) I was stunned when my kids started school and I learned that a first grader was expected to do ten minutes a night of homework. WTF?
I want to do stuff with my kids in the evenings--play games or take them to interesting events or read to them....but there's either no time because of homework, or they are too brain-fried because of homework.
--Fang (ready to go on a CRUSADE)

Valegrim |

I had about an hour ride to school and an hour back so did all my homework on the bus; which is why my penmanship is so poor I guess.
I agree teachers need to be more in line with cultural activities; pretty insensitive to assign a bunch of homework due the day after a great holiday like Halloween; which is one of the best holidays for kids. Poo on them.

Valegrim |

Thanks for you nice comments brother, and thanks Lilith for posting for me; somehow I thought there would be a few more pics, somehow I got the impression that at least a couple more peeps were gonna do our theme pumpkins. hehe I guess behold o lanterns are solitary critters too and dont want to be on the same web thread :)

Yasha0006 |

Don't get me started on Ritalin, which...
May I suggest this...
On a Halloweeny note, my son insisted on being Black-suited Spiderman. No, not Venom. He had a blast, I had a nice and easy Halloween. My son also designed a Vampiric Pumpkin, I'll have to see if I can linky it.
Guess my wife didn't update it yet...well here's this anyway.

Valegrim |

Post for interest; check out the old thread and see the picks; some are pretty cool.
Lilith wrote:I expect pictures of the behold-o-lanterns!Ok; my behold-0-lantern looks pretty cool :) though it is not completely atatomically correct as I only gave it 8 eyes on stalks; gonna light it up and take some pic to share; ok; how do I post them? can I email them to you Lilith or what; am not a computer guru or web guy and dont have a personal website to put them on to link. Any suggestions?