Slaad Lords

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

when is someone gonna step up and write about the slaad lords? they seem to be conspicuously absent from 3.0/3.5. i know that in the next dragon there will be an article about the princes of elemental evil, but i think an update on our friends in limbo (think dragon #221) would be a lot cooler.

I've mentioned this on here on a rather old thread. I agree, I'd personally would love to see Ygorl statted up. If not in Dragon then maybe a Dungeon adventure with him in it as the villain? :D

it would be nice to see someone have a go at the slaad lords... yugoloth lords too, for that matter. :)

BOZ wrote:
it would be nice to see someone have a go at the slaad lords... yugoloth lords too, for that matter. :)

Both seemed to get the shaft as compared to demons and devils. We have, what?, two slaad lords (Ssnesdem and Ygorl, or something like that)two daemon/yugoloth lords, Charon and Anthraxus. At least we got names of some more daemon lords back in teh MM2 (orignal), we don't even have that for the poor slaadi!

actually, there are more of each.

additional slaad lords include Wartle, Chourst, Rennbuu, and Sorel.

additional yugoloth lords include Bubonis/Bubonix, Cholerix, Diptherius, Typhus, Taba, and Xenghara.

most of them were statted in previous editions, but a couple were not.

BOZ wrote:

actually, there are more of each.

additional slaad lords include Wartle, Chourst, Rennbuu, and Sorel.

additional yugoloth lords include Bubonis/Bubonix, Cholerix, Diptherius, Typhus, Taba, and Xenghara.

most of them were statted in previous editions, but a couple were not.

there were new slaad lords in dragon 221, which is why i name checked it. chourst, rennbuu, and sorel (maybe). can't remember right now. but while i'm at it, i'd also like to throw in my lot with those wanting yugoloth updates. one of my favorite parts of 1st ed. was the unique outsiders like charon and ygorl. props to kyle hunter for including shkiv in the downer series (which freaking ROCKS).

BOZ wrote:

actually, there are more of each.

additional slaad lords include Wartle, Chourst, Rennbuu, and Sorel.

additional yugoloth lords include Bubonis/Bubonix, Cholerix, Diptherius, Typhus, Taba, and Xenghara.

most of them were statted in previous editions, but a couple were not.

I vaguely remember the slaad lords. I also remember being dissatisfied with them. There seems to be less of a coherent vision as to what the slaad are all about than the demons, devils or even daemons.

Where/when did the other daemon lords get statted? All I remember is the list of names in the original MM2.

Don't forget Bazim - Gorag, a Slaad lord trapped in the Forgotten Realms and first introduced in an adventure by Rich Baker in Dungeon Magazine a few years back (and also detailed in the FR accessory Champions of Ruin).

The only Slaad Lord done in 3E apparently.

Though Bazim is neat, Ygorl would've been my first choice. I'm partial to him only because of his appearance in the PS2 Demon Stone game.

Bah, there's so little information regarding a major race like the slaad(i?) that it would seem better to have an entire book devoted to them in the vein of (or as part of) the WotC "Ecology of" book line (eg. The Draconomicon0. I know, slaad(i?) being more law-chaos bent, are less likly to influence the more player-oriented planes, but that doesn't mean people wouldn't buy the book (I mean, hell, I bought that "Call of Cthulhu" d20 book). And, besides that, It bothers me that someone could actually theorize that the universe (if spawned from choas) came from the Abyss 9a plane that is more evil than chaos). If the universe was spawned from a chaotic-aligned plane, it would sure as hell be from Limbo, not the Abyss (my little rant of the Fiendish Codex Vol. I).

So much for hoping to see a redux of "Lords of Chaos" from issue #221...really would've loved to have Ygorl's stats.

It's always intrigued me that WotC has forbade other companies from using the slaad, but have done nothing with them themselves. I actually wrote a query to DRAGON asking whether I could submit an article describing Ssendam and Ygorl (sort of Demonomicon style) and they said no thanks quite unequivocally. It seems that if you want the lords of chaos statted up you're going to have to wait and see what WotC have in store, since for Paizo times just about run out!

Phil. L wrote:
It's always intrigued me that WotC has forbade other companies from using the slaad, but have done nothing with them themselves. I actually wrote a query to DRAGON asking whether I could submit an article describing Ssendam and Ygorl (sort of Demonomicon style) and they said no thanks quite unequivocally. It seems that if you want the lords of chaos statted up you're going to have to wait and see what WotC have in store, since for Paizo times just about run out!

You could give it a try again because all their queries are going to WotC as we speak. Maybe WotC will let ya give it a shot with the Slaad Lords :D

Dark Archive Contributor

Razz wrote:
You could give it a try again because all their queries are going to WotC as we speak. Maybe WotC will let ya give it a shot with the Slaad Lords :D

Yup, but don't send it to us. Send it straight to Wizards of the Coast. Um... once they announce the email address of where to send it, of course. :D

Razz wrote:
So much for hoping to see a redux of "Lords of Chaos" from issue #221...really would've loved to have Ygorl's stats.

yeah, that certainly would have been cool! well, the final contents of the last issue or two of Dragon have yet to be posted so who knows what might lurk there, and failing that the DI might always be receptive to that sort of thing - ya never know.

For Ygorl, I gave a black slaad (ELH) some Fighter levels and a dragon steed, then give him an adamantine vorpal scythe for part of his loot. Presto! Black slaadi are already a whole lot scarier than some of the demon lords, so they require little alteration to become credible lords.

Grand Lodge

Oh, please NO MORE SLAAD! I can't survive another fight with them. Our GM has thrown them at us a few times and they a wicked nasty. We have survived so far, but just barely. I am tired of going to negative hps because of them. Please, oh, please, don't give him any more ideas! :)

Well, ok, maybe just a few more of the COOLER ideas :)

If I'm not mistaken Moongoose Publishing came out with a monster manuel called "Epic Monsters" in which they did the revised Slaad Lords for 3.0. The trick was they couldn't call them Slaad so they came up with a new name but it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out it was the slaad bosses.

Sovereign Court

Im a Slaad lord...

Lord Vile wrote:
If I'm not mistaken Moongoose Publishing came out with a monster manuel called "Epic Monsters" in which they did the revised Slaad Lords for 3.0. The trick was they couldn't call them Slaad so they came up with a new name but it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out it was the slaad bosses.

You're right, I remember noticing that recently. It's in a book called "Epic Monsters" and I noticed they did have the stats to Ygorl in there but he didn't go by that name, he simply went by "Lord of Entropy" I believe.

Interesting take on Ygorl in there, I might actually use those stats instead of waiting around for a WotC official one. :P

Razz wrote:
Lord Vile wrote:
If I'm not mistaken Moongoose Publishing came out with a monster manuel called "Epic Monsters" in which they did the revised Slaad Lords for 3.0. The trick was they couldn't call them Slaad so they came up with a new name but it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out it was the slaad bosses.

You're right, I remember noticing that recently. It's in a book called "Epic Monsters" and I noticed they did have the stats to Ygorl in there but he didn't go by that name, he simply went by "Lord of Entropy" I believe.

Interesting take on Ygorl in there, I might actually use those stats instead of waiting around for a WotC official one. :P

Plus there's also the Tome of Horrors from Necromancer Games, which has stats for both Ygorl and Ssendam (although it just calls them the Slaad Lord of Entropy and the Slaad Lord of the Insane). It also has Anthraxus (just called the Oinodaemon). All very cool.

Kamelion wrote:
Razz wrote:
Lord Vile wrote:
If I'm not mistaken Moongoose Publishing came out with a monster manuel called "Epic Monsters" in which they did the revised Slaad Lords for 3.0. The trick was they couldn't call them Slaad so they came up with a new name but it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out it was the slaad bosses.

You're right, I remember noticing that recently. It's in a book called "Epic Monsters" and I noticed they did have the stats to Ygorl in there but he didn't go by that name, he simply went by "Lord of Entropy" I believe.

Interesting take on Ygorl in there, I might actually use those stats instead of waiting around for a WotC official one. :P

Plus there's also the Tome of Horrors from Necromancer Games, which has stats for both Ygorl and Ssendam (although it just calls them the Slaad Lord of Entropy and the Slaad Lord of the Insane). It also has Anthraxus (just called the Oinodaemon). All very cool.

I just got Tome of Horrors 3.5e and took a look at it, very nice. I think I'll use the Ygorl in here until WotC comes out with an official one. :D

the 3.5 version is not as good, because he can't take his 15' tall black salad form anymore. :(

BOZ wrote:
the 3.5 version is not as good, because he can't take his 15' tall black salad form anymore. :(

Black salad? Ewww...I don't think I'd want him to turn into that. :D

On a serious note, he's Ygorl...a slaad lord...representative of Chaos and one of its aspects. He can transform into whatever he wants, heh.

Doesn't he have Shapechange in the 3.5E version? He can take his black slaad form whenever with that one. Though I like his form in the "Demonstone" PS2 video game a lot better. :D

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