Hippojack |

Hey, here's a form I made for my group that you guys might be able to use. They really enjoyed filling it out, and roleplayed doing so well (the guy playing the barbarian held it upsidedown, looked confused, scribbled on it, and gave it to the cleric to fill out).
If you want me to change anything then I can, just post it here.
(sorry for the lousy file hosting site, if you know any better plz tell me - thanks)

Sol |

Hey, here's a form I made for my group that you guys might be able to use. They really enjoyed filling it out, and roleplayed doing so well (the guy playing the barbarian held it upsidedown, looked confused, scribbled on it, and gave it to the cleric to fill out).
If you want me to change anything then I can, just post it here.
(sorry for the lousy file hosting site, if you know any better plz tell me - thanks)
Could you maybe just post it on a Yahoo Group? I am having trouble downloading this and figuring out the site (I am an old man on the Internet these days, it has been at least months since I last talked to a computer Geek and so am behind the times)

Tiger Lily |

I don't know if this is a free site, but I know other people here use it:
If you scroll to the "select an archive" on the right, you'll see there's one for both of the adventure paths. Repost if you get it up there, as I'd REALLY like to see the form!

wampuscat43 |

I was able to download it. All you have to do is type in the code number found at the bottom of the page in the blank next to hit, then click Submit. Then wait for the timer (sheesh!) to count down and click the Download button.
I like the form! Since I'm playing in Waterdeep, I'll have to mod it a little, but your timing is perfect - my players will be signing up next week.

wampuscat43 |

Hey, here's a form I made for my group that you guys might be able to use. They really enjoyed filling it out, and roleplayed doing so well (the guy playing the barbarian held it upsidedown, looked confused, scribbled on it, and gave it to the cleric to fill out).
If you want me to change anything then I can, just post it here.
(sorry for the lousy file hosting site, if you know any better plz tell me - thanks)
I've created a Forgotten Realms version of this and, with your kind permission, will post it at rpgenius. Thanks again.

Sol |

I was able to download it. All you have to do is type in the code number found at the bottom of the page in the blank next to hit, then click Submit. Then wait for the timer (sheesh!) to count down and click the Download button.
I like the form! Since I'm playing in Waterdeep, I'll have to mod it a little, but your timing is perfect - my players will be signing up next week.
Thanks Beldar, I am glad I have company in my ignorance, it is blissful. Thank you Wampuscat, as I have now succesfully downloaded the file. It is nice, I like the fonts and it is a good additional prop for my game that will be coming up soon (right now my players on the Blackwall Keep).
One player has already investigated the games, I dropped a hint about them, but he thinks so far that I have made them up, although he is interested in trying to fight in them! He has no idea that one of the adventures is written around the games! Talk about a a succesful hint drop on my part eh?!

Hippojack |

Ok, I posted it to theRPGenius - it should be up there soon, I think the admins have to approve it first. For those of you who are lazy the direct link to the AoW page there is http://therpgenius.com/ageofworms/TheAgeofWormsAP/tabid/159/Default.aspx
I am glad you can use it! Feel free to edit it, or mess with it at all. The fonts I used (they are free downloads) are Anarchistic, JAMI, and Scriptina.

koramado |

Hi guys,
If you didn't know about it before, theRPGenius.com was started as a place to share player created resources for the adventure path series. There have been a ton of excellent submissions for the Shackled City and Age of Worms paths.
Anyone is welcome to download and make use of the submissions and you can also submit your own creations by registering on the site. The short form of the url for each AP is
Shackled City http://theRPGenius.com/shackledcity
Age of Worms http://theRPGenius.com/ageofworms
Good luck with your campaigns and thanks for sharing!
Best Regards,

VanDeBeast |

I am glad you can use it! Feel free to edit it, or mess with it at all. The fonts I used (they are free downloads) are Anarchistic, JAMI, and Scriptina.
I looked at the PDF you'd posted on the other site, and it was pretty cool. Is this one a PDF as well? Not having a full copy of Acrobat I'm not sure how I would edit it if it was. (And I'll probably need to for my unusually large party.)