Paizo Gencon Semiars

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

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Well I checked back in on the gencon event lists and paizo is finally on there.

Writing for Dungeon Magazine: Come see what Dragon magazine has in store for the next year and get tips and tricks for getting your ideas published in the pages of the oldest D&D magazine around. Hosted by Erik Mona and Jason Bulmahn.

What's New With Paizo Publishing: Along with Dragon and Dungeon magazines, Paizo Publishing has a lot on the drawing board. Come take a peek at our newest developments, like GameMastery Item Cards, Compleat Encounters, Map Packs, and more. Hosted by Erik Mona and Jason Bulmahn.

Writing for Dragon Magazine:Join the Dungeon editorial staff to learn how to get published in the pages of our magazine. We'll review the submission guidelines and workshop a query taking suggestions for the audience. Hosted by Erik Mona and James Jacobs.

Getting on the Adventure Path:Join the Dungeon editorial staff in a discussion of the Shackled City, Age of Worms, and Savage Tide Adventure Paths. Meet other DMs and players involved in the campaigns and learn tips on how to improve your Adventure Path games. Hosted by Erik Mona, James Jacobs, Jason Bulman, Jeremy Walker, and more!

The last one looks interesting, I'm going to try for that. See yas there if so!

mortellan wrote:

Well I checked back in on the gencon event lists and paizo is finally on there.

Sadly the timing always prevents me from going to GenCon. One of these days I'll manage it, but I think I'll have to wait until I'm almost 50 and the senior assistant in my office before I can do it. *sigh*

- Ashavan

Indianapolis isn't too far from St. Louis... and the dates don't quite overlap the Burning Man plans.


Man, I so have to go to GenCon. It's a week or two before my birthday, so I justify it, right? :P

Koldoon wrote:
mortellan wrote:

Well I checked back in on the gencon event lists and paizo is finally on there.

Sadly the timing always prevents me from going to GenCon. One of these days I'll manage it, but I think I'll have to wait until I'm almost 50 and the senior assistant in my office before I can do it. *sigh*

- Ashavan

Oh come now! If I have to walk to and then sleep under a folding table during a Magic tourney I'm going to GenCon next year to meet you and the rest of the cabbages (krauts included)! So don't go shirking your moral (and I might add editorial) imparitives here. That might be the GenCon you get to autograph something huge as an offical developer! Besides I'm going to need some competition in Nick Logue's Iron DM event since Steve will likely be too busy working on AP 4 with all of his cool editor friends yeaah... whoopee....

Okay, actually I'm green with envy. ;)

Say it! "GenCon 07 or Bust! GenCon 07 or bust!" Now run some laps!

Are you down with O.W.C.?
Yeah. You know me!


Holy Puke!!!

Are you doing Iron DM GGG? Dude, I'm gonna tell last year's IRON DUNGEONMASTER! (yes the title is in all caps and is always followed by an exclamation point...its part of the honor of earning it) and I bet he starts sweating!!! This is gonna be a fine Iron DM Competition. ROCK!

Gencon is everything. It is all things. Go to Gencon. No seriously, just go. It will change your life.

Nicolas Logue wrote:

Holy Puke!!!

Are you doing Iron DM GGG? Dude, I'm gonna tell last year's IRON DUNGEONMASTER! (yes the title is in all caps and is always followed by an exclamation point...its part of the honor of earning it) and I bet he starts sweating!!! This is gonna be a fine Iron DM Competition. ROCK!

Gencon is everything. It is all things. Go to Gencon. No seriously, just go. It will change your life.

I'm an assistant for first year programing at a college.... GenCon is always at the worst possible time for me.

- Ashavan

Nicolas Logue wrote:

Are you doing Iron DM GGG? Dude, I'm gonna tell last year's IRON DUNGEONMASTER! (yes the title is in all caps and is always followed by an exclamation point...its part of the honor of earning it) and I bet he starts sweating!!! This is gonna be a fine Iron DM Competition. ROCK!

I am rather interested in the Iron DM competition, but I've only heard vague rumors about it. Where can I find more info on the competition?

There is an entire web site devoted to Iron Dungeon Master

I believe it is Check it out. I has a lot of info about the tornament and how it is run. There is also some pics from last year. Hope to see you there!

Nicolas Logue wrote:

Holy Puke!!!

Are you doing Iron DM GGG?

Yes GenCon is all things. I have made the pilgrimage to Mecca (and it's succesor) 11 times, but not ever to Indy. That ends next year.... This year I'm participating in a year-long training montage for next year's Iron DM.

::GGG throws down his weighted gaming bag and begins powering up. Small dice begin to levitate in the air around him.::


B. Vic wrote:

There is an entire web site devoted to Iron Dungeon Master

I believe it is Check it out. I has a lot of info about the tornament and how it is run. There is also some pics from last year. Hope to see you there!

B-man is that you!? Holy cow! :-)

I didn't put the B. and Vic. together! Me not so bright. :-(

The website is indeed! Last year's winner was kind enough to put it together for us! Check it out everyone! B. Vic. and I run it...or rather steer the sheer madness of it! Think Iron Chef, but with DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS BABYEE!!!

Seriously though, its my favorite thing at the con, and not just cause I am in charge of it. ;-)

GGG - The mental image of your final comment was AWESOME!

Hey, does anybody have the times of the Paizo seminars handy who could post-i-post em here?

Sovereign Court

Nicolas Logue wrote:

Hey, does anybody have the times of the Paizo seminars handy who could post-i-post em here?

8/11 1400 SEM00182 Writing for Dragon, Hyatt Mt. Rainer

8/11 1600 SEM00183 What's New with Paizo, Hyatt Mt. Rushmore
8/12 1100 SEM00184 Writing for Dungeon, Hyatt Salon A
8/12 1600 SEM00185 Getting on the Adv. Path, Hyatt Salon A


I'm glad Russell posted those. I just downloaded the Excel file and I don't see Paizo's seminars listed in there.

Sovereign Court

Wow - you're right. These events were in the catalog I downloaded on July 18th, but I just went and got the latest spreadsheet and they're all gone. I wonder if they'll even be in the print catalog at the show?

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