How banged up is your PHB?

Off-Topic Discussions

My son came to me the other day and asked if I'd help him fork out the cash for a new PHB. When I asked him why, he showed me his copy, and the thing is indeed banged up good. The front cover is nearly off, its corners are worn round, and there are various spill marks and whatnot on the cover. The inside is still intact, however, and the binding seems to be holding; no pages are loose or falling out. I beamed with pride and told him, "Hoody-Hoo! You're indeed a true gamer! Congratulations!"

His blank stare spoke volumes.

I tried to explain to him that a banged up PHB is a sign of a true gamer and that he should be proud to carry his to the table each and every chance he gets. It shows he's actually read it and used it, unlike some of his friends who buy the book but never really dive into it and learn how to play the game and take advantage of the nuances of the rulebook. His response?

"Yeah, but it's ugly."

I hoody-hooed even louder and he walked away confused.

Let's help this young man take some pride in the fact that his PHB is indeed "used" and he should be proud.

Just a note: I did make sure the book is still useable. The pages are intact, as I stated earlier, and there is no damage that I can tell to the inside of the book. I know some of you are sentimental, and would surely endorse going out and getting a new copy ASAP at the first sign of wear and tear. But the point is that a used book is a sign of a "used" book, and he should be pleased with his copy.

So share your stories here, and thanks for helping out. Also, if any of you have any ideas that would help repair or enhance the damage to the outside, do share. He did have a book cover on it for a long time, and blames it for much of the damage. It was one of those stretchy book covers like you can buy at Staples or Wal-Mart every August when going back to school.

I look forward to reading your replies.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

The binding of my PHB is a bit frayed, yes. My DMG has crumbs permanently embedded in the binding from snacking players referencing it for magic items. My MM has a big ol' scratch along the back cover (and my 3.0 copy even has a bloodstain from an illtimed nosebleed).

But the king of all my roughed up books is my Monsters of Faerun. Entire pages have been bent in half. About a quarter of the book has a yellowish tinge from the full bowl of chicken Top Ramen that was spilled on them.

Still legible, though. Which is what counts.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Mine isn't too banged up, but my 2e phb is falling apart and has a bunch of things written on the inside cover.

I guess the only thing I would ask is whether or not the phb is gross. No offense, but I wouldn't want to flip through a book that has had blood, food, or other biodegradable waste spilled on it. Rips and tears are cool, nasty stains are not.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The PHB I use here at work is in pretty sad shape; it's corners are rounded and the cardboard shows through. There are a few dents along the top and bottom of the cover. The back cover is starting to tear away from the spine, and the exterior spine itself is gone, leaving only a few layers of cardboard attached to the binding. I wrote "PLAYER'S HANDBOOK" in big block letters with a sharpie on the spine. Inside, the pages themselves are in pretty good shape, althoguh I've gone in and manually entered errata with a blue pen. Some of the pages have rips, the largest of which is on page 25—a rip near the spine goes up almos to the last line of the barbarian's level progression table.

Banged-up D&D books rock!

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Sebastian wrote:

I guess the only thing I would ask is whether or not the phb is gross. No offense, but I wouldn't want to flip through a book that has had blood, food, or other biodegradable waste spilled on it. Rips and tears are cool, nasty stains are not.

Well, the bloodstained MM has been permanently retired, and the ramenized MoF sees very little use (it wasn't too good a book). If a book gets really nasty, by all means get rid of it. But a binding falling apart is all part of the game. Tell the kid to slap some duct tape on it. Solves all problems.

Liberty's Edge

My 3.5 ed. is near mint.
My 1 ed. PHB looks like it has been to the moon on the outside of the rocket. It's 26 years old, for gossake.

Getting thrashed. Still in good shape, corners are wearing off. Some of the pages are rather stained, due to finger oils and the like, particularly at the beginning section of the PHB.

I'm debating making a brand-new cover, but make it more tome-like as it's depicted on the outside, with the jewels and everything.

Tysdaddy, if you (or anyone else for that matter) decides to get a new PHB, send me your old one and I'll see what I can do with it. I've picked up a few book binding skills along the way (thanks to the SCA) and I'm keen to try something like this.

Back on topic, though, my favorite thing written on the inside of any Player's Handbook, no matter what version or setting:

The DM is trying to kill you.

The corners are all bent and broke with the cardboard showing, and there is some additional "artwork" from my two daughters as well.

That's about it, though. My books get dropped and tossed and stepped on, but I try to careful with the spine itself.

Grand Lodge

All my 3.x stuff is in excellent shape, but I, for one, think that might be because the new books are simply better made than the old ones. For example, my Greyhawk Adventures book, though I have treated it with considerable care, looks like it has been used by a multitude of bartenders to wipe down their bars, and all my 1 ed. stuff fell apart distressingly fast. Hooray for progress!

I'm still using my 3.0 PHB and it's starting to look worn. Doing well for it's age, but looking a bit rough. Not a sign of binding wear though - unlike my DMG. For some people a new-looking book is important though. One of my players almost vaccuum-packs his books whilst another has a peeling Ultraman sticker on the front cover. :)
Maybe you should offer to buy him a new book; he can either have a new PHB, which he already owns, or a different new book. Then you'll work out which catagory the young gamer has grown up into!


My 3e PHBs are both in pretty good shape. My 3.5 PHB is dinged a bit at the corners of the covers (and also has the errata entered into it with a pen). My 3.0 PHB is fine - but then I never really bothered playing more than a couple of sessions of 3.0...

My first 2e PHB, on the other hand, became so battered and tattered that I was extremely happy to replace it with one of the newer print black-cover versions when those came out - same goes for my original 2e DMG.

My 1e books, by comparison, are still all in excellent condition - tight binding, solid covers, no rips or tears. Those things were meant to *last*!!!

(Er, except for my 1e copy of Oriental Adventures, which I lent to a mate of mine who lived in a squat. I think he used it for roofing at some point, as it is in a truly sorry state. Oh well - at least it was seeing some use...)

Nearly all my RPG books are in a pretty good state, as I absolutely hate my books - even cheap paperbacks - to be worn down and I handle them very carefully as a consequence.
The Players Handbooks see the most use, and suffer the most, but my 1st Ed PH has some cover damage around the spine and a few loose pages, thats all. The 1st Ed. OA has some loose pages (seems to be unavoidable), so I recently bought another one in nearly new condition. The spine of my 2nd Ed. PH (german version) has come loose, but is ok otherwise. I don´t write into my books anymore (can´t stand that either). Even most of my Dragons and Dungeons look nearly as good as new. I only accept battered copies of books etc. if I can´t get them in a good condition. As you can tell, I´m pretty fussy about my books...


My original 1st edition AD&D PHB was in similar shape to your sons. But then my mother threw it out after I had moved out of the house.

My 3E book is practically pristine, and my 3.5 book looks rather like a peacock with all the sticky notes sticking out of it, and one corner is dinged from when I accidentally dropped it.

I just bought the soft cover PHB for taking with me to games, but I don't think it's going to live nearly as long as my hardcover. This is brand new, I haven't even opened it yet.

Every book I own is in such good shape that if I loan one out it invariably returns the worse for wear. In a way that is obvious.

When someone gives a book back bedraggled I find myself teaching them in the ways of not cracking my spine by opening any book to the point of perfect flatness.

Don't bend my pages over, don't highlight, treat it as if not treating it well will cause me to kill you and feel no wrong for the act.

It never works... they always come back looking like 'Mongo CHEW!... and that is why I only loan things out that I could stand to see masticated. Some people really seem to believe that to enjoy a book they have to roll around in it. Pelor wept.

Liberty's Edge

If I'm gaming with a bunch of people, I usually like to write in my books to readily be able to identify them as mine. We used to play with a barracks thief of a kid back in high school, who would grab your book and insist it was his. And anyone naive enough to ever lend this kid one of their books never saw it again. So like on the 80th page of the MMII I'd write a word bubble with the monster saying, "this is Heathanssons's book, SEAN, not YOURS!"
I just wrote all over the back to the front of my Fiendish Codex with all the demon lords' and ladys' names, with arrows of who is at war with who, who hates who, who stole who's bowling ball, etc.

Festivus wrote:

I just bought the soft cover PHB for taking with me to games, but I don't think it's going to live nearly as long as my hardcover. This is brand new, I haven't even opened it yet.

I am assuming here that you are talking about the soft cover that comes with the new Player's Kit from WotC. The one with the minis booster and other assorted whatnot. Since this is a new "printing" of the PHB, does it have all the errata included, similar to the way the limited edition version did? If that's the case, then I may go that way. Sure it may not last as long, but with the errata included, it may be worth it.

And a big thanks to James Jacobs for chiming in. When he read that one of the big dogs in the gaming industry had a PHB in worse shape than his, he beamed with pride. Ha! Kids.

I took my books to Iraq with my after my mid-tour leave. On the way to my FOB the truck I was in got hit by an IED and riddled all my books with holes and tore a chunk out of my DMG, which was the most damaged. I still play with all the books and haven't replaced one. I guess I keep them as a testament to my lifes acheivements and my love and desire for gaming.

Liberty's Edge

SPCSAL wrote:
I took my books to Iraq with my after my mid-tour leave. On the way to my FOB the truck I was in got hit by an IED and riddled all my books with holes and tore a chunk out of my DMG, which was the most damaged. I still play with all the books and haven't replaced one. I guess I keep them as a testament to my lifes acheivements and my love and desire for gaming.

That sucks, man. Hope you're okay, bro.

SPCSAL wrote:
I took my books to Iraq with my after my mid-tour leave. On the way to my FOB the truck I was in got hit by an IED and riddled all my books with holes and tore a chunk out of my DMG, which was the most damaged.

If this were a contest then you would be the winner. Very glad your books took the hit and not you. Might I recommend getting the thicker books and maybe stack some steel plates underneath.

SPCSAL wrote:
I took my books to Iraq with my after my mid-tour leave. On the way to my FOB the truck I was in got hit by an IED and riddled all my books with holes and tore a chunk out of my DMG, which was the most damaged. I still play with all the books and haven't replaced one. I guess I keep them as a testament to my lifes acheivements and my love and desire for gaming.

Those things need to go on display at a gaming convention and then a museum. If I was WotC, I'd send you a whole set of new books. Thank you for your service and I'm glad you're okay and able to post about it afterwards.

The Exchange

SPCSAL wrote:
I took my books to Iraq with my after my mid-tour leave. On the way to my FOB the truck I was in got hit by an IED and riddled all my books with holes and tore a chunk out of my DMG, which was the most damaged. I still play with all the books and haven't replaced one. I guess I keep them as a testament to my lifes acheivements and my love and desire for gaming.

What's an FOB and an IED? I'm not real fluent in militarese, and want to understand fully what happened.

Thank you for placing yourself in harms way to defend the ideals of our nation. Be safe, in mind and body.


Fake Healer wrote:

What's an FOB and an IED? I'm not real fluent in militarese, and want to understand fully what happened.
Thank you for placing yourself in harms way to defend the ideals of our nation. Be safe, in mind and body.


Behold the wonder that is Acronym Finder!

My guesses are:
FOB Forward Operations Base
IED Improved Explosive Device

And I have to follow up the thoughts on the "glad it was the books, and not you!" Thanks for serving our country!

*claps n' hoots n' hollers for the military folk out there*

edit silly double posts...

SPCSAL wrote:
I took my books to Iraq with my after my mid-tour leave. On the way to my FOB the truck I was in got hit by an IED and riddled all my books with holes and tore a chunk out of my DMG, which was the most damaged. I still play with all the books and haven't replaced one. I guess I keep them as a testament to my lifes acheivements and my love and desire for gaming.

I hope no one was hurt in this attack.

I just saw a report on TV yesterday about a U.S. military hospital in Iraq. It was gruesome, even though they did not show the details openly. I hope that every soldier returns unharmed in body, mind and soul from this (and any other) war.
One soldier they interviewed stated that he volunteered for service in Iraq to be able to pay his debts better. That sounded like a very desperate option to me.


Being an all-volunteer force, the U.S. military offers some nice financial incentives to join or reenlist. I paid for my college using my chapter 106 reservist's GI bill benefits and a tuition reimbursement plan in effect back in the 80's.

Doing desperate things to pay your debts is the American way (I'm sure it isn't much different in other countries).

One of my co-workers just quit to join Blackwater, a mercenary outfit that does dignitary protection and other things in nasty places. He'll be going to Iraq as a civilian mercenary without any medical benefits or retirement plan or disability benefits. However, he will make almost $200,000 a year, I'm told. He has a wife and small child (I salute his courage, but I shake my head in wonder--it's one thing to serve your country's military, knowing that if you're wounded you'll get some pension and medical treatment, but not having any protections and still going into a warzone is not something I readily understand)

Stefan, a few weeks ago I spoke with a German "Feldjaeger" Sergeant Major who is a friend of mine and who was vacationing in El Paso with his family (his wife used to be a secretary for the German Air Force here, so he knows EP well). He had just returned from a year's tour of duty in Afghanistan. Some of the things he told me the Germans were doing over there are probably not being covered by the German (or the American) press. My hats off to any soldier of any nationality who keeps the barbarians away from my kids. May you all return home safely. May your PHs and DMGs take all your shrapnel for you!!

I have books from pristine to havinging been rebuilt after being in several parts. hehe tired of gaming stories; most people who have books that are quite munched can sometimes tell interesting stories about how it happened kinda like talking about scars on our bodies as in the Lethal Weapon 3 movie.

I agree with you that bumps and scrapes are things of gamer pride, but your son can always opt for book covers. I have a friend who cuts a book cover from something tough like a paper groceiry sack and relabels his books; all kinds of art and slogans end up on the book cover, but it covers book scars and keeps future books looking good. It could be that in snobbish, rich and no reuse America, nobody knows how to make a book cover anymore, but when I was in primary school and you were issued your books every year you spent the first day of class getting a stack of bookcovers supplied by the school and putting them on your borrowed books. Maybe it is a bygone thing, but you can cover a book with all kinds of distictive stuff and make it astecically pleasing.

The Exchange

Valegrim wrote:
It could be that in snobbish, rich and no reuse America, nobody knows how to make a book cover anymore

Hey hey! We know what bookcovers are!! We have text books dating from the 70's and in order to keep them usable you need to cover them. Remember, America doesn't place education as a high priority unless it is paid for privately. Snobbish, Huummph! I would respond more vehemently but I don't believe in getting in verbal battles with those of lower status.


FH (Snobbishly joking)

I guess I'm weird. My books are in excellent condition, even my 1st edition ones. The 2nd ed. PHB has a little wear, but even that's still in good shape overall.

Maybe it's because I never loan my books out. I even make others wash their hands before handling them, especially if they've been at the crisps or other snacks.

farewell2kings wrote:

One of my co-workers just quit to join Blackwater, a mercenary outfit that does dignitary protection and other things in nasty places. He'll be going to Iraq as a civilian mercenary without any medical benefits or retirement plan or disability benefits. However, he will make almost $200,000 a year, I'm told. He has a wife and small child (I salute his courage, but I shake my head in wonder--it's one thing to serve your country's military, knowing that if you're wounded you'll get some pension and medical treatment, but not having any protections and still going into a warzone is not something I readily understand)

To each his own, as they say. They could not pay me enough to do things like these, if it is just for the money. I can not understand your co-worker at all, especially with wife and child.

farewell2kings wrote:

Stefan, a few weeks ago I spoke with a German "Feldjaeger" Sergeant Major who is a friend of mine and who was vacationing in El Paso with his family (his wife used to be a secretary for the German Air Force here, so he knows EP well). He had just returned from a year's tour of duty in Afghanistan. Some of the things he told me the Germans were doing over there are probably not being covered by the German (or the American) press.

Sometimes it is better to be ignorant... IMHO, there is nothing glorious in war, and it gets ugly fast.

farewell2kings wrote:

My hats off to any soldier of any nationality who keeps the barbarians away from my kids. May you all return home safely.



Stebehil wrote:

IMHO, there is nothing glorious in war, and it gets ugly fast.


Well said....

Seeing as to how I usually keep two copies of the PHB, I have one copy that is all dinged up and worn corners and such, the other is in near mint condition. As a side note, the spine on my 1st Ed. PHB(copy 2) still creaks when it is opened! ;)

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