Creating New Summon Monster Tables

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I was wondering, have there been any Dragon Magazine articles concerning how to add monsters to those available on the Summon Monster I-IX lists? If so, could someone supply the issue #?

If not, would this make a valid future article request? The article that I'm thinking of would provide guidelines for choosing monsters to add to the lists and would provide several specific additions, drawn from the Monster Manuals I-IV, and Fiend Folio, to the Summon Monster I-IX spells.

As a more general D&D complaint, it is very frustrating to me that the Summon Monster spells are mostly regurgitated versions of the Summon Nature's Ally spells, except with the celestial or fiendish template added on and the spell level increased by one.


There has been just such an article. I can't recall which issue, other than that it was printed between August 2002 and August 2004.

Edit: I went through all my Dragon magazines from that era and can't seem to find it. Sorry I can't be of more help!

Try "The Summoner's Circle" in issue 302. I think this is the one you want. (pg 24, per the DragonDex)

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Thanks for the responses. I'll check out issue #302 tonight when I get home. Does anyone know if issue #302 was written for 3.0 or 3.5? That seems like the timeframe when 3.5 was first released. The only reason I ask is because I'll have an easier time getting the article ok'd by my DM if it's 3.5 (even though the summoning rules didn't change much between 3.0 and 3.5 IIRC).

Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:
Thanks for the responses. I'll check out issue #302 tonight when I get home. Does anyone know if issue #302 was written for 3.0 or 3.5? That seems like the timeframe when 3.5 was first released. The only reason I ask is because I'll have an easier time getting the article ok'd by my DM if it's 3.5 (even though the summoning rules didn't change much between 3.0 and 3.5 IIRC).

#302 would be 3.0. 3.5 started in issue #310 (one of the best issues ever.)

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