BillyGoat |
For magic traps that aren't simply spells, I'd treat it as suppressing a magic item.
For spell-traps (symbols, for example), that's a pretty clear cut "it's a spell, you can dispel it". Dispel magic does not have a specified limit of only dispelling active spells.
I suppose you could read "spell affecting..." to infer that it's talking about active spells. But, the active/inactive language is used elsewhere in the same book, I'd expect them to reference it specifically if they meant it to be a limiter.

Quantum Steve |
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Since magic traps are created using the Craft Wondrous Item feat, they should be treated as magic items for the purposes of Dispel Magic. A successful dispel check would suppress the the trap for 1d4 rounds.
Spell Sunder wouldn't work because a trap isn't a ongoing spell effect, although one may be able to simply smash and destroy the trap like any other item (though this may set off the trap).

mplindustries |

So how do you figure out the DC number to dispel a magical trap?
When the only info you have is the CR of the trap and it's effects.
Generally, it's the spell cast to make the trap. Which trap are you referring to?
(When people have specific questions, why do they so often hide information in an attempt to turn it into a general question?)

Rynjin |

So how do you figure out the DC number to dispel a magical trap?
When the only info you have is the CR of the trap and it's effects.
Because based on its effects you have both the spell and the caster level of the spell usually. Which is all you need for Dispel Magic.
Like we had a trap use Summon Monster VI today, with a duration of 11 rounds, which was dispelled vs a caster level 11 (DC 22).
Now I know it's impossibru to have a CL 11 Summon Monster VI since as far as I know the earliest you can get it as a spell is 12th, but whatever.

mplindustries |

Now I know it's impossibru to have a CL 11 Summon Monster VI since as far as I know the earliest you can get it as a spell is 12th, but whatever.
Summon Monster VI is a 6th level spell, which full prepared casters get at 11th. Spontaneous casters are the ones that have to wait for 12th.

Matt2VK |
Matt2VK wrote:So how do you figure out the DC number to dispel a magical trap?
When the only info you have is the CR of the trap and it's effects.
Generally, it's the spell cast to make the trap. Which trap are you referring to?
(When people have specific questions, why do they so often hide information in an attempt to turn it into a general question?)
Kind of hard to give specific info when the trap is pulled from a mod and all it gives is the CL of the trap and it's effect. In this case it was 2D6 cold damage and the staggered condition.
Was hoping the DC for dispel magic on a magical trap was based off its CL number and there was a place to look it up at.

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Kind of hard to give specific info when the trap is pulled from a mod and all it gives is the CL of the trap and it's effect. In this case it was 2D6 cold damage and the staggered condition.
If you have the Caster Level (commonly abbreviated in CL) you have all the informations you need.
Was hoping the DC for dispel magic on a magical trap was based off its CL number and there was a place to look it up at.
Targeted Dispel: One object, creature, or spell is the target of the dispel magic spell. You make one dispel check (1d20 + your caster level) and compare that to the spell with highest caster level (DC = 11 + the spell's caster level). If successful, that spell ends. If not, compare the same result to the spell with the next highest caster level. Repeat this process until you have dispelled one spell affecting the target, or you have failed to dispel every spell.
Dispel magic checks are always based on the CL of the spell/effect/item.
If you don't have the CL it often is the same vale of the number of dices of damages the trap do.

mplindustries |

Kind of hard to give specific info when the trap is pulled from a mod and all it gives is the CL of the trap and it's effect. In this case it was 2D6 cold damage and the staggered condition.
Which Mod? What's the name of the trap? Details can always help.
Also, I suspect you meant CR, not CL here, as having the CL would tell you the DC for the dispel.