New Release Dates for Item Pack 2 & Item Pack 3


Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Item Pack 2: Hero's Hoard and Item Pack 3: Relics of War have new release dates:

Item Pack 2: July 19, 2006
Item Pack 3: September 20, 2006

Gary Teter wrote:

Item Pack 2: Hero's Hoard and Item Pack 3: Relics of War have new release dates:

Item Pack 2: July 19, 2006
Item Pack 3: September 20, 2006

I know these dates are not up to date(Item Pack 2 now showing a release date of 8-16-06), but when might we expect a card list for Itme Pack 3?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Eternity wrote:
...when might we expect a card list for Itme Pack 3?

We've just posted it.

Is Item Pack 3 still slated for tomorrow, the 20th?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Amaril wrote:
Is Item Pack 3 still slated for tomorrow, the 20th?

It has been delayed to November.


Vic Wertz wrote:
Amaril wrote:
Is Item Pack 3 still slated for tomorrow, the 20th?

It has been delayed to November.


So, umm... When will Relics of War be available?

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

They're on the way from the printer now, so "any day now" is the best available answer (especially since I'm about 3500 miles from the office right now...).

They look absoluely GREAT!

--Erik Mona

Any further updates on item pack 3???

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Rick Ransom wrote:
Any further updates on item pack 3???

Turns out there was a mishap at the printer, and the entire print run was ruined. They've reprinted them, and hopefully we'll get them next week.


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