Kullen and Co., thoughts? (spoilers)

Age of Worms Adventure Path

I didn't get much mileage out of Kullen and the Gang, well I guess I did, it's just somewhat-anti climatic. Initially my group was quite intimidated by the gang (rightfully so) and avoided them.

Since most of the group are Diamond Lake natives the gang's reputation fro trouble and murder was well known. When it came time to follow up on Skutch's arm from the Land Farmstead. The PC's managed to stike a deal with the gang ( who were freshly aggravated by Filge's behavior and the ordeal with Owlbear) Kullen was convinced that Smenk and filge didn't have there best interests in mind and offered to tell the PC's everything they knew in exchange for that "Thin bastards eyes" when the PC's balked at murdering Filge, Kullen basically said you'll do it, "or else". The PC's figured they it was going to end bloody anyway and went about cleaning out the observatory, killing Filge in the process and giving Kullen his "Eyes".

The PC's now have a truce with the gang, and Smenk is soon to be turned over to the authorites as we wrap up 3FoE. SO what of the gang?, I hate to leave them in limbo. The PC's are more than a match for them at this point, Kullen and company have zero interest in tangling with the PC's and have split town temporarily shacking up in the abandoned mining office (Fant Manor) once occupied by the PC's until the fallout from 3FoE has died down.

I had a few ideas for the future of the group

1. They turn up a few level's higher in Greyhawk as one of the teams in the Champion's Games. maybe even fighting the PC's directly.

2. They stick around Diamond Lake causing trouble using Fant Manor as they're base. Illthane following up on rumor that the PC's once used it as a base. Plants numerous potions and liquor nearby that all contain slowworm and that would be easily discovered. The gang of course finds the stuff and greedily ingests it. When the PC's travel to the Whispering Cairn to look for Allustan, they'll notice some movement around their old hideout, Finding 5 Spawn of Kyuss to greet them.

3. maybe a combo of both?

Questions- Is Spawn of Kyuss a template that can be applied to a leveled character, or do you just become the 4 HD spawn as listed in issue 126 when your turn?

Anyone else have anyother interesting resolution with the gang other than a direct confrontation with the PC's?

Our group had a similar outcome. They discovered something was up at the Observatory w/o confronting Kullen et al, and were very much trying to avoid them (one character is indentured to Smenk, and the "boys" are trying to find out why he has not been at work [since he was exploring the Cairn]). Before they leave for the Observatory, they are spotted by Kullen's mage, but the PCs book it before the gang shows up.

So, time passes. They beat up Filge, tie him up, and prepare to turn him over. But, immediately after they exit the Observatory, their tank and Filge suddenly fall asleep as Kullun ambushes them (followed their tracks). Kullen said "give me him or die;" they did, and now Kullen (1) gets his revenge [they killed Filge] and (2) gets to blame it on someone else. Smenk isn't too happy w/ the PCs because of this.

My group kinda fudged this encounter. They didn't even go to the Land farmhouse when they saw the 5 sets of footprints, and only 4 sets running back.

The rogue/fighter in my group asked around town to see if anybody had been up to the farm lately and found out that Kullen's gang had been seen heading that way. So that was enough to convince them to proceed to the Feral Dog.

They walked in, saw Kullen and his group sulking in the corner toasting their fallen comrade, then walked back out to discuss their plan of attack. Then they all walked in again :P Of course at this point Kullen's group had noticed them and knew something was going on. The barbarian of the group tried to speak with them but was answered with insults and curses. So he picked up their table and smashed it against the wall. Blades were drawn, and Rastophan and Merrovin fell in pools of their own blood. Kullen and Todrik survived and were thrown into jail with the PC's. There were some harsh words exchanged, but eventually Kullen was intimidated enough to reveal Filge's involvement. So it all worked out in the end, and with a pretty good barfight to boot.

My group persuaded Kullen to give up Filge, but didn't follow up on the eyes promise. So when Ilthane comes to town, guess who helps her track down Allustan?

While I replaced Kullen with Iron-tooth from "Key to the Grave", how I used him in Diamond Lake could still be of interest...

My group had met him previously (in the Free City), subdued him and let him go once he spilled the beans on what he was up to (making money). When they met him a second time, they were not pleased with his further dodgy dealings, but this time just verbally subdued him (and his gang), and pursued his employer (Filge). They definitely think he's a low-life and needs to find a better way of making a living...

Next time they saw him, he was hired by Smenk as a body-guard (Smenk set up a meeting with the PC's at the local strip-joint, and hired a few heavies to be in the room just in case - very mob-boss like). Again, they think he's a low-life and needs to find a better way of making a living, but being good role-players they have no reason to fight him because of it.

Some time later, after they collapsed the Dourstone Mine and so on, they saw Kullen / Iron-tooth fighting Auric in a local wrestling competition. The PC's could not enter, because they were not from Diamond Lake, but one of them put a large bet on Auric winning and cleaned up, so everyone enjoyed seeing the Orc get taken down a notch.

They still don't like him and think he needs to find a better way of making a living, but have yet to find the right opportunity to do something about it.

While they are away for a few weeks in the Free City, I'm going to have Allustan hire Kullen / Iron-tooth to look after their new iron-ball transportation business (long story: one PC has started a new "mining" business with Allustan, removing the iron balls from the Whispering Cairn and shippng them down-river to Hardby where a local castle buys them all - Allustan mainly uses this as an excuse to investigate the cairn further, and the PC's never really make a profit except maybe just enough to repair and expand the old mining office). so he'll be chief of security, helping guard the shipments - luckily half-orcs are quite common in Hardby.

Hope that gives some further ideas - I've used him as an interesting sort of out-cast who's not evil, just mis-guided in who he works for. Having him employed by the PC's will be a sweet irony, and will at least let them keep an eye on him (even if they may not trust him, at least at first - hence I had why Allustan hire him - seemed like a simple solution to the wizard who'd rather spend his time diggind into the cairn than actually running a mining business).

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