Isle of dread...

Savage Tide Adventure Path

I was just wounding if anyone was going to run the old Isle of dread before trying to take on AP3. My players being brought up in a third edition have not got to play this classic, I hope that it may inspire them for AP3 to play the classic.

Unfortunately, Isle of Dread is just a series of locations with their monstrous inhabitants. It doesn't really have a good plot or anything. As with most of the old 1st Ed. adventures it wouldn't actually get accepted by Dungeon as an adventure. They would be asking themselves such questions as original plot (no), cool villains (no), interesting encounters (a few, but not enough), great locations (eh?)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Phil's absolutely right. The original Isle of Dread is much more like a Backdrop or a campaign setting than an adventure. If your players aren't familar with the Isle of Dread, never fear; Savage Tide will certainly provide them plenty of opportunities to explore what it has to offer!

I have to say I am amazed. I come back to look at a post and I have to replies, one being from the editor. Being new to the form and only reading your magazine for about a year this makes me fill rely important and part of the community. Thanx for you thought one the “isle of dread”


Here's one more for you, big T. Hold off on anxiously wanting to explore it ahead of time using the original module. The material Dungeon is providing on the Isle of Dread will actually span several issues and develops the island significantly more than the original module.

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