Gwenfloor |
In the Spire of Long Shadows, the PCs see visions from the Istivin adventure path, the adventure with the Demon Tree Malgarius, the volcano of The Shackled City Adventure Path exploding, and the Fant of Scales. Unfortunately, I do not know which magazine has the adventure with the meteor "Fane of Scales." Can someone help me? I plan on running the PCs through these adventures before they get to the spire of Long Shadows.
Another example is when Tenser says about Artifacts from other Adventures: The Tome of the Black Heart from Maure Castle, the Black Blade of Aknar Ratalla from The Tomb of Aknar Taralla, The Obsidian Eye from an adventure in Dungeon #120, and the Dread Forge from the Demogorgan-worshipping Troglodytes in a Dungeon magazine with Demogorgan on the cover. Unfortunately, I cannot find what adventure the Bindings of Erivatius was in.

Talion09 |

... Unfortunately, I cannot find what adventure the Bindings of Erivatius was in.
I believe the Binding of Erivatius (sp?) is from the Epic-Level Quicksilver Hourglass adventure. Now I don't have my collection at hand to doublecheck, but I believe the issue was in the early-mid 120's.

Raphael the Rafu |

Let me hijack the topic...
Those references in the adventure ought to be cool for players who've played through at least some or them, or who read Dungeon magazine. My players belong to neither category.
I'm about to start running the AoW adventure path, and it's going our very first Greyahawk campaign (our previous ones having being set on different worlds); what would you advise changing the references in Spire of Long Shadows to?

Wayland Smith |

Let me hijack the topic...
Those references in the adventure ought to be cool for players who've played through at least some or them, or who read Dungeon magazine. My players belong to neither category.
I'm about to start running the AoW adventure path, and it's going our very first Greyahawk campaign (our previous ones having being set on different worlds); what would you advise changing the references in Spire of Long Shadows to?
Are YOU familiar with the adventures? If so, then just give them information if they ask about the omens.
At the end, it is just "color", and reveals some of the mythos and mysterious things that have happened before... Gives the AP a bit of dynamisism (is that a word?)
But, if you want, reference events from your own campaign, or some of the "iconic" greyhawk adventures - "The queen of fungus will arise and be buried in her own temple" - Temple of Elemental Evil, "A party will confront the Queen of Spiders in her home of the Abyss" - Vault of the Demonweb Pits, "A dead lich with arise again in his tomb" - Tomb of Horrors, etc...
Even if your players never played in Greyhawk before, they SHOULD know about those adventures at least...

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I'm running my characters through Eberron as well, these are my thoughts for possible prophesies(sp?):
The child of fortunes shall speak for those long gone. (Jaela Daran assumes the role of the Keeper of the Flame in Thrane)
The race without freedom shall be given it, yet give themselves back to servitude. (Warforged are given their rights as citizens but start following the Lord of Blades)
The clear spire shall rain down upon the knife. (The Glass Tower of Sharn is destroyed by sabotuers and much goes into the Dagger)
A single stone shall send the frozen lands into madness. (The Madstone in Karrnath creates havoc among the northern forest with no predictable end in sight)
A land that reached for the stars shall be brought to it's knees. (Cyre, the shining jewel of Galifar, is destroyed on the Day of Mourning, 20th Olarune 994YK)
Tell me what you think, and what else I could add.