Dragon Staff Please Advise: The Legality of Creating a Dragon Index

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I'm thinking of making an index of all the Dragon issues that have 3E and 3.5e material for personal use. It would basically be an excel spreadsheet that lists the article titles from each issue (with a breif synopsis of what is in the article) and catagorizing the articles by type (fiction, ecologies, etc).

Would it be legal for me to make this available to the world at large?

Oh please let him do this.


Behold! The DragonDex!

Not quite the same thing you're describing - it has everything, not just 3.x, and it lacks descriptions. But it's pretty close.

Dark Archive Contributor

Yeah. Like Zherog said, it's already been done. I unofficially endorse the DragonDex, as I use it at least once a week as an editor of Dragon.

It is priceless.


I use it frequently too. Mostly to look at my name as an author. :D

-- John the Vain

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Zherog wrote:

I use it frequently too. Mostly to look at my name as an author. :D

-- John the Vain

Me too, but I check it frequently for a slighty different reason...

Hal the prematurely senile :)

Mike McArtor wrote:

Yeah. Like Zherog said, it's already been done. I unofficially endorse the DragonDex, as I use it at least once a week as an editor of Dragon.

It is priceless.

stuff like that is always good to hear. :) makes obsessive fellows who make lists and such feel appreciated. ;)

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